Nagoya Basho 2005 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho: | Ozeki Doitsuyama (11-4; 106 points) | Juryo Yusho: | J14 Norizo (10-5; 105 points) | Makushita Yusho: | m36 Tsurugame (13-2; 103 points) | Gino-sho: | M13 Boltono (11-4; 106 points) | Kanto-sho: | M13 Boltono (11-4; 106 points) | Shukun-sho: | M7 Sashimaru (10-5; 100 points) |
by Takanotaki, 2005/7/25
Nagoya Basho 2005 -Senshuraku
With the final day of the Nagoya Basho completed we can now sift through all of the tie breakers to find out our winners for each of the divisions. | In Makuuchi, WM13 Boltono(11-4) won a head to had match against EM7 Sashimaru(10-5) which allowed him a decent shot at the yusho depending on the winner of the Kintamayama-Doitsuyama match. The Ozeki upset the Yokozuna to up his record to 11-4. Both Doitsuyama and Boltono finished with the same number of wins and exactly the same number of points at 106. Since they did not meet each other in a direct bout, we have to drop to the third tie break rule for a yusho decision: the number of days with 8 or more points. During the tournament, Doitsuyama had a total of six days with 8 or more points and Boltono had a total of five, thus giving the yusho to Doitsuyama. This sets up a very interesting scenero for the Aki Basho: since Yokozuna Kintamaya failed to record a kachikoshi this tournament he will be demoted to Ozeki but has a chance to regain his rank if he can win at least 10 bouts next time. Doitsuyama now has a decent shot of a Yokozuna promotion after the Aki basho if he can win 11 or more bouts. | In Juryo, long time sole leader WJ10 Andonoryu dropped his final match of the tournament to fall into a four way play off with WJ7 Ulsimitsuki, WJ8 Andoreasu and WJ14 Norizo. All wrestlers posted a 10-5 record, however, Norizo wins the yusho on total points with 105. | In Makushita, Em36 Tsurugame and Em63 Hashira had a direct match with yusho implications. In the end, Tsurugame was victorious claiming the yusho with a 13-2 record.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/25
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 14
With one more day remaining in the Nagoya Basho, things have tightened up considerably in the Makuuchi division. East Ozeki Doitsuyama lost today and now finds himself in a three way tie with EM7 Sashimaru and WM13 Boltono. Since Doituyama and already met Sashimaru earlier in the tournament it is likely that Doitsuyama would meet Boltono in a head to head match on day 15 with Sashimaru facing a tougher opponent. Naturally it would all depend on how the torikumi for senshuraku works out. | Yokozuna Kintamyama won again today and is now 7-7 for the tournament. A kachikoshi today and he will retain his rank for the fall tournament. | In Juryo, WJ10 Andonoryu has fate in his own hands. If he wins on the final day the yusho would be his without any playoff scenerios. But if he loses there are no less than five other possible contenders for the title. | In Makushita, Em36 Tsurugame and Em63 Hashira are still co-leaders at 12-2 with a very likely head-to-head matchup in store for the final day. Again, it all depends on the final days bouts.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/24
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 13
As we head into the final weekend of the 2005 Nagoya Basho two of the three divisions are have started to have a clearer picture of some likely senshuraku scenerios. | In Makuuchi East Ozeki Doitsuyama is now the sole leader with a 10-3 record after posting a perfect 10 for the day. He is followed by group of four at 9-4. Yokozuna Kintamayama won today keeping his kachikoshi hopes alive for the tournament.. | In Juryo, WJ10 Andonoryu (10-3) continues to have a one match lead over a group of three others including WJ3 Oshirokita, WJ12 Kaiwaka and WJ14 Norizo. In Makushita, Em16 Ryogori, Em36 Tsurugame, Em62 Tsuyoikaze and Em63 Hashira all won today to up their record to 11-2 and remain in a fierce battle. Day 14 will pit Tsuyoikaze and Hashira in a head to head match with the winner in an excellent position for the yusho.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/23
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 12
