Kyushu Basho 2006 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho: | M5 Norizo (12-3; 116 points) | Juryo Yusho: | J6 Mimawari (10-5; 114 points) | Makushita Yusho: | m77 Rupatengu (14-1; 105 points) | Gino-sho: | K Yumezukuri (8-7; 116 points) M5 Norizo (12-3; 116 points) M11 Kaiowaka (11-4; 116 points) | Kanto-sho: | M9 Konosato (12-3; 110 points) M11 Kaiowaka (11-4; 116 points) | Shukun-sho: | not awarded |
by Takanotaki, 2006/11/28
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 15
The final tournament of 2006 is now in the books and the winners have been decided. In Makunouchi, EM5 Norizo picks up his second yusho in three tournaments and will likely get a boost the ranks for the January tournament. Both Norizo and WM9 Konosato finished the Kyushu Basho with a 12-3 record, however, Norizo picked up the yusho based on 116 total points to Konosato's 110. Norizo also received a Ginosho for his fantastic effort while Konosato won the Kantosho as did EM11 Kaiowaka. Kaiowaka who finished the tournament with an 11-4 mark was also the recipient of a Ginosho. | In Juryo, it came down to a five way playoff on senshuraku with WJ6 Mimawari finishing the Kyushu Basho with a 10-5 mark and winning the yusho based on points totaling 114. | In Makushita, Em77 Rupatenku in only his first tournament won the title in that division. He finished with and outstanding 14-1 record and will hopefully shoot up through the ranks in rapid time. | We hope you've had a good 2006, or at least put yourself in a position to build upon in 2007. Have a safe and happy holiday and we hope to see you all back in January for the Hatsu Basho!
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/28
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 14
With one more day of the Kyushu Basho 2006 the yusho is up for grabs in all three divisions. In Makunouchi, it is a three way race among EM5 Norizo, WM9 Konosato and EM11 Kaiowaka. Due to a day three match-up between Norizo and Konosato in which Norizo was victorious a yusho deciding senshuraku bout is not possible. Thus, if one wrestler should win on the final day and the other should lose against their opponent, then they would win the yusho outright, if the both should win then total points will be the deciding factor. At this point, Norizo has a huge point advantage with 107 to Konosato's 100. However, if both should lose and Kaiowaka, who is one match off the pace, should win, then Kaiowaka would join a yusho deciding tie break with the other two. Kaiowaka is now sitting on 108 points. | The Juryo division after 14 days is a total free-for-all with nine wrestlers tied with 9 wins. Obviously, tie break rules will be in order as four or more yusho hopefuls likely to pick up win number 10 on the final day. Looking at the points in this division, EJ7 Kotononami is in the best shape with 107. He followed closely behind by WJ6 Mimawari at 105 and EJ11 Aobanoniji at 104. Those with the most ground to make up are WJ7 Fuseigou at 98 and EJ10 Ketsukai at 100. | In Makushita, a most likely senshuraku torikumi would pit co-leaders Wm27 Kaiwashiyama (13-1) against EM77 Rupatenku (13-1) in a winner take all match. However, the torikumi has these two facing other opponents, then the two loss wrestlers Wm11 Kitakachiyama, Em37 Kitano and Em40 Hironoumifj would also have an outside shot of a yusho.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/26
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 12
On Day 12 of the Kyushu Basho, WM9 Konosato at 10-2 becomes the sole leader of the Makunouchi division after EM5 Norizo and WM12 Asashimaru were both upended and fell to 9-3. WM2 Gaijingai got back to his winning ways today and improved his record to 9-3 and is still in the yusho hunt. | EJ7 Kotononami lost today to fall to 8-4 in the never ending saga that has become the Juryo yusho battle. He now finds himself in a five way fight that includes EJ1 Asafan, WJ7 Fuseigou, WJ9 Kachitakai and EJ10 Ketsukai. In Makushita, both leaders Wm27 Kaiowashiyama and Em77 Rupantenku won today to improve to 11-1. One match off the pace are Wm11 Kitakachiyama, Em37 Kitano and Em40 Hironoumifj.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/24
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 11
The four way tie at the top spot of the Makunouchi was reduced to three on Day 11 as EM5 Norizo cruised to easy win over WM2 Gaijingai to up his record to 9-2. Also victorious were WM9 Konosato and WM12 Asashimaru to stay even with Norizo. Gaijingai falls to 8-3 and along with EM4 Lesoshoryu are one match off the pace. Both wrestlers are still very much in contention should the leaders falter in the coming days. Sadly to say, there will not be an Ozeki on the banzuke come January as Sekiwaki Igiski, the last of the of the trio hoping for promotion, lost today. The most wins he can get in the Kyushu Basho are 10 which would not be enough to satisfy the 31 wins in three tournaments requirement. However, with a stong finish he can still put himself in an excellent postion to try again in the new year. | In Juryo, EJ7 Kotononami got back to his winning ways on day 11 and he...wait for it...becomes the sole leader yet again. His record now stands at 8-3 and is followed by a pack 4 loss wrestlers. In Makushita, Em77 Rupatenku was handed his first loss of the tournament to fall to 10-1. He is now the co-leader along with Kaiwashiyama who is riding a 7 match winning streak into day 12.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/23
