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Hatsu Basho 2007 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M10 Ulsimitsuki (11-4; 96 points)
Juryo Yusho:J1 Mimawari (11-4; 92 points)
Makushita Yusho:m53 Rupatengu (13-2; 98 points)
Gino-sho:S Tosahayate (10-5; 99 points)
Kanto-sho:M10 Ulsimitsuki (11-4; 96 points)
M15 Romanohana (10-5; 94 points)
Shukun-sho:M10 Ulsimitsuki (11-4; 96 points)
by Takanotaki, 2007/1/22

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 15
The first basho of the New Year is offically in the books and the overall scoring average for the tournament of 5.91 ties for the fourth lowest of all time. In fact, only one player, Em12 Yokotanoharry finished with a 100+ points in a basho. The winner of the Makunouchi division was Ulsimitsuki who defeated the Yokozuna Doitsuyama on the final day in a head-to-head match. Ulsimitsuki also picked the Shukunsho and the Kantosho special prizes. EM15 Romanohana was also the recipient of the Kantosho and Sekiwake Tosahayate won the Ginosho.
In Juryo, EJ1 Mimawari was the yusho winner and will get a boost to the Makunouchi division next tournament. In Makushita, Rupantengu won his second yusho in a row and is showing great promise in Sumo Game. In the two tournaments since his arrivail, Rupantengu has compiled a fantastic 27-3 record!
Thanks for playing and we hope to see everyone back in March!
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/22

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 14
Going into the final day of the Hatsu Basho 2007 all three of the divisions of Sumo Game are wide open. In Makunouchi division, we are down to a three way race for the yusho among Yokozuna Doitsuyama, WM10 Ulsimitsuki and EM15 Romanohana. The first highlight bout of the final day will pit Doitsuyama with Ulsimitsuki in a head to head bout with the loser eliminated from the yusho hunt. The winner of that match will be very interested in the match between Romanohana-Tosahayate. If Romanohana wins, he will force a playoff, if he loses, he gets a jun-yusho and perhaps a special prize. If a playoff occurs, Doitsuyama has a healthy lead in points over the other two.
In Juyro, there are six possible contenders for the yusho with countless possible scenerios. The two in the best postion for the crown are EJ1 Mimawari and WJ5 Leonishiki who are both 10-4. Mimawari will face WJ1 Oshirokita who is one match off the pace while Leonishiki will go up against EJ6 Inakayama who has also slipped to a 9-5 mark. If either Mimawari or Leonishiki wins and the other person loses, then they will win the yusho outright. If they both win, then a playoff will determine the championship. If they both should lose, then Oshirokita and Inakayama will join a playoff that could also include WJ4 Kotononami and EJ9 Misiko if they should win on Senshuraku.
In Makushita, two members are still alive for the title: Wm 53 Rupatengu and Em12 Yokotanoharry. If Rupantengu wins on the final day then will pick up his second yusho in a row. If Rupanengu should lose, and Yokotanoharry should win then a playoff will happen in this division. Yokotanoharry has a slight edge in total points over Rupatengu, 93 to 91. Although Em61 Hinomaru is one match off the pace he would not have enough points (78 after 14 days) to equal or pass either Rupantengu or Yokotanoharry and has already been statistically eliminated from winning any playoff.
Good luck!
Oh, and by the way...Asashoryu won again!
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/20

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 13
As we approach the final weekend of the Hatsu Basho 2007, the yusho hunt in all three divisions is really starting to heat up. In Makunouchi, EM15 Romanohana is alone at the top with a 10-3 record, one match behind him are the Yokozuna Doitsuyama, Sekiwake Tosahayate, EM7 Sentoriazuma and WM10 Ulsimitsuki. In Juryo, EJ6 Inakayma was defeated on day 13 and is now in a four way tie at 9-4 along with EJ1 Mimawari, WJ4 Kotononami and WJ5 Leonishiki. In Makushita, Wm53 Rupatengu is man to catch with an 11-2 mark. He is followed closely by a pack of seven others at 10-3.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/20

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 12
After 12 days of the Hatsu Basho Sekiwake Tosahayate and EM15 Romanohana are deadlocked at the top of the Makunouchi leaderboard with a 9-3 record and have the inside track for a yusho. One loss behind the two is a group of four that include the Yokozuna Doitsuyama, WM1 Sumio, EM7 Sentoriazuma and W10 Ulsimitsuki. The torikumi for day 13 has a direct match-up between Ulsimitsuki and Sumio with the loser most likely eliminated from the chase.
In Juryo, long time sole leader EJ6 Inakayama is once again the man to beat for the yusho after EJ1 Mimawari and WJ5 Leonishiki dropped their fourth match of the tournament. Day 13 will see several highlight bouts with yusho implications as Mimawari will face EJ14 Tamanaogijima (8-4) while Inakayama will square off with WJ4 Kotononami who can, with his 8-4 record, put himself in a tie with Inakayama with a win tomorrow. One other yusho contender, EJ9 Misisko (8-4) will meet EJ8 Takashoryu who hopes to avoid a makikoshi.
In Makushita, sole leader Em37 Sokkenaiyama was upended on day 12 and is now in a four way tie with Em29 Senpai, Wm53 Rupatengu and Wm54 Koukai at 10-2.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/19

