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Aki Basho 2009 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:K Randomitsuki (12-3; 119 points)
Juryo Yusho:J4 Kaiowaka (11-4; 112 points)
Makushita Yusho:m49 Toodemizu (13-2; 106 points)
Gino-sho:K Randomitsuki (12-3; 119 points)
Kanto-sho:M7 Nushuzan (12-3; 111 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2009/9/30

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 15
The Aki Basho is over with Asashoryu proving once again to never underestimate the heart of a champion. With both the final day bout and the playoff match between Yokozuna's destined to be included in highlight reels for years to come, it was finally Asashoryu hoisting the Emperors Cup for the 24th time equaling the great Kitanoumi for third on the all time career yusho list. Baruto came into his own this tournament with some great sumo as did Kakuryu and Goeido. Kaio won enough matches to get his kachikoshi heading into home turf while Chiotaikai proved once again that he is...never mind.
In Sumo Game, Komusubi Randomitsuki won his first yusho in Makunouchi over EM7 Nushuzan in play-off and picked up the Ginosho for the 119 point tournament effort while Nushuzan was awarded the Kantosho for staying competiive most of the basho. In Juryo, EJ4 Kaiowaka defeated EJ10 Qijuryu in a play-off, 112 points to 111, for the yusho. In Makushita, Wm49 Toodemizu was handed the title in a lopsided win over his nearest rival Wm24 Gibuten on a senshuraku direct match-up.
Congratulations to all the winners and we hope everyone stays healthy during the flu season to make their way back here in November! Take care!
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/30

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 14
Going into the final day of the Aki Basho 2009, the number of potential yusho winners have been reduced to just a handful so here are the scenarios for the title:
In Makunouchi, Komusubi Randomitsuki is in the best shape to win his first yusho and only needs to win on the senshuraku. If EM7 Nushuzan should also win then both wrestlers would improve to 12-3, but Randomitsuki with his 8 point advantage, 112 to 104, over Nushuzan would easily win any tie-break. A win by Nushuzan and a loss by Randomitsuki would give Nushuzan the yusho. EM2 Heikotoriki who is one match off the pace at 10-4 and Nushuzan's opponent on the final day could pull into the title hunt with a win over Nushuzan and a loss by Randomituski, forcing a three way play-off, but would need to overcome a 6 point deficit to Randomituski.
In Juryo, EJ10 Qijuryu, who is 11-3, could win the yusho outright with a victory on day 15. A loss by Qijuryu would force a playoff between himself and winner of the match between WJ2 Sekihiryu and EJ4 Kaiowaka who are both one match down at 10-4. WJ4 Kogaratsu, also at 10-4, could join the play-off with a senshuraku victory. In terms of total points, Sekihiryu has a slight point advantage with 108 followed by Qijuryu and Kaiowaka with 105 and one point from that is Kogaratsu at 104.
Of the three divisions, the Makushita yusho picture is the easiest to draw out with co-leaders Wm24 Gibuten and Wm49 Toodemizu, who are both 12-2, facing each in a winner take all bout for the crown.
Good luck to all in the yusho hunt. Also, good luck to Sekiwake Tosahayate who now needs one final victory to return to Ozeki in November!
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/27

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 13
On day thirteen of the Aki Basho a mighty rumble has coursed through Sanyaku as Yokozuna Doitsuyama has been handed his third makekoshi in a row, ending a string of 24 tournaments as Grand Champion. Doitsuyama's reign as Yokozuna began in Kyushu 2005 with 190 wins (to date), an average of over 70% in 100 point bashos, and five jun-yusho's to his credit. Fortunately for Doitsuyama he gets a chance in November to regain his rank if he wins in double digits, however, for at least one tournament we will have no Yokozuna in Sumo Game.
In Makunouchi action, EM7 Nushuzan improved to 11-2 to remain the sole leader. One match off the pace is Komosubi Randomitsuki at 10-3 and statistically alive are EM2 Heikotoriki, EM8 Kitahayate and EM13 Mimawari at 9-4. In Juryo, EJ4 Kaiowaka and EJ10 Qijuryu are neck and neck at 10-3. In Makushita, Wm49 Toodemizu continues to dominate at 12-1 with Wm24 Gibuten and Em75 Derosa staying close at 11-2.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/26

