Kyushu Basho 2004 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho: | M9 Marionohana (12-3; 107 points) | Juryo Yusho: | J3 Heikotoriki (12-3; 102 points) | Makushita Yusho: | m44 Yokotanoharry (12-3; 110 points) | Gino-sho: | M1 Doitsuyama (8-7; 109 points) | Kanto-sho: | M9 Marinohana (12-3; 107 points) M16 Musashiyama (11-4; 107 points) | Shukun-sho: | not awarded |
by Takanotaki, 2004/11/28
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Senshuraku
Yet another Kyushu tournament becomes history. In the real world, Yokozuna Asashoryu achieved greatness today by winning 5 tournaments in one year. Only Yokozuna's Kitanoumi and Chiyonofuji have also accomplished the task since the Sumo Association began having six tournaments a year. Shukun-sho went to Hakuho, Kanto-sho to Kotooshu and Gino-sho to Wakanosato. | In Sumo Game, WM9 Mariohana won the Makuuchi title after EM16 Musahsiyama lost today to WM11 Sumio. The Juryo title had been decided yesterday, but EJ3 Heikotoriki added icing to the cake by defeating his opponent today and finishing with a strong 12-3 record. In Makushita, Em9 Golynohana and Wm44 Yokotanoharry each finished with an impressive 12-3 mark, but Yokotanoharry picks up the Yusho on total points (110-106). | Thanks for participating. See you next year!
by Nushuzan, 2004/11/28
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 14
Another exciting day in the Sumo Game! | In Makuuchi, Mariohana lost and Musashiyama won, so both players are tied with 11 wins. Feginowaka has an outside chance, but it is now down to these two players. | In Juryo, Heikotoriki lost, but still wrapped up the yusho as Remonishiki lost. Congratulations! | In Makushita, Yokotanoharry lost and is now in a 4-way tie for the lead. Another 7 players just one win back. This race is truly going down to the wire!
by Kishbono, 2004/11/28
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 13
Today both Ozeki Kintamayama and Takahike won today which means they have secured their kachikoshi for this tournament and have removed the kadoban stain from their records. Ozeki candidate Rannohana still has an outside shot for promotion if he wins the next two days, however the Sumo Game Deliberation Council has stated that 12 wins would most likely be the magic number for promotion. We should know in a the next day or two whether this is a moot point or not. | The leaderboard in Makuuchi tightened up today with a loss by Mariohana. He still has a one match lead over his rivals Feginowaka and Musashiyama. In Juryo, Heikotoriki continues to dominate with a very commanding two match lead over Remonishiki. If Heikotoriki can win, either on day 14 or on the final day, he will have statisically eliminated all other contenders. In Makushita, Yokotanoharry has established himself as the sole leader going into the final weekend of the Kyushu Tournament.
by Nushuzan, 2004/11/26
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 12
We are No.1! | Kaio lost, Hakuho lost, Kotomitsuki lost. 8 out of the 10 most selected wrestlers lost for an average of 2.97! This is the worst average in Sumo Game history. If Asashoryu lost, it would have been a total disaster. | In the Makuuchi, Mariohana squeaked by Boltono, while Musashiyama barely lost to Harunochiba. This means Mariohana has a one win lead over Musashiyama while Feginowaka is 3rd with 9 wins. While those with 8wins still have an outside change, the Makuuchi yusho is basically down to these 3 players. | In Juryo, Heikotoriki won and opened a 2 win lead over Getayukata, Remonishiki, and Terosan. | In Makushita, Andonoryu lost to Ryogori and Yokotanoharry beat Kitahayate. Now Yokotanoharry is the sole leader in Makushita but Andonoryu and Pastanoyama are hot on his heels.
by Kishbono, 2004/11/25
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 11
With several big upsets in the Kyushu tournament on day 11, including Hakuho's stunning victory over the Yokozuna Asashoryu, scoring was low today. | In Makuuchi, WM9 Mariohana and EM16 remain co-leaders at 10-1 and have given themselves a two match cushion from the rest of the field. In Juryo, sole leader EJ3 Heikotoriki also has begun to distance himself from the competition and now has a two match lead over a pack of five other wrestlers. In Makushita, Em10 Andonoryu and Wm44 Yokotanoharry are sharing the lead with a 10-1 record.
by Nushuzan, 2004/11/24
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 10
With Kaio and Roho being upset on Day 10, the overall average dropped to 6.41 | In Makuuchi, Mariohana and Musashiyama won to keep their lead at 9-1. Rannohana and Feginowaka are keeping up at 8-2. | In Juryo, Heikotoriki won to and retained the sole lead. But Sashimaru and Asafan is close on his heels! | In Makushita, Andonoryu, the last undefeated player, lost and is tied with Pastanoyama and Yokotanoharry for the lead.
by Kishbono, 2004/11/23
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 9
Can you believe it? We have yet another day of torrid scoring with the overall average at 8.05. This has been an amazing run. However, picks should become more difficult in the next few days, so enjoy it while you can. | In the top division today, both WM9 Mariohana and WM16 won today to secure their kachikoshi and remain co-leaders with one loss. They are followed closely by three wrestlers with two losses each. W Ozeki Takahike is one win away from removing the kadoban label from his record. | In Juryo, EJ9 Sashimaru dropped a match today to give EJ3 Heikotoriki the sole lead at 7-2, and in Makushita, Em10 Andonoryu contines to be the only undefeated rikishi after 9 days to remain in the top spot.