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 11
On day 11 of the Hatsu Basho, Asashoryu has become the dominate force yet again after upending Hakuho and seems destined to pick up his 20th yusho in his young career with a one match lead over his nearest competitor Toyonoshima. In today's other highlight bout Ozeki Kotooshu defeated Chiyotaikai to send them both two matches away from a shot at a yusho. At this point the real question is will Asashoryu clinch the yusho on day 14 like he usually does, or play with his prey a little bit longer before the kill.
In Makunouchi action today, both leaders Yokozuna Doitsuyama and EM15 Romanohana were defeated today to fall to an 8-3 record for the tournament. They are now joined by Sekiwake Tosahayate and WM10 Ulsimitsuki who both picked their kachikoshi on day 11 and are also at 8-3.
In Juryo, the field has finally caught up with EJ6 Inakayama who has been stumbling as of late. Inakayama has lost three of the last four matches for an 8-3 record and is now joined by EJ1 Mimawari and WJ5 Leonishiki at the top of the leaderboard. In Makushita, with a day 11 loss by Em52 Chiyosifuji Em37 Sokkenaiyama is now the all alone at the top with an excellent 10-1 record.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/18

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Days 9 and 10
On day 10 of the Hatsu Basho, Yokozuna Doitsuyama picked up his kachikoshi. This is significant since Doitsuyama was in danger of being stripped of his rank with a losing record. Come March, Sumo Game will continue to have a representative for the most coveted rank of Yokozuna. As for the leaderboard of the Makunouchi division, Doitsuyama is now the co-leader at 8-2 tied with EM15 Romanohana who lost on day 9 before getting back to his winning ways on day 10.
In Juryo, EJ6 Inakayama continues to set the pace in that division despite have lost two in a row on days 8 and 9. One match off the pace are a group of four others at 7-3. In Makushita, the early sole leader Em52 Chiyosifuji lost on day 9 and is now at 9-1 along with Em37 Sokkenaiyama who has one three in a row to equal the mark.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/17

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Nakabi
The mid-point of the Hatsu Basho had several upsets among the top rikishi driving scoring to the lowest point tournament at 4.98. Now that the Ozeki's are starting to face each other and the those with a good start after the one week are being power matched, picks are becoming frustratingly unpredictable.
In Makunouchi division at Nakabi, EM15 Romanohana is now at the top of the leaderboard. After losing on day two, Romanohana has put together a nice six match winning streak to up his record to 7-1. He is followed by a pack of four others at 6-2. In Juryo, EJ6 Inakayama was defeated by EJ1 Mimawari to fall to 7-1. Inakayama still has a one match lead over a group that includes Mimawari, EJ2 Tsuyoikaze and EJ14 Tamanaogijima. In Makushita, Em52 Chiyosifuji is now the only participant of the Hatsu Basho that is still undefeated at 8-0 and becomes the first of the new year to pick up a kachikoshi. One match off the pace are Em9 Kotoniko, Em23 Shiyonofuji, Em37 Sokkenaiyama and Em75 Yamanoyama at 7-1
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/15

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 7
After seven days of the Hatsu Basho 2007 scoring is still way off at 5.78 overall average for the tournament. Almost every day this week there have been one or two upsets among the most chosen rikishi and day 7 was no exception with both Hakuho and Chiyotaikai tasting dirt. As it stands now, we have to go all the way back to the Haru Basho of 2003 to find scoring this low.
In Makunouchi action on day 7 the leader board is starting to thin out with EM9 Mushi, WM9 Marionoumi and EM15 Romanohana on top at 6-1. Yokozuna Doitsuyama and Sekiwake Yumezukuri both lost today and are now one match off the pace at 5-2. In Juryo, EJ6 Inakayama remains undefeated at 7-0 and has now opened a huge two match lead over his nearest rival. In Makushita, Em52 Chiyosifuji has emereged as the sole leader after Em37 Sokkenaiyama dropped his match to Wm33 Asahi. Sokkennaiyama is now in a pack with four others at 6-1.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/14

