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Hatsu Basho 2012 - Day 11
Both wrestlers scored 7 points, but Ganzohnesushi wins the bout due to the higher placed winner (Tochiozan in position 3).
Goeido Kotoshogiku Tochiozan Hakuho Kakuryu Sagatsukasa Sadanofuji Baruto Toyonoshima ChiyonokuniComment: Good luck, Klaus. If I win, I will of course pay the next "Halbe". Prost!
Hakuho Goeido Sagatsukasa Tochiozan Kotoshogiku Sadanofuji Miyabiyama Toyonoshima Tokitenku Yoshikaze
Previous bouts:
Ganzohnesushi - Jakusotsu
Total Bouts:
1 - 1
13 - 13
Kyushu 2011
Aki 2011
Nagoya 2011
Natsu 2011
Haru 2011
Hatsu 2011
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