With four of the top five most selecting rikishi losing today overall scoring was only 3.96. It was bad enough to rank 8th on the all time lowest scoring days for Sumo Game history and bumping the scores from day 8 (4.02) to 9th on the list. | In Makuuchi today, both East Ozeki Doitsuyama and WM14 Nushuzan lost today and remain tied for the lead at 9-3. WM11 Konosato failed to gain ground on the leaders and now finds himself in the middle of a pack of four wrestlers at 8-4. Yokozuna Kintamayama lost again today and now has a 5-7 record going into the final three days of the Nagoya Basho. He must win his remaining bouts or be demoted to Ozeki for the Aki Basho. | With a victory by WJ10 Andonoryu and a loss by WJ12 Kaiowaka, Andonoryu finds himself as sole leader in the Juryo division at 9-3. In Makushita, both co-leaders Em16 Ryogori and Em63 Hashira were upset on day 12 and now are in a tie with Wm9 Asafan, Em36 Tsurugame and Em62 Tsuyoikaze at 10-2
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/22
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 11
Scoring for day 11 of the Nagoya Basho was an average 6.37, with the upset loss of Yokozuna Asashoryu to Kokkai and the no contest between Futeno and Roho canceling each other out in the points catagory. The good news about the second upset loss to Asashoryu is that for first time in several bashos day 15 might actually important for the Yusho decision. | In Sumo Game action, East Ozeki Doitsuyama and WM14 Nushuzan remain co-leaders at 9-2 for the Makuuchi title, with WM11 Konosato one match behind at 8-3. In Juryo after day 11, WJ10 Andonoryu and WJ12 Kaiowaka have a slim one match lead at 8-3 over a group six others should they faulter down the home stretch. In Makushita, both Em16 Ryoori and Em63 Hashira have posted a 10-1 records to remain as co-leaders.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/21
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 10
As we approach the final third of the Nagoya Basho, this tournament seems more like a Battle Royale than a Sumo contest: last man standing. With the kyujo of several top rikishi since the start of the tournament, picks are getting harder to decide on as the days wind down. Today's scoring was a low 5.81 with a near perfect bell shape curve in the three win to nine win range. | In Makuuchi, long time sole leader WM14 Nushuzan was defeated by WM4 Nemosima (6-4) to fall into a tie with East Ozeki Doitsuyama. Doitsuyama picked up his kachikoshi today with a victory over WM1 Mariohana. Yokozuna Kintamayama won his 4th match in five days to pull even at 5-5 keeping that all important 8 win mark within range. | In Juryo, WJ10 Andonoryu lost today but still has a one match lead after WJ12 Kaiowaka failed to pick up ground. Andonoryu is now 8-2 with Kaiowaka, EJ3 Shakagatake and WJ6 Fujisan all at 7-3. | In Makushita, Em16 Ryogori, Em36 Tsurugame and Em63 Hashira co-leaders with a 9-1 mark.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/20
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 9
Day 9 of the Nagoya Basho saw overall scoring at a mere 6.40 which is surprising since the kyujo of both Chiotaikai and Hakuho allowed for a couple of easy picks for the day. | In Makuuchi, WM14 remains the sole leader at 8-1 with East Ozeki Doitsuyama one match off the pace at 7-2. Yokozuna Kintamayama won today and is still below .500 at 4-5, however, he has won three of his last four matches so hopefully his luck is beginning to change at just the right moment. | In Juryo, WJ10 got his kachikoshi today and is sitting on the top spot at 8-1 followed closely behind by WJ12 Kaiowaka at 7-2. In Makushita, 4 wrestlers tied for the lead at 8-1 with Em36 Tsurugame still holding a narrow advantage in total points over his nearest rivals.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/19
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Nakabi
As the Nagoya Basho heads into the final week it appears that Asashoryu isn't unbeatable after all. Komusumbi Kotooshu pulled off an amazing upset victory today over the Yokozuna for only his second defeat of 2005. As a result of this loss, as well as four of the top five chosen rikishi losing, overall scoring was an abysmal 4.02, 8th lowest all-time. It was quite a turn around from day 7 where overall scoring was a stellar 7.88 and good enough to be the 13th highest scoring day in Sumo Game history. | As for the Sumo Game yusho hunt at Nakabi, WM14 Nushuzan is the sole Makuuchi leader with a 7-1 record followed by recently promoted Ozeki Doitsuyama and WM11 Konosato at 6-2. Tomorrow Nushuzan will meet Konosato in a match that could be important in deciding the yusho. | In Juryo, WJ10 Andonoryu and WJ12 Kaiowaka are co-leaders at 7-1. In Makushita, Em16 Ryogori, Wm18 Sekihiryu, Em36 Tsurugame and Em63 Hashira are tied for the lead at 7-1, with Tsurugame holding a slight lead in total points at 56.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/18