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 12
After twelve days of the Aki Basho 2009 EM7 Nushuzan, who improved to 10-2, returned to sole leadership of the Makunouchi division after Komusubi Randomitsuki was handed his third loss of the tournament to fall one match out at 9-3. In Juryo, leader EJ13 Kungliazuma fell to 9-3 after losing a tough match to EJ4 Kaiowaka. Kaiowaka along with WJ4 Kogaratsu and EJ10 Qijuryu join Kungliazuma for the lead going into the final three days of the basho. In Makushita, Wm49 Toodemizu continued his winning streak which now stands at nine to remain the sole leader at 11-1. Wm24 Gibuten and Em75 Derosa are within striking distance at 10-2.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/26

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 11
After 11 days of the Aki Basho, leader EM7 Nushuzan was upended for his second loss of the tournament to EM12 Rupatengu allowing Komusubi Randomitsuki, who was a winner on the day, to equal the mark of 9-2. One match off the pace are EM2 Heikotoriki and W13 Mimawari. Mimawari will meet Nushuzan on day 12 in match with yusho implications. Yokozuna Doitsuyama clawed his way to victory to keep his chances of a kachikoshi alive while Sekiwake Tosahayate needs to win his remain four matches to return to Ozeki.
In Juryo, a win by EJ13 Kungliazuma on day 11 led to a separation of himself and the other leaders. Kungliazuma now finds himself all alone in the top spot at 9-2 with WJ2 Sekihiryu, EJ4 Kaiowaka, WJ4 Kogaratsu and EJ10 Qijuryu a loss down at 8-3. Kungliazuma will meet Kaiowaka on day 12 in an important bout between yusho hopefuls. In Makushita, Wm49 Toodemizu, having put together an 8 match winning streak, finds himself at the top of the leaderboard at 10-1. Em10 Mishashimaru, Wm24 Gibuten, Em33 Masanohikari and Em75 Derosa are a match away from the leader at 9-2.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/24

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 10
On day ten of the Aki Basho 2009 upsets played a key role in giving Asashoryu a little breathing space between himself and several of the top competitors in the yusho hunt. However, Hakuho still remains within a hare's breath of the leader, and knowing beforehand that they are to face each other on senshuraku, barring any unforeseen meltdowns we are in for an exciting finish.
In Makunouchi division at the two thirds mark. EM7 Nushuzan continues to set the for the title at 9-1. One match down, Komusubi Randomituski and EM2 Heikotoriki continue to apply pressure while improving to 8-2. Unfortunately for Yokozuna Doitsuyama, Randomitsuki's six match winning streak for yusho contention got in the way of the champion's chances to retain the rank and now must rally to pick up his eight. Short of a 4-1 mark the final five days, we could be without a Yokozuna come November.
In Juryo, both leaders WJ2 Sekihiryu and EJ13 Kungliazuma were defeated on day to fall to 8-2 whereas EJ4 Kaiowaka and EJ10 Qijuryu were able to win to create a four way tie for the lead. In Makushita, Wm49 Toodemizu and new comer Em75 Derosa continue their dominance of the division while improving to 9-1.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/23

