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Is Hamamatsu City known as a windy city? 2019/11/21 21:42
So I'm relocating to Hamamatsu City this month for a new full time job that pays well and while visiting there to meet with the real estate agency to sign the contract for the apartment, I noticed it was super windy and much colder than Shizuoka City because the wind's easy access inland due to the flat coastline.

I already know that the Tokai region (which includes Shizuoka prefecture) is the worst place to live in Japan with regard to pollen and having hayfever.

I'm a little worried that during the spring, the wind in Hamamatsu City is really going to be blowing all the pollen around...even more than it does here in Shizuoka City, there I'm currently living.

Does anyone on this forum work and live in Hamamatsu City or in that general area that can share some life experience and information on the subject?
by blondesurferboy  

Re: Is Hamamatsu City known as a windy city? 2019/11/22 16:16
I Love Hamamatsu. This is one of my favorite city after Fukuoka. However Tokyo is not my favorite for its crowdness.I strongly recommend hamanako 2 day pass=3360 yen
Entetsu railway 1 day pass=1000 yen
Or 1570 yen if you prefer bus and entetsu railway unlimited ride for1 day
by Kamal (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Is Hamamatsu City known as a windy city? 2019/11/22 16:58
I lived in Hamamatsu for a few months and yes it's very windy a lot of the time. But I'm heavily dosed on anti histamines all the time so am not aware if the pollen is an issue. But a lot of people I knew were sneazing often in the spring.
by Shelly (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Is Hamamatsu City known as a windy city? 2019/11/22 18:07
@Kamal Well, I will definitely check it out during my days off work.

@Shelly Yes, that is what I thought. I have anti histamines that really help with most of my symptoms, but my eyes get so itchy that I need to wear ski goggles since they completely block out the pollen. I look ridiculous but it is worth it.
by blondesurferboy rate this post as useful

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