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 10
After the 10th day of the Kyushu Basho 2006 overall scoring has dipped below the 7 mark for the first time to settle in at 6.99. Chosing picks are becoming more difficult with the sanyaku rikishi facing each other in head to head match ups. Also, easy picks with bouts that pitted the healthy vs. the walking wounded are becoming less frequent as the tournament begins to wind down which is helping to drive the scoring downward. | In Makunouchi after 10 days, The four way tie among WM2 Gaijingai, EM5 Norizo, WM9 Konsato and WM12 Asashimaru remains a dead heat as all participants picked up a win today. The torikumi for day 11 will pit Gaijingai against Norizo which will likely be a yusho elimination match while both Konosato and Asashimaru will face some tough sanyaku opponents in the upcoming days. | In Juryo, the on-again, off-again leader EJ7 Kotononami was off-again today dropping his last two out of three matches. This has allowed EJ1 Asafan and EJ10 Ketsukai to equal Kotononami's 7-3 record and make them co-leaders with five days remaining in the tournament. In Makushita, Em77 Rupatenku has upped his record to 10-0 while Wm27 Kaiowashiyama is close at his heels at 9-1.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/22
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 9
At the start of the second week of the Kyushu Basho 2006, scoring was off due mostly to the upset losses of Kotomitsuki and Miyabiyama who both chosen by about 70% of the Sumo Game participants. The overall average for the tournament took a beating but is still above the allusive seven point mark at 7.14. | In Makunouchi action, WM2 Gaijingai lost his second match of the basho to fall to 7-2. He is now in a four-way battle that includes EM5 Norizo, WM9 Konosato and WM12 Asashimaru. Sekiwake Igiski and Ekigozan both lost on day 9 and now must win their remaining matches if we are to have an Ozeki in the banzuke come January. | In Juryo, EJ7 Kotononami continues to scratch and claw his way to the top of the leaderboard as he is once again all alone at 7-2. One match behind him are a sizeable pack of 3 loss wrestlers. In Makushita, Em77 Rupatenku continues to dominate as he remains undefeated at 9-0. One match off the pace are Em7 Koriyama, Wm11 Kitakachiyama and Wm27 Kaiowashiyama.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/21
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Nakabi
At the mid-way point of the Kyushu Basho, the overall scoring average has consistently hovered above 7 point mark. As it stands now, we are at 7.25 for the tournament which was virtually unchanged from today's scoring of 7.24. | In Makunouchi at Nakabi, WM2 Gaijingai finds himself all alone with a 7-1 mark after co-leader WM12 Asashimaru was defeated by WM3 Andoreasu who picked up a perfect score for the day. Gaijingai, who is no stranger to the top of the leaderboard, is in search of his 4th top division yusho of his career. Of the three Ozeki candidates at the start of the tournament only two remain, however, both Sekiwake Igiski and Ekigozan must go 6-1 in the final week of the tournament if they hope to have enough wins for promotion and a head-to-head match up is most likely in the final days of the tournament. | In Juryo, leader EJ7 Kotononami was upended at Nakabi to fall to 6-2. He is now in a three-way tie with WJ6 Mimawari and WJ13 Huumi. In Makushita, newcomer Em77 Rupatneku becomes the sole leader after 8 days and is the remaining undefeated wrestler of the tournament.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/20
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Days 6 and 7
The Kyushu Basho after the first week has been very dramatic indeed. Asashoryu, the odds on favorite continues to dominate and looks set to pick up another yusho in 2006. However, the real story thus far has been the resurgence of home town hero Kaio who has looked strong with his uwatenage on the first week and everyone is hoping his back holds out long enough to be in the running for his 6th title. The 20 year old Komusubi Kisenosato is off decent start at 4-3 and will be up against the Yokozuna on Nakabi which should be an interesting highlight bout on day eight. One other interesting development after 7 days is that a total of five rikishi, including Komusubi Kokkai are facing kachikoshi, tomorrow, at the mid-way point basho. Yikes! | In Sumo Game action on day 7, WM12 Asashimaru, who lost on day 6, got back to his winning ways today and is now 6-1. He is presently the co-leader along with WM2 Gaijingai who has a four match winning streak going into Nakabi. In Juryo, EJ7 Kotononami has risen from the six way tie that started on day five to once again find himself sole leader with a 6-1 mark. He is followed closely by a pack of five others at 5-2. In Makushita, Wm5 Torideyama and newcomer Em77 Rupatenku have yet to face defeat thus far in the Kyushu Basho and are presently sitting on top the leaderboard in that division.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/18
