Ryozenji Temple (—ìŽRŽ›, Ryōzenji) is the first temple along the Shikoku Pilgrimage, a journey to 88 temples on Shikoku that are associated with Kobo Daishi, the founder of Shingon Buddhism. The pilgrimage, which takes about two months on foot, completely circumnavigates Shikoku, traversing all four prefectures on the island.

Many pilgrims begin and end their journey outside of Shikoku with a visit to Koyasan, the headquarters of Shingon Buddhism and site of Kobo Daishi's "eternal meditation". Among the pilgrimage's 88 temples, Ryozenji lies closest to Koyasan, and therefore serves as the start and end point on Shikoku. As such it sells white robes, woven hats, walking sticks and other supplies that pilgrims may require.

Getting there and around

By train

Take a train from Naruto Station to Ikenotani Station and transfer to another train to Bando Station. The entire one way trip takes between 30 and 45 minutes, costs 260 yen and is covered by the Japan Rail Pass. There is about one connection per hour. From Bando Station, the temple can be reached in a ten minute walk.

By local bus

Buses between Naruto Station and Itano Station (Oasa Line) stop at Ryozenji along the way. Get off at Ryozenji-mae bus stop. The one way trip from Naruto Station takes about 30 minutes and costs 340 yen. Buses operate only once every two hours.

How to get to and around Naruto

Hours and Fees




Experiences around Naruto

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