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Foreigner Magazine Model? 2024/5/4 05:22
Hi! I was wondering if modeling for a magazine whilst you come from out of Japan would be legal and possible through one of those model auditions magazines hold? Specifically a magazine such as EGG, (which I have no idea if they hire models outside of those through agents which would also be great to know).

I am a High School student and I've always wanted to model, and I've seen people as young as me win those model auditions but I've never seen a foreigner. Through research I havent seen anything strictly prohibiting out of country auditions.

Would getting in by one of these be possible? Would it cover a work visa or would the child labor law not allow (or would these companies just not want a foreigner to work for them)? Thank you!!
by t (guest)  

Re: Foreigner Magazine Model? 2024/5/4 17:38
Are you visiting Japan, or do you live in Japan already on some other kind of resident status?

As far as I know, if you get paid to model, youfd need to have a proper work-permitting visa/resident status. (And modeling for glamour magazines is not a full-time job - unless that person is world-renowned already as a model - so no employer would really hire & sponsor someone for a short-term filming session.)

I knew someone (non-Japanese) who held another job in Japan (so they were on an employer-sponsored work permitting visa/resident status) but when they wanted to do some other spot jobs outside the scope of their work visa, they had to obtain a separate permit for that.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Foreigner Magazine Model? 2024/5/4 18:22
I've seen people as young as me win those model auditions but I've never seen a foreigner

Good point! Interestingly, EGG even has a link to a "Shibuya Women's International School", and yet this school seems to be designed to educate Japanese women. The only foreign-looking people in the school's website seems to be the eikaiwa teachers.

But EGG has bilingual pages in their website, and on July, 2021, Doja Cat became the first ever foreign artist to be on the cover of the magazine.

I suppose magazines like EGG try to focus on everyday teenagers you see on the streets and in classrooms. You have to admit, however, that the street culture and public schools themselves are increasingly becoming multi-cultural.

EGG's latest audition do ask for females between ages 12 to 20, excluding elementary school students but including Jr high school students and over. Meanwhile, it says nothing about nationality, and any qualified person is allowed to audition by first registering on the magazine's LINE account.

Be the (supposedly) first foreign model, granted that you have the proper status and communication ability. And, mind you, models get exposed, so publishers can't cheat by using illegal workers.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Foreigner Magazine Model? 2024/5/5 07:51
High school - so a minor. Make sure you are legally able to sign a contract. Aside from that, getting paid for work you need the correct status - that would be an Immigration issue.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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