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 5
Five days into the Kyushu Basho 2006 and scoring remains on a torrid pace. The overall scoring average continues to hang in the mid-seven mark though it is still early in the tournment and the tough picks are still ahead. | In the Makunouchi division after five days WM12 Asashimaru emerged as the sole leader after EM4 Lesoshoryu fell to EM11 Kiaowaka. Sekiwake Igiski who improved his record to 4-1 is in excellent shape for Ozeki promotion as is former Ozeki Ekigozan who won two straight to inch closer to the 10 win mark he needs this tournament to regain Sumo Game's second highest rank. | In Juryo, leader EJ7 Kotonomami who was up to the top division for the day was defeated and now finds himself in a six way tie that includes EJ1 Asafan and WJ10 Misisko who both scored a perfect 10 for the day. In Makushita, there are now eight wrestlers that continue to be undefeated at this stage of the Kyushu basho.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/17
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 4
Day 4 of the Kyushu Basho saw a slight dip in the scoring at 6.82. There were no perfect scores for the first day since the tournament started, but several wrestlers registered nine points. In Makunouchi, only EM4 Lesoshoryu and WM12 Asashimaru remain perfect at 4-0 as others on top the leaderboard dropped their first match. | In Juryo, EJ7 Kotononami is the sole leader with a 4-0 mark but will venture up to Makunouchi on day 5 for a match against WM17 Mmikasazuma. In Makushita there are still a dozen or so wrestlers that have yet to have their record tarnished with a black spot.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/16
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 3
After three days of the Kyushu Basho 2006, scoring remains very high with an overall average at 7.43. Today's average was 7.41 with very little drop in scoring through the divisions. Newcomer Wm75 Omatsu in only the third match of his career picked up a perfect 10. | In Makunouchi, Ozeki candidate Igiski remains undefeated and is in good shape thus far for the 11 wins he needs for promotion. Igiski is joined by EM4 Lesoshoryu, W12 Asashimaru, EM13 Marionoumi and EM17 Yuko at 3-0. In Juryo EJ5 Takashido, WJ6 Mimawari, EJ7 Kotononami and EJ10 Ketsukai are still perfect after 3 days. As usual, Makushita at this point has too many yusho hopefuls but things should thin in the coming days.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/15
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 2
On Day 2 we had a sudden development in the sumo world as Kyokushuzan announced his retirement because of a heart condition. It goes without saying the Kyokushuzan was a real trend setter in professional sumo. He was the first Mongolian to break into the upper division and did it with such flair and style that the sumo association once told him to tone it down and become more traditional in his techinque. His entry into Makunouchi made him an instant celebrity in his home country and encouraged other young hopefuls to make the journey to Japan to become a sumo Rikishi. Kyokushuzan compiled a Makunouchi record of 408-507-2 with two techinique prizes, two fighting spirit prizes, an outstanding performance prize and five kinboshi. | In Sumo game after two days, there is still a mad scramble for the top of the leaderboard. Overall scoring just missed a top 25 performance but was a very high 7.79, including 7 wrestlers with a perfect 10. Sekiwake Igiski picked up his second win and is off to a good start for a possible Ozeki promotion, while Sekiwake Ekigozan is hanging in there at 1-1.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/14
Kyushu Basho 2006 - Day 1
Welcome to the Kyushu Basho 2006! | This promises to be a very exciting tournament with lots of drama in store. The official Banzuke of the Sumo Association has a total of 12 Rikishi in Sanyaku including 4 Komusubi. Although Ozeki Hakuho is out with a pre-tournament injury, competition will still be tough all 15 days. Some obvious questions early on: Will anyone be powerful enough to stop Asashoryu from picking up another yusho? Will Kaio's back hold out for the tournament or will he call it a career in his home town? Will Miyabiyama put himself back in a position for a possible Ozeki promotion? Will Kisenosato finally break out of Komusubi and climb higher in the Banzuke? | As for our virtual dohyo, we have a total of 176 participants for the Kyushu Basho which is a bit off from past tournaments but we did manage to pick up six newcomers to the sport. The Banzuke this time around has one noticeable hole in it; the lack of an Ozeki. Be that as it may, there are three possible candidates for promotion next time around. First off, we have recently demoted Ekigozan who can regain his Ozeki rank with a 10 win or better mark. Both Sekiwake Igiski and Sekiwake Mariohana have a good shot of being promoted to Ozeki as well if either one of them can go 11-4 or better for the tournment since both have gone 20-10 for the last two tournaments and 11 more wins would give them the minimum number of 31 for Ozeki promotion. Good luck! | Have fun and enjoy the tournament.
by Nushuzan, 2006/11/13
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