Aki Basho 2009 - Days 8 and 9
With both Nakabi and day nine of the Aki Basho 2009 being high scoring days overall average for the tournament got a big boost to 7.18. Nakabi point totals broke into the top ten for highest scoring days at 8.34 while day nine just missed the big board at 7.92. A combined total of 23 participants were able to add a perfect day to their profile.
In Makunouchi, EM7 Nushuzan become the sole leader and picked up a kachikoshi at 8-1 after co-leader EM2 Heikotoriki was defeated on day nine by WM12 Hakuryuken in a close bout. Heikotoriki falls to 7-2 and joins Komusubi Randomitsuki to stay within reach of the leader. In other news, Yokozuna Doitsuyama reached a milestone on Nakabi to pick up his 450th career and Makunouchi win but slipped to 4-5 with a loss on day 9. Sekiwake Tosahayate after slumping a bit on week one put together a couple of wins improve his chances for a return to Ozeki. He is now 6-3.
In Juryo, WJ2 Sekihiryu and EJ13 Kungliazuma continue to do battle for the lead with both picking up their eighth win to improve to 8-1. One loss down are WM1 Ulsimitsuki, EJ4 Kaiowaka and EJ10 Qijuryu. In Makushita, a four way tie for the lead continues to make that division a tough fight this basho. As a result of day nine action, EM12 Geezoryu, Wm49 Toodemizu, Em51 Himatoumi and Em75 Derosa are locked up at 8-1.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/23

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 7
After one full week of action the Aki Basho has been pretty exciting especially after Hakuho's huge upset loss to Shotenro on day 6. Suddenly Asashyoru smells blood and has upped his game a bit. Kotooshu's recent dedication to improving his workouts to make a run for Yokozuna seems to have rubbed off on Kotomitsuki who is co-leader and still undefeated. Kaio has been trying harder this tournament to add to a few iron man records in longevity while Chiyotaikai looks as if he is already retired and could give a flip about his sumo.
In Makunouchi, the number of co-leaders was trimmed from three to two as EM2 Heikotoriki defeated WM13 Mimawari in the highlight match of the tournament thus far. Heikotoriki improves to 6-1 and shares the lead with EM7 Nushuzan who was also victorious on the day. Mimawari on the otherhand joins a pool of nine that are one match down at 5-2. In Juryo, all three co-leaders were winners on the day to go up to 6-1 and stretch out the division into a more typical bell shaped curve. Makushita continues to be jammed at the top with eight co-leaders still scratching it out for some name recognition.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/20

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 6
On day six of the Aki basho Makunouchi leader EM2 Heikotoriki was handed his first loss of the tournament by Ozeki Sumio who was finally able to pick up his first victory. As a result both EM7 Nushuzan and WM13 Mimawari, improving to 5-1, were able to climb back into co-leadership with Heikotoriki. Yokozuna Doitsuyama continued to struggle on day six falling to 2-4 despite having one of the best point totals in the division thus far. Sekiwake Tosahayate fell to 4-2 after losing a close fought bout against WM5 Chocshoporyu who are both one match off the pace of the leaders.
In Juryo, WJ2 Sekihiryu, EJ10 Qijuryu and EJ13 Kungliazuma are setting the pace at 5-1 while in Makushita none of the undefeated co-leaders were able to extend their winning streaks creating a chaotic mess at the top of the leader board with a grand total of 16 members at 5-1.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/19

Aki Basho 2009 - Day 5
Scoring for day five of the Aki Basho was very high at 7.99 and good enough to enter into the 'Highest Scoring Days' list at number 19. However, with over 77% of the participants choosing Harumafuji, who was upended for the second day in a row, there were only nine perfect scores on the day. Overall scoring for the tournament now sits at 7.22.
In Makunouchi division, EM2 Heikotoriki emerged the sole leader at 5-0 as both EM7 Nushuzan and WM13 Mimawari picked up their first loss of the tournament to fall into a pack with five others including Sekiwake Tosahayate. In Juryo, EJ1 Heruwejima dropped to 4-1 to surrender sole leadership and become co-leader with a sizeable pack of seven other wrestlers. In Makushita, a group of six remain undefeated at 5-0 for the lead including newcomers Wm72 Kengamine and Em75 Derosa.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/18

Aki Basho 2009 - Days 3 and 4
After four days of the Aki Basho, the leader boards of both the Makunouchi and Juyro divisions have started to take formation. In Makunouchi, EM2 Heikotoriki, EM7 Nushuzan and WM13 Mimawari remain undefeated at 4