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Aki Basho 2002 - Day 12
Taoshima defeats Marushiki 6 - 5.
Musashimaru Takanohana Kaio Chiyotaikai Takanonami Tosanoumi Aminishiki Hokutoriki Takanowaka TamakasugaComment: Very interesting bout between Chiyotaikai and Kotomtsuki, both the same age, same weight, same result (as far) will the ozeki or the maegashira win. To my opponent, good luck.
Musashimaru Tochiazuma Musoyama Kasuganishiki Tokitsuumi Aminishiki Takanohana Dejima Ushiomaru KotoryuComment: here we go
Previous bouts:
This is the first bout between Taoshima and Marushiki.
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