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Haru Basho 2009 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M1 Susanoo (11-4; 105 points)
Juryo Yusho:J14 Terarno (11-4; 100 points)
Makushita Yusho:m8 Bogdanyama (13-2; 101 points)
Gino-sho:M1 Susanoo (11-4; 105 points)
M15 Chocshoporyu (9-6; 105 points)
Kanto-sho:M16 Hironoumi (10-5; 97 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2009/4/2

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 15
The Haru Basho has been completed for 2009 and Hakuho proved to be unstoppable in the end while easily cruising to his tenth yusho and 'dai' Yokozuna status. The other nice story this tournament was the emergence of Goeido, hyped as the next Japanese rising star. Goeido will most likely move up to Sekiwake in the Natsu basho replacing the other hope for the future, Kisenosato, who struggled to a 5-10 record this time around.
In Sumo Game, WM1 Susanoo defeated EM6 Yumezukuri on senshuraku to force a playoff with themselves and Ozeki Tosahayate in which Susanoo was able to dominate with 105 points while picking up a third career Makunouchi yusho as well a share of the Ginosho prize. The Ginosho was also awarded to WM15 Chocshoporyu with his identical point total of 105. The Kantosho was awarded to W16 Hironoumi in his first upper division tournament. Of the three wrestlers that were involved in promotions or prevention of demotion at upper sanyaku, only Ozeki Sumio prevailed. Sumio who started the Haru Basho off with a horrible 1-6 start was able to rally the second week for a kachikoshi on the final day. Unfortunately, it was at the expense of Sekiwake Tsuyoikaze who finished with a mirror record of the one he needed to move up to Ozeki. Ozeki Tosahayate fell one match short of the twelve wins he needed for promotion to Yokozuna but with his 11 wins he is still in great shape for a run at Grand Champion in May.
In Juryo, WJ14 Terarno was able to win the yusho, at 11-4, while defeating EJ2 Aobanoniji in a playoff 100 points to 98. In Makushita, Wm8 Bogdanyama, also involved in playoff, gets the title with a 13-2 record while Em34 Shinama gets a jun-yusho for his efforts.
Congratulations to the winners and we hope to see everyone back here in May for the Natsu Basho!
by Nushuzan, 2009/4/2

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 14
Going into senshuraku of the Haru Basho 2009 the yusho for all three divisions are up for grabs with numerous wrestlers still holding a mathematical chance to pick up the championship. In Makunouchi, EM6 Yumezukuri with his 11-3 record, controls his own destiny and will win the yusho outright should he defeat his opponent WM1 Susanoo. As for Susanoo, who is one loss down at 10-4, a win will automatically force a playoff with Yumezukuri. If Ozeki Tosahayate or EM10 Ketsukai are able pick up one more victory then they too will join the playoff as well. In terms of total points which is the first level of tie break, Susanoo holds a commanding lead with 97 while Ketsukai a distant second with 91. For Tosahayate and his 88 points, chances are slim while Yumezukuri would be statistically eliminated since he is already more than 10 points away from Susanoo.
In Juryo, there are six wrestlers with a chance for the yusho. Both EJ2 Aobanoniji and WJ14 Terarno at 10-4 have the best chance to win the yusho. Should one win and the other lose, than the winner will walk away with the goods. If both should win, and a playoff occurs, then Terarno holds a sizable points lead over Aobanoniji 94-90. If both should lose, then EJ13 Oshirokita would join the yusho hunt since he is facing Terarno on the final day while WJ8 Ulsimitsuki, EJ10 Fuseigou and WJ11 Hakuryuken could also take part in the playoff if they are victorious. In terms of point totals Hakuryuken has the best shot for a come from behind yusho with 91.
In Makushita, Wm8 Bogdanyama and Em34 Shinama are locked up at 12-2. Should one win and the other lose, than the winner will take the title. If both should win and a playoff occurs, Bogdanyama holds a points advantage over Shinama 94-90. If both should lose, the yusho hunt could get wild with as many as seven other wrestlers joining the playoff should they notch win number 12 on the final day. Notables worth watching are Wm29 Kamakiriyama at 94, Wm42 Aome at 94 and Wm68 Onimuso at 97.
Good luck!
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/29

