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Places to view hydrangea in Shimane/Tottori? 2019/6/12 11:37
Is there any outdoor places to view hydrangea in Shimane or south Tottori (the areas closer to Shimane like maybe Mount Daisen area)? I know there are several gardens in Shimane but cannot find one with hydrangea. Also I wonder if hydrangea will be in bloom there this weekend, I know it will be in bloom in Kyoto/Kansai this weekend but wonder if they have the same hydrangea blooming time in Shimane/Tottori.
by Ajisai (guest)  

Re: Places to view hydrangea in Shimane/Tottori? 2019/6/12 17:07
How about Yushien?

I've been to many many lovely gardens in Japan and Yushien is right up there with the best of them.

by Saru Bob rate this post as useful

Re: Places to view hydrangea in Shimane/Tottori? 2019/6/13 09:00
Yuushien is more famous for its peonies but I'd be surprised if you didn't see some hydrangea there in June. It is an excellent place. Another option is the Tottori Flower Park, and while there's nothing I can find on hydrangea, there are many other nice flowers.

For Shimane, you could try the Shimane Hana no Sato
Hydrangea outdoors are from mid-June to early July.
Gesshoji Temple in Matsue also has some hydrangea.
by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Places to view hydrangea in Shimane/Tottori? 2019/6/13 15:49
Hydrangeas in Japanese are called Ajisai. And well there is even a Ajisai Park in Tottori:

Then there is Otsuka Ajisai Park :

Here a list of two more: click on 地図 to get a map

And this page, of you scroll down to the picture of the flower あじさい there are some more (some are the same as above)

You can search more with keywords such as 鳥取県 アジサイ (ie Tottori Prefecture Ajisai) and obviously 島根県 アジサイ (Shimane Prefecture ) if you are searching close to any specific city you can use that as well.

The results above came up with 鳥取 アジサイ ( Tottori Ajisai) ie not for the province.

If you see in your results somewhere 紫陽花 instead of アジサイor あじさい it is all the same flower called and pronounced AJISAI only that the first is in kanji , the second katakana and the third hiragana. Mostly katakana or hiragana is used to write flower and plant names, specially when they are more complicated. Here the literal translation of the kanji is pink sunshine flower :-)

Enjoy flower watching in Japan!

by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

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