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Natsu Basho 2008 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:K Andoreasu (11-4; 107 points)
Juryo Yusho:J5 Leonishiki (12-3; 95 points)
Makushita Yusho:m51 Sakanatori (13-2; 97 points)
Gino-sho:K Andoreasu (11-4; 107 points)
Kanto-sho:not awarded
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2008/5/28

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 15
Another tournament for 2008 is finished and it was nice to see Kotooshu pull through with his first tournament title. Although Kotooshu locked the yusho on day 14, senshuraku was not without its drama however as Asashoryu stepped over the line once again and proved he has very little respect for the decorum of the rank of Yokozuna. Asashoryu's little 'love tap' on Hakuho at the end of the bout has the sumo association, once again, having to issue stern warnings about behavior problems.
In Sumo Game, West Komusubi Andoreasu picked up the Makunouchi title with an 11-4 record while his 107 points for the tournament was good enough to give him the Ginosho as well. In Juryo, WJ5 Leonishiki grabs the yusho with a 12-3 record and will most likely return to Makunouchi in July. In Makushita, both Em51 Sakanotori and Em54 Kungliazuma finished the tournament with a fantastic 13-2 record, however, Sakanotori wins the yusho based on total points, the first level of tie break.
Congratulations to all the winners and we hope everyone returns in July for the Nagoya tournament!
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/28

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 14
With Kotooshu's triumphant win on Day 14 of the Natsu Basho 2008 we have a historic day in the sport of Sumo. Kotooshu becomes the first European to hold the Emperors Cup and the seventh foreign born rikishi to accomplish the task. Without a doubt, Kotooshu will instantly become a celebrity in his home country and will also create a buzz here in Japan between tournaments as media begins to talk up a possible Yokozuna promotion. Whether or not he has what it takes in July, this should be a positive boost for sumo and naturally congratulations are in order!
For Sumo Game we several comments to make before we sift though possible yusho scenerios. First off, Yokozuna Doitsuyama managed to pick his kachikoshi on Day 14 and will luckily retain his rank in July. On the other hand Sekiwake Norizo, who lost on day 13 , will have to start over from scratch to return to the rank of Ozeki. A kachikoshi win on day 14 at least allows Norizo to remain at Sekiwake for the next tournament. Norizo is a fierce competitor so don't be surprised to see him back at Ozeki in the near future.
In Makunouchi division, the yusho picture is as follows: after 14 days, Koumusbi Sumio and Komusubi Andoreasu are co-leaders at 10-4. If one should defeat their opponent on senshuraku and the other should lose then the winner will pick up the yusho. If both should win, then Andoreasu would win based on superior point totals. If both should lose, then they would join a tie break with any one else that goes 10-5 for the tournament. At this point, Andoreasu still has a huge point total to work with and is still in a great position to pick up his first yusho.
In Juryo, WJ5 Leonishiki with an 11-3 record can determine his own fate on senshuraku. A day 15 win would give Leonishiki a lock for the title while a loss would put him in the middle of an ugly tie break scenario. Both EJ12 Fuseigou and EJ13 Hironoumi would be in the best position to take the title, due to point totals, should Leonishiki fall to 11-4.
In Makushita, Em51 Sakanotori and Em54 Kungliazuma are sitting on top the leader board going into senshuraku with identical 12-2 marks. A win by one and a loss by the other would give the winner the title while a win by both would come down to picks on the final day as Sakanotori holds only a single point lead over Kungliazuma, 89 to 88.A loss by both would send the yusho hunt into a free for all with Em21 Omatsu and Em40 Kozaru holding a great chance for a come from behind yusho should they win on the final day.
Good luck to all!
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/24

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 12
Another tough day for picks sent scores plummeting for a third straight day of the Natsu Basho. The day 12 average of 4.31 also managed to find its way into the record books as number 21 on the worst scoring days of all-time.
In Makunouchi division Komusubi Sumio and WM3 Mimawari continue to set the pace with a 9-3 record with a pack of six others one loss down at 8-4. In Juryo, WJ5 Leonishiki remains the wrestler to beat at 10-1 while EJ8 Gonzaburrow and EJ12 Fuseigou are still nipping at his heels with a 9-2 score. In Makushita, Em51 Sakanotori broke a three way tie for the title and now sits alone with at 11-1. One match down are Em21 Omatsu, Em40 Kozaru and Em54 Kungliazuma.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/23