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 6
With day 6 action now completed, a clearer picture is beginning to emerge with the Nagoya Basho. Asashoryu is out to prove that he is serious when he said his goal for 2005 was winning all 6 tournaments, a goal that has never been accomplished in modern Sumo. Judging by the fact that 99% of all Sumo Game participants chose him, and most of them put him as the first choice for the day's picks, it appears that the consensus is that he is unbeatable. As a result of such confidence, it seems that Sumo Game has only a nine pick window to work with. This makes for some very intense competition in the remaining days. | In Makuuchi after six days, WM4 Nemosima, WM11 Konosato and WM14 Nushuzan are sitting on top of the leader board at 5-1. In Juryo, there is a four way tie with WJ8 Andoreasu and WJ12 Kaiowaka ahead in total points. In Makushita, Em16 Ryogori and Em36 Tsurugame remain the only two undefeated wrestlers in all divisions with a 6-0 record.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/16
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 5
With the day 5 upset losses to Sanyaku rikishi Tochiazuma, Chiotaikai and Kotomitsuki overall scoring was a low 5.94. | In Makuuchi, leader EM1 Yumezukuri lost today to West Komusubi Ekigozan giving both wrestlers a 4-1 record and in a tie with 5 others with the same mark. | In Juryo, six people are 4-1, including former Ozeki Shakagatake who hopes to return to the top division next tournament. In Makushita, Em16 Ryogori, Wm18 Sekihiryu and Em36 Tsurugame are still perfect at 5-0.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/15
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 4
Day 4 of the Nagoya Basho saw a major shake up of the leader board in two of the three divisions. | In Makuuchi, EM1 Yumezukuri slipped into sole lead at 4-0 as all other undefeated wrestlers dropped their first match of the tournament. Yokozuna Kintamayama finally won his first match but still has a difficult challenge in the remaining days. | In Juryo, both early leaders WJ12 Kaiowaka and W14 Norizo lost today and are now in a six way tie with a 3-1 record. In Makushita, the field has thinned out somewhat with 7 wrestler still perfect at 4-0.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/14
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 3
After three days, scores for the Nagoya basho are quite high. The overall average so far this tournament is a strong 7.03, with five wrestlers notching a perfect 10. | In Makuuchi, six wrestlers are still perfect at 3-0 including E Komusubi Rannohana and W Komusubi Ekigozan. Yokozuna Kintamayama is still stuggling this tournament and has yet to get into the win column. In Juryo, WJ12 Kaiowaka and W14 Norizo are on top of the leaderboard at 3-0. As can be expected Makushita has not yet settled into a clear picture with 16 still holding on to the top spot.
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/13
Nagoya Basho 2005 - Day 2
Welcome to the Nagoya Basho 2005. So far, this tournament can be summarized in one word: kyujo. A total of ten participants in Makuuchi including E Sekiwake Takahike and W Sekiwake Gaijingai have gone kyujo. As a result, this tournament will see a total number of participants at 164. All is not lost, however, as the Nagoya Basho usually sees a drop in numbers as the 'dog days of summer' sets in. One major story worth mentioning at this point is Yokozuna Kintamayama. With a 7-8 record in the Haru Basho and 5-10 record in the Natsu Basho, Kintamayama needs to pick up a kachikoshi this tournament or risk being demoted to Ozeki. After two days, Kinatamyama has yet to get his first win so he will really need to regroup before it's too late. One other note worth mentioning is that former Ozeki Doitsuyama has returned to Sumo Games second highest rank this tournament after a two year absence. | Good luck to all and have fun!
by Nushuzan, 2005/7/12
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