Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Identify Sake 2024/4/9 18:41

My partner and I visited a Sake bar in Osaka (Sake Bar Shiki, highly recommend). My partner really loved one of the bottles we had, but I foolishly only snapped a picture of the front.

Can anyone help me identify and track down this bottle?

Thank you.
by Jakebrowno  

Re: Identify Sake 2024/4/9 19:39
Google reverse image search is your friend, and yours was very easy to find :)
-> ŠâŽè—_ ‰œ˜Z Okuroku ƒ•Ä‹áø¶‚à‚Æ (there are other resellers)

If you want this exact bottle, I recommend ordering it online instead of looking for it in person. But if you go to a shop and show them the characteristics of this sake, they can recommend something similar even if they don't have this one in stock.
by Mellye rate this post as useful

Re: Identify Sake 2024/4/9 20:01
Thank you so much!
by Jakebrowno rate this post as useful

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