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 11
Day 11 of the Natsu Basho 2008 was one for the record books, unfortunately, for all the wrong reasons. A 4.41 overall scoring average for the day ranks at number 23 for all time low. With the exception of Hakuho, four of the top five most selected rikishi were defeated. Also, judging by the fact that 76% of Sumo Game participants choose Asashoryu to thump tournament leader Kotooshu, the exciting final bout between the two must have been a bit of shock to most people.
In Makunouchi action for day 11, both leaders Komusubi Sumio and WM13 Kinkaizan were defeated by their opponents allowing WM3 Mimawari to join the fray as well as putting all those with a 7-4 record one step away from the yusho chase. Both Yokozuna Doitsuyama and Sekiwake Norizo, who are in the 7-4 group, were victorious on the day. Doitsuyama now only needs one more victory to erase the kadoban label while Norizo needs a 3-1 mark the rest of the way to regain his Ozeki rank.
In Juryo, EJ5 Leonishiki retakes sole leadership with a 9-2 record after scoring a reasonable seven points on the day. One match down, at 8-3, are EJ8 Gonzaburrow, EJ12 Fuseigou and EJ14 Yoskme. In Makushita, Em21 Omatsu, Em40 Kozaru and Em51 Sakanotori are in a three way split for the yusho at 10-1.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/22

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 10
With five of the top ten most selected rikishi losing, scoring for day ten of the Natsu Basho 2008 was at a tournament low of 4.79. Athough it didn't register as one of the all time low days in Sumo Game history, it did hurt point totals for those looking to challenge the record books.
In Makunouchi division at the two-thirds mark, tournament leader Komusubi Sumio was defeated by Sekiwake Konosato to fall to 8-2. This allowed WM13 Kinkaizan who was victorious to equal Sumio's record and pull to even at 8-2. In Juryo, both EJ5 Leonishiki and EJ8 Gonzaburrow remain dead-locked at the top spot after picking up their kachikoshi. One loss away are EJ12 Fuseigou, EJ13 Hironoumi and EJ14 Yoskeme at 7-3. In Makushita, the four way tie for the yusho was reduced to three on day 10 with Em21 Omatsu, Em40 Kozaru and Em51 Sakanotori still battling it out with a 9-1 record.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/21

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 9
On the ninth day of the Natsu Basho 2008 scoring was up dramatically to 7.44 with overall average for the tournament now a very devilish 6.66. In Makunouchi action, Komusubi Sumio upped his record to 8-1 to pick up a kachikoshi and set the pace for the division. One match down at 7-2 is Komusubi Yumezukuri, Komusubi Andoreasu and WM13 Kinkaizan. It should be mentioned at this point the torrid pace that Andoreasu is picking up points for the tournament: with 73 points after nine days Andoreasu has a decent chance of breaking the 'most points in a basho' record which currently held by Asashimaru, Norizo and Tsuyoikaze at 119.
In Juryo, the head to head match between EJ8 Gonzaburrow and EJ14 Yoskme was settled by a tie breaker tipping in Gonzaburrow's favor. As a result, both Gonzaburrow and EJ5 Leonishiki, who was also victorious on day nine, share the lead with a 7-2 mark. In Makushita, Em21 Omatsu, Em40 Kozaru, Em51 Sakanotori and Wm58 are co-leaders with an 8-1 record with six days remaining in the tournament.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/20

Natsu Basho 2008 - Nakabi
At the mid-way point of the Natsu Basho 2008 overall scoring has been slightly above average at 6.56. The leader board in Makunouchi division still has a battle between Komusubis Yumezukuri and Sumio who are now both with a 7-1 record. One match down are Komusubi Andoreasu, WM2 Igiski and W13 Kinkaizan. Yokuzuna Doitsuyama picked at a perfect ten on the day to up his record to 5-3 and now only need three victories to remain Sumo Game's grand champion. Sekiwake Norizo is also 5-3 and is halfway to the required ten wins to return to Ozeki in July.
In Juryo, leader EJ5 Leonishiki fell to 6-2 on Nakabi to find himself in a three way tie for the top position. Sharing the lead at this point are EJ8 Gonzaburrow and EJ14 Yoskme who will meet in a head to head match up on day 9. In Makushita, Em51 Sakanotori also surrendered sole leadership at Nakabi to slip to a six way tie with a 7-1 record. On day nine, a pair of 7-1 wrestlers, Wm58 Hakuro will face Wm68 Asetama in a match with possible yusho impllications.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/19