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 6
After six days the Hatsu Basho is starting to come into form. Tamakasuga, who, as of late gets off to good starts in a tournament before being matched up against stronger foes, is the sole leader. Asashoryu's loss to Dejima on day 3 has made the tournament interesting and bunched up the field somewhat. In fact, their have been some days where the Yokozuna has looked great and others where he has looked rusty. Kotomitsuki, who is also 5-1 appears to finally be making a challenge for Ozeki rank in 2007. However, it is probably a bit early to start touting him since he tends to have a meltdown the second week of the tournament. Also at 5-1 is Chiotaikai who after losing on day 2 to Miyabiyama has won four straight. Finally, we have Tamanoshima who is way down the banzuke due to a series of injuries and is dominating the competition like he should considering his skills. If he continues to win, week two will most certainly see him pitted against some of the upper Maegashira or a Sanyaku opponent or two.
In Sumo Game, we now have a five way tie for the top spot of the Makunouchi divison including the Yokozuna Doitsuyama. Also at 5-1 are Sekiwake Yumezukuri, EM9 Mushi, WM9 Marionoumi and EM15 Romanohana. In Juryo, EJ6 Inakayama is now the sole leader at 6-0 and is followed by EJ2 Tsuyoikaze, WJ4 Kotononami and EJ14 Tamanaogijima at 5-1. In Makushita three wrestlers are still perfect including Em9 Kotoniko, Em37 Sokkenaiyama and EM52 Chiyosifuji.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/13

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 5
With the first third of the Hatsu Basho in the books, scoring remains very low. We did manage to break out of the 5 point range in scoring on day 5 but just barely with a 6.04 average. Overall scoring for the tourament is now 5.55. In the Makunouchi division leader WM9 Marionoumi was defeated today by EM15 Romanohana. Both wrestlers are now 4-1 and join a pack of five others at the top on the leaderboard that include Yokozuna Doitsuyama and Sekiwake Yumezukuri.
In Juryo, EJ2 Tsuyoikaze and EJ6 Inakayama both remain perfect at 5-0. One match off the pace are WJ4 Kotononami and EJ14 Tamanaogijima at 4-1. In Makushita, Em9 Kotoniko, Em37 Sokkenaiyama, Wm41 Fumikaze, Em52 Chiyosifuji and Em75 Yamanoyama are battling for the lead at 5-0.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/12

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 4
After 4 days of the Hatsu Basho 2007 overall scoring remains at an all time low for a tournament at 5.43. Scoring has been so low thus far that 50% of all scoring has been in the '5-' range which is no better than flipping a coin for choices.
In Makunouchi today, WM9 Marionoumi becomes the sole leader at 4-0 as Yokozuna Doitsuyama, WM1 Sumio and EM9 Mushi were all defeated by their opponents. In Juryo, EJ2 Tsuyoikaze and EJ5 Inakayama are sitting on top the leaderboard at 4-0 with a small group of four at 3-1. In Makushita, 8 members are still perfect after four days of action including Em1 Kibooyama and Em9 Kotoniko who will face each other in a direct bout on day 5.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/11

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Days 2 and 3
We are only three days into the Hatsu Basho and this tournament is already proving to be a difficult one for chosing matchups. None of the Sanyaku regulars have looked consistent including the Yokozuna Asashoryu who was blown away by a battle worn Dejima on day three. In fact, you have to go all the way down to Maegashira 4 in the Banzuke to find Ama, who is dealing with the tragic loss of his father over the holidays, to find a Rikishi that is still undefeated.
Needless to say, scoring for Sumo Game has been off thus far with the overall average for day 2 at 5.80 and day 3 at 5.10. Scoring average for the tournament is now at a low 5.32. In Makunouchi, Yokozuna Doitsuyama has gotten off to a good start at 3-0 and is good shape to keep his rank. He is tied with WM1 Sumio, EM9 Mushi and WM9 Marionoumi who are also at 3-0. The leaderboards in both Juryo and Makushita divisions have yet to settle into anything remarkable but in the next day or so, we should have a clear picture of the contenders and the also-rans.
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/10

Hatsu Basho 2007 - Day 1
Welcome all to the New Year and we hope you are recovering nicely from the holiday festivities. The Hatsu Basho promises to be very exciting both on and off the dohyo as everyone hopes to get of start in 2007. In Sumo Game, we have 180 participating players this tournament with six new members hoping to achieve fame while working their way up the banzuke. As we start the New Year, Sumo Game is without an Ozeki for the second tournament in a row with only Sekiwake Igiski having an outside shot at a promotion. Igiski would need a stellar 13-2 mark to reach the 31 win plateau. It's not out of the realm of possibilities especially knowing the Sekiwake has already picked up four Makunouchi Yusho's in his career, once with a 13-2 record. Another story in the Hatsu Basho has to do with our Yokozuna, Doitsuyama, who is in danger of being demoted should he lose eight matches, naturally, he would become an Ozeki in the March tournament, but no one wants to see the Ozeki rank filled in this way. Good luck to Doitsuyama!
Scoring on the first day of the tournament was a terrible 5.06 so let's hope this is not an indication of the direction of how 2007 is going! Good luck to all and have fun as always!
by Nushuzan, 2007/1/8


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