Japanese phone numbers typically take the form (012)-345-6789. The numbers in parentheses are the area code which can vary in length from two to six digits; however, the phone number always has ten digits regardless of the area code's length. Mobile phone numbers start with 090, 080 or 070 and consist of eleven digits, e.g. 090-1234-5678.

How to dial direct

Within Japan

Dial the number as it is. If you are calling from a landline to another landline in the same area, you may omit the area code, but it is not necessary.

From Japan to abroad

  1. Dial the international dialing access code (010).
  2. Dial the country code of the country you are calling.
  3. If the number starts with a 0, drop the leading 0 and dial everything else.

For example, to call the US number (123) 456-7890, dial 010+1+123-456-7890. Note that this method will work from any Japanese phone; however it tends to be an expensive way to make an international call.

From abroad to Japan

  1. Dial the international dialing access code (depends on the country, typically 00, 011 or 0011)
  2. Dial Japan's country code (81).
  3. If the number starts with a 0, drop the leading 0 and dial everything else.

For example, to call the Japanese number (012)-345-6789 from the US, dial 011+81+12-345-6789. Or to call the Japanese mobile phone number 090-1234-5678 from Australia, dial 0011+81+90-1234-5678. Again, direct dialing tends to be an expensive way to make an international call.