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 13
Going into the final weekend of the Haru Basho 2009, what started off as a possible senshuraku yusho showdown between undefeated Yokozuna's will most likely be decided on day 14 if Hakuho can defeat an aging Kaio. Sadly, it is not something sumo fans want to see, but it would still be nice to see Hakuho get a perfect record on his way to a tenth yusho. Kaio is still crafty but the odds against him pulling off an upset are tall.
In Makunouchi division former Ozeki Yumezukuri can wrap up his first yusho with a victory on day 14. With a two match lead over the rest of the field along with a 11-2 mark only Ozeki Tosahayate, WM1 Susanoo and EM10 Ketsukai, all at 9-4, hold any mathematical chance of playing the spoiler should Yumezukuri falter. In Juryo both co-leaders EJ2 Aobanoniji and EJ13 Oshirokita were defeated on day 13 allowing EJ10 Fuseigou and WJ14 Terarno to equal their 9-4 record and turn the division into a free for all in the remaining days. In Makushita, Wm8 Bogdanyama and Em34 Shinama hold identical 12-1 records to share the lead. One loss off the pace and statistically still alive for the yusho are Em23 Hinomaru and new comer Wm68 Onimuso.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/28

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 12
In Makunouchi division, twelve days into the Haru Basho 2009, the number of those was a mathematical chance of winning the yusho has been thinned considerably as the tournament winds to a close. EM6 Yumezukuri remains the sole leader with a 10-2 mark with WM1 Susanoo one match down at 9-3. In Juryo, EJ2 Aobanoniji and EJ13 Oshirokita are co-leaders at 9-3 with EJ10 Fuseigou dropping down a notch after Oshirokita was victorious in their day 12 direct bout. Fuseigou joins WJ8 Ulsimitsuki and WJ14 Terarno at 8-4. In Makushita, the four way tie has been cut to three with Wm8 Bogdanyama, Em23 Hinomaru and Em34 Shinama improving to 11-1 for the basho.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/27

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 11
After 11 days of the Haru Basho 2009 overall average score remains a low 6.09 with the most difficult stretch for picks ahead in the remaining days. In Makunouchi division EM9 Yumezukuri became sole leader at 9-2 after WM8 Meyeryu lost in a tight match that was typical for day 11. Meyeryu is now one loss down at 8-3 as is Ozeki Tosahayate who still clings to a possible promotion to Yokozuna. Also at 8-3 is WM1 Susanoo who will face off with Meyeryu on day 12 in match that could be important for the yusho.
In Juyro, EJ2 Aobanoniji, EJ10 Fuseigou and EJ13 Oshirokita are battling it out at the top of the leader board with an 8-3 tournament record. On day 12 Fuseigou and Oshirokita will meet in a head-to-head match with the winner putting himself in excellent position for the title. In Makushita, there was no change in the lead as all four participants were able to improve to double digits in wins.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/26

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 10
A loss by Asashoryu on day 10 by Ozeki Harumafuji not only corrupted a day 15 show down of undefeated Yokozuna's, but helped drive down the scoring average for the day at 5.38. The overall average of 6.11 is making this one of the most difficult tournaments for picks in quite some time.
In Makunouchi division EM6 Yumezukuri and WM8 Meyeryu emerged as co-leaders while picking up their kachikoshi on day 10. In Juryo, leader EM13 Oshirokita picked up his third loss of the Haru Basho to fall to 7-3 and create a muddled affair on the leader board. On day 11 a pair of 7-3 wrestlers, EJ10 Fuseigou and WJ10 Otokomae face each other in a direct bout with possible yusho implications. In Makushita, long time sole leader Em23 Hinomaru was handed his first defeat of the tournament to fall into a four way tie with Wm8 Bogdanyama, Em34 Shinama and Em41 Kaiosuki.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/25

Haru Basho 2009 - Days 8 and 9
On day nine of the Haru Basho 2009 the excitement continues to build as both Hakuho and Asashoryu continue to pile together victories making a senshuraku finale between undefeated Yokozunas an ever increasing possibility. The real fun begins on day 10 as both will start to face a gauntlet of Ozeki's all with a hope of a big upset in mind.
In Makunouchi division after nine days, early leader WM16 Hironoumi had a fade of late to drop him to 6-3 and allow for a new group of leaders to take over. As it stands now Yokozuna hopeful Tosahayate is co-leader along with EM6 Yumezukuri, WM8 Meyeryu and EM9 Sokkenaiyama all at 7-2. In Juryo, leader EJ13 Oshirokita picked up his 350th career win while improving to 7-2 for the tournament. One match down are a group of seven at 6-3 including EJ10 Fuseigou and WJ11 Hakuryuken who will face each other on day 10 in a head-to-head match-up. In Makushita, Em23 continues to set the pace and is still perfect at 9-0. One loss away are the trio Wm8 Bogdanyama, Em34 Shinama and Em41 Kaiosuki.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/24

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 7
On day seven of the Haru Basho 2009 WM9 Hironoumi survived the shake down of the Makunouchi division to emerge all alone in the top spot with a 6-1 record. One match off the pace is a sizable group of nine at 5-2. In Juryo, leader EJ10 Fuseigou fell to his first defeat of the tournament and is now equal with EJ13 Oshirokita who is also at 6-1. In Makushita, Em23 Hinomaru remains undefeated at 7-0 and continues to hold sole leadership of that division with a group of six one-loss wrestlers nipping at his heels.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/22

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 6
Six days into the Haru Basho 2009 and it looks as if we could be in for a tremendous finish. Neither Yokozuna Asashoryu nor Hakuho have flinched yet and both have an unblemished record so now begins the talk of a final day bout between a pair of undefeated Champions. It is still early in the tournament yet, however, at this point the Ozeki's have looked from just awful to moderately so-so. Only Kaio at this point has a good 5-1 record, but age will most likely play havoc on his second week making a big upset unlikely.
In Sumo Game, the Makunouchi division tightened up considerably on day 6 as sole leader Komusubi Hummi was upended by WM8 Meyeryu who now has a similar 5-1 record. Also in the chase are Ozeki Tosahayate, EM9 Sokkenaiyama and WM16 Hironoumi at 5-1. It should be noted at this point that Ozeki Tosahayate stands a good chance of being promoted to Yokozuna if he can continue the pace he has set for himself at the early stages of this tournament. If Tosahayate can finish the Haru Basho with a 12-3 record or better, he will have fulfilled all the other requirements for promotion. Good luck! In other news Ozeki hopeful Tsuyoikaze looks good at 4-2 for a possible promotion while kadoban Sumio has gotten off to a slow start and needs rally to keep his rank.
In Juryo, EJ10 Fuseigou continues to set the pace and remains perfect at 6-0 with EJ13 Oshirokita one match down at 5-1. In Makushita, Em23 Hinomaru is still the sole leader at 6-0 and is holding at bay a group eight at 5-1.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/21

Haru Basho 2009 - Day 5
With four of the top ten most selected wrestlers losing on day 5 of the Haru Basho 2009, scoring for the day was off yet again to settle in at 5.79 while dropping the overall average score to 6.23. In Makunouchi action Komusubi Huumi was victorious over EM9 Sokkenaiyama in battle of undefeated wrestlers to sit alone at the top of the leader board with a 5-0 record. In Juryo, EJ10 Fuseigou emerged the leader with a perfect 5-0 mark and is followed closely by WJ5 Mysko, WJ8 Ulsimitsuki and EJ13 Oshirokita at 4-1. In Makushita, Em23 Hinomaru extended his winning streak to five to find himself in control of the division at the first third of the Haru tournament.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/20

Haru Basho 2009 - Days 3 and 4
Four days into the Haru Basho 2009 and the leader boards for all three divisions have thinned out to the point where names can be mentioned of the early front runners. In Makunouchi, Komusubi Huumi, WM8 Meyeryu, EM9 Sokkenaiyama and EM10 Ketsukai are still undefeated at 4-0. In Juryo, WJ5 Mysko, WJ8 Ulsimitsuki and EJ10 Fuseigou are battling it out control of that division, while Makushita has Em19 Koriazuma, Em23 Hinomaru and Wm54 Chininofuji with a perfect record and a share of the leader board.
Scoring thus far for the tournament has been low at 6.34 as each day has been beset with upsets among the Ozeki and Sekiwake ranks.
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/19

Haru Basho 2009 - Days 1 and 2
Welcome to the Haru Basho 2009! We hope everyone is ready for an exciting tournament in Osaka where the crowds tend to be more enthusiastic than any other place in the calendar year. As for the off-season, it seems that the sumo world can't avoid controversy anymore. This time around we got to watch the young career of Wakakirin disappear in a puff of smoke after he was arrested on cannabis charges in February and days later dismissed by the sumo association where he was officially scrubbed from the record books leaving a big, nasty blank spot in the West Juryo #1 slot where his name would be located. Oh, well...
In Sumo Game this tournament we have 176 participating players including four new-comers to the sport. In Makunochi division we have a couple stories to develop as the days unfold. First off, West Ozeki Sumio is kadoban and needs to shake off the slow start and rally for at least eight wins to keep his rank. Also, Sekiwake Tsuyoikaze is in the running for Ozeki promotion and only needs a doable 9-6 record this basho to pick up 31 wins in three tournaments to push him up to Sumo Game's second highest rank. Good luck!
Good luck to all and have a great tournament!
by Nushuzan, 2009/3/17


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