Home - April 27, 2002

The Yaezakura Flowering Season is now in progress. Beside the numerous Kanzan trees, also less numerous Ukon, Shogetsu and Shirofugen trees have started to flower.

16th Avenue, between MacDonald and Blenheim Street
27 April 2002

The Ukon trees in the median of 16th Avenue have already reached full bloom. They are slightly ahead of the flowering schedule of the Kanzan trees (on the right edge of the picture) ornamenting the sides of 16th Avenue.

16th Avenue, between MacDonald and Blenheim Street
27 April 2002

The Ukon trees in the median of 16th Avenue have already reached full bloom.

Lost Lagoon
27 April 2002

The Shirotae trees at Lost Lagoon have passed their flowering peak.

Lost Lagoon
27 April 2002

The Shirotae trees at Lost Lagoon have passed their flowering peak.

English Bay - Beach Avenue
27 April 2002

Flowering Takasago Cherry at Beach Avenue.

English Bay
27 April 2002

The three Shirofugen trees on the picture are about to start opening their blossoms.

English Bay
27 April 2002

The Shirofugen trees are about to start opening their blossoms.

Granville Island
27 April 2002

Flowering Kanzan trees at the eastern end of Granville Island.

Creekside Park
27 April 2002

A Shogetsu tree (right) and a row of flowering Kanzan trees (left) next to the small park close to Granville Island.

Creekside Park
27 April 2002

This Shogetsu tree has just started to open its beautiful blossoms.

Creekside Park
27 April 2002

This Shogetsu tree has just started to open its beautiful blossoms.

False Creek - Charleson Park
27 April 2002

This Shirofugen tree in Charleson Park is just about to open its first blossoms.

False Creek - Charleson Park
27 April 2002

This Shirofugen tree in Charleson Park is just about to open its first blossoms.

Kitsilano - Yew Street
27 April 2002

Yew Street is ornamented with Kanzan Street for ten consecutive blocks between Cornwall Avenue and Broadway. The trees are quickly approaching full bloom.

Kitsilano - Yew Street
27 April 2002

Yew Street is ornamented with Kanzan Street for ten consecutive blocks between Cornwall Avenue and Broadway. The trees are quickly approaching full bloom.