by Nushuzan, 2004/11/23
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Nakabi
Nakabi became the 7th highest scoring day in Sumo game history with its 7.97 average. If Kotomitsuki was not upset by Kakizoe (the torikumi was disputed the first time around, with Kakizoe's mage touching the ground at the same time Kotomitsuki's arm hit the ground. In the torinaoshi, Kakizoe easily pushed Kotomitsuki out) this day could have been one of the top 3. | Makuuchi is incredible. No one scored lower than 8 points. This is truly a tough division! | In Juyro, Sashimaru won to share the lead with Heikotoriki. | The Basho is half over, but its still anyone's game!
by Kishbono, 2004/11/21
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 7
On day 7 we saw some very hot scoring in all divisions. The 7.99 average ranks as the sixth best in Sumo Game history. No less than 13 people had a perfect score of 10. Not bad considering the retirement of Ozeki Musoyama and the Kyujo of Ozeki Tochiazuma made todays picks more difficult than usual for the first week of action. | As for today's results, Ozeki candidate Rannohana kept his dreams of promotion alive by going up to 6-1. Also at 6-1 are WM9 Mariohana and EM16 Musahsiyama. Kadoban Ozeki Kintamayama dropped his fourth match today and is going to have to rally in the second week if he is to keep his rank. | In Juryo, EJ3 Heikotoriki becomes the sole leader after WJ3 Getayukata lost to WJ12 Asafan in a close battle that was typical of today's high scoring. Wm10 Andonoryu is the only undefeated wrestler in Sumo Game and is alone atop the leader board in the Makushita division.
by Nushuzan, 2004/11/20
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 6
Tochiazuma announced his kyujyo about one hour before the deadline of the Sumo Game. As a result, or just the fact that Tochiazuma was not at the top of his game this basho, 43% of the players picked his opponent Kotomitsuki. | With 8 out of the 10 most popular winning, the scoring was quite high. (6.66 overall) | Maegashira Leonishiki and Oshirokita both lost and were unable to keep up with the 4 players currently leading the Makuuchi division. | In the Juryo Division Shitsu finally won to get his first win. | In Makushita, Andonoryu, Yokotanoharry, and Gonzaburo won to keep their perfect records. | Good luck!
by Kishbono, 2004/11/20
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 5
With losses from both WM14 Tenkuukaikatsu and EM13 Leonishiki, EM10 Feginowaka has become the sole leader of the Makunouchi division with a perfect 5-0. Former E Ozeki Feginowaka is no stranger to being on top of the leader board as he already has one top division Yusho and 4 Jun Yusho in his career. It should also be pointed out that Feginowaka is one of the original members (Kyushu 2000) of Sumo Game. Time will tell if he can continue his winning ways. | In Juryo, five wrestlers are tied with one loss including EJ3 Heikotoriki and WJ3 Getayukata. In Makushita we have Andonoryu, Yokotanoharry and Gonzaburo that have survived the carnage of the first third of the Kyushu tournament to remain perfect.
by Nushuzan, 2004/11/19
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 4
Scoring remained high (7.73 average) on Day 4. A whopping 15 wrestlers made perfect scores! | Kintamayama-Kaikitsune match (9-10) Shakagatake-Zenjimoto (10-9)in Makunouchi and Tzutzyama-Golynohana (9-10) in Makushita were great matches, but Gonzaburo-Mishu was an epic! Both players scored a perfect 10. The difference was Gonzaburo had Hakuo in the first position and Mishu had Asashoryu. | Strategy like this makes the Sumo Game really fun, dont you think? | On a more serious note, Ozeki Musoyama announced his retirement. I remember when he burst onto the Makuuchi scene the same year that he started in Makushita. It only took him 7 tournaments to get to Sekiwake! He finished with a record of 520 wins 366 losses 122 rest. He had 1 yuusho, 5 Shukunsho, 4 Kantosho, 4 Ginosho, and 2 Kinboshi. | Best of luck to Musoyama!
by Kishbono, 2004/11/18
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 3
Scoring picked up on day 3 (7.42 average) with four wrestlers, including East Ozeki Kintamayama, notching a perfect score. In the top division 7 wrestlers are tied for the top spot. In Juryo, things are starting to thin out a bit with EJ4 Takanorappa, EJ13 Terosan and EJ14 Ramanohana still perfect after 3 days. In Makushita, we still have a 13 wrestlers at the top. The tournament leaders should become more apparent in the coming days as many of the co-leaders begin to face each other in the mid-stages of the tournament.
by Nushuzan, 2004/11/17
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 2
Day 2 was a bit better than Day 1. | Overall the scoring average was 5.95 with the Sanyaku doing a bit better (6.33) than the rest. | No perfect scores yet, but W Maegashira 16 Oshirokita came close with 9. | A whopping 15 wrestlers tied for the lowest score of 4. | But the game has just started. There still is a long way to go!
by Kishbono, 2004/11/16
Kyushu Basho 2004 - Day 1
Welcome to the 2004 Kyushu Basho. We have a record number of Sumo Game participants at 168, so this tournament promises to be exciting. Due mainly to losses of 4 of the top 10 most selected Rikishi, day one average score was a very bland 5.22. Both Ozeki's won today which is important since both are kadoban this tournament and need at least 8 wins to retain their rank. Also winning today was last tournament's Makunouchi champion E Sekiwake Rannohana. Rannohana has an outside chance at promotion to Ozeki if he wins 11 or 12 matches this time around. | In Juryo, it is too early to tell who the favorites are. In Makushita, 53 wrestlers are tied for the lead followed closely by 53 others at one loss each. | Good luck and have fun!
by Nushuzan, 2004/11/14
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