Kaio Kotomitsuki Musoyama Chiyotaikai Asashoryu Tochiazuma Tamakasuga Tosanoumi Kitazakura TochinonadaComment: With the most difficult opponents coming up (like today), my goal has become to win at least one more shiroboshi in the tournament :-(
Nagoya Basho and Tour de France at the same time is just too much to allow for full concentration in the Sumo Game.
Tochiazuma Kaio Chiyotaikai Musashimaru Oginishiki Musoyama Kotomitsuki Tosanoumi Otsukasa KotoryuComment: My number eight to ten picks are bad guesses this basho (8:6-4, 9:4-6, 10:6-4). It's no wonder I'm only 6-4 so far. But Takanotaki's fate is much worse as he will have to leave the cosy Sekiwake place... Good luck to this game's creator.