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Natsu Basho 2001 - Day 12
Asanodachi defeats Sumio 7 - 6.
Takanohana Musashimaru Musoyama Dejima Tochiazuma Kotomitsuki Wakanosato Otsukasa Akinoshima KyokushuzanComment: Hmmm... Sumio's picking well this bash, so I should take some chances. On the other hand, I've been wrong a lot taking chances this bash, so I guess I'll play it fairly safe...
Musashimaru Chiyotaikai Takanohana Tochinonada Kotomitsuki Dejima Tochisakae Toki Tokitsuumi OtsukasaComment: This is rapidly becoming a crisis - I must stop this losing streak, and at the same time avenge my loss to Asanodachi-zeki from the last tournament!
Previous bouts:
Asanodachi - Sumio
Total Bouts:
1 - 0
7 - 7
Haru 2001
7 - 7
Hatsu 2001
Kyushu 2000
Aki 2000
Nagoya 2000
Natsu 2000
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