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Mt Daisen in late November & Uradome Coast 2014/7/6 15:12

Will be visiting Tottori in late November, and came across a possible hike up Mount Daisen.

1. Is it possible to hike up Mt Daisen in late November? I've emailed Daisen Wonder about this since they list their guided tours from March-November, but have yet to get a reply.

2. Would there be snow, and heavy one at that? If so, is it completely beyond reach for a beginner (assuming there's a guide)?

3. Does anyone know any other site/package hostels that offer a guided expedition at a decent rate? Would the Daisen Info Centre have this sort of information?

4. How's the weather like near Uradome Coast in Tottori, in late November? Would there be any water activities available then, e.g. kayaking?

5.Any accommodation to be recommended? Hoping to get some nice seafood (matsugani) there.

Thank you in advance!
by chewurbrain  

Re: Mt Daisen in late November & Uradome Coast 2014/7/18 13:20
I don't have all the answers, but this site should be more helpful, I hope:

My climb was in September so there were still a lot of people (certainly not all experienced), but my sense is that there shouldn't be much snow for at least the first half of November--it's a very popular spot for autumn leaf viewing around that time of year, and some courses are easier than others. Probably too cold for water activities in November, though!
by Buri0110 rate this post as useful

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