Natsu Basho 2008 - Days 6 and 7
With the first week of the Natsu Basho in the books the leader board of all three divisions is starting to thin out. In Makunouchi, a five way tie on day six was trimmed to two on day seven. As it stands now, Komusubi Yumezukuri and Komusubi Sumio are sharing the lead with a 6-1 record. Sekiwake Norizo, who is half way to picking up his ten wins which is required to return to Ozeki, joins a pack of eight others at 5-2.
In Juryo, WJ5 Leonishiki is the sole leader after day seven with a 6-1 mark. A sizable group of two loss wrestlers are waiting patiently for any miscues by Leonishiki to rejoin the yusho hunt. In Makushita, Em51 Sakanotori emerged as man to beat and is now the only undefeated wrestler in the Natsu Basho 2008 going into Nakabi.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/18

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 5
Choosing picks for day five of the Natsu Basho proved somewhat difficult as many of the Sanyaku regulars were either matched against close rivals or against ones that can pull off an upset from time to time. As a result, scoring for the day ranged from three points to WM7 Heruwejima's perfect day. Interestingly though, overall scoring for the day was not bad at 6.42.
In Makunouchi, both EM3 Shiyonofuji and WM14 Kitahayate were defeated for the first time this tournament to fall to 4-1 and create chaos on the leader board. Going into day six there are now 11 members of division that are 4-1 including six from sanyaku. In Juryo, five wrestlers are tied at 4-1 thanks to losses by the leaders EJ1 Misisko and EJ2 Kachitakai while in Makushita, Em9 Vetoyama, Em51 Sakanotori and new comer Wm68 Asetama are still perfect at 5-0.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/16

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 4
Scoring for the Natsu Basho 2008 fell dramatically on day 4 as four of the top ten most selected rikishi were defeated. Average for the day finished just above random at 5.10. Yokozuna Doitsuyama returned to his winning ways while scoring the most points of any participant with eight.
In Makunouchi, EM3 Shiyonofuji and WM14 Kitahayate are co-leaders and still perfect at 4-0. In Juryo, EJ1 Misisko and EJ2 Kachitakai survived the carnage of day four to stay undefeated. In Makushita, six wrestlers are tied at the top spot including Em68 Dagattt who is one of just a handful of the remaining that joined Sumo Game during the inaugural tournament of Kyusho 2000.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/15

Natsu Basho 2008 - Days 2 and 3
After three days of the Natsu Basho 2008 scoring has been above average hovering near the seven point mark with day three being the lowest at 6.87. Sekiwake Norizo has gotten off to a fast start this tournament at 3-0 to keep his hopes alive of picking up 10 wins and returning to Sumo Game's second highest rank. Norizo joins a group of six others who are still undefeated. Yokozuna Doitsuyama lost his first match on day three to EM5 Chocshoporyu and surrendered a kinboshi in the process. In Juryo, EJ1 Misisko, EJ2 Kachitakai and WJ5 Leonishiki are the early leaders of that division at 3-0 while the leader board Makushita is still a few days away taking form.
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/14

Natsu Basho 2008 - Day 1
Hello and welcome to the Natsu Basho 2008. We hope everyone is well rested and ready for business as usual after the Golden Week holidays here in Japan! This tournament promises to be dramatic as both Asashoryu and Hakuho are out to prove they are the man to beat down the stretch. Komusubi Kisenosato is hoping to prove his growing pains are behind him and he is ready to assert that he is the next rising star in the sport. As usual, several of the Ozeki's are 'walking wounded' hoping to survive long enough to pick up at least eight wins.
In Sumo Game this tournament, we have a total of 172 participating players with, sadly, only three newcomers to the game. As for the Banzuke this time around, we have several members that we need to watch closely. First off, our Yokozuna Doitsuyama is kadoban for the Natsu Basho and needs to pick up his kachikoshi if he is retain his rank. Recently demoted Sekiwake Norizo, can return to Sumo Game's Ozeki rank if he manages to pick up 10 wins this time around. Both wrestlers are off to a good start, winning on shonichi, so let's hope they can pull through and balance out the top of the banzuke.
Good luck to everyone and have a good tournament!
by Nushuzan, 2008/5/12


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