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Haru Basho 2004 - Day 2
Remonishiki defeats Fujisan 7 - 6.
Asashoryu Kaio Wakanosato Kotomitsuki Chiyotaikai Kokkai Takamisakari Toki Asasekiryu Ushiomaru
Asashoryu Chiyotaikai Kaio Tochiazuma Wakanosato Toki Kokkai Buyuzan Kotonowaka KotomitsukiComment: 12 wins last basho was not bad but still failed to get the perfect 10 I wanted-This time I will have wins in double figures,score 2 perfect 10's,win the yusho and turn water into wine to celebrate.
Fujisan-The Wolf.
Previous bouts:
This is the first bout between Remonishiki and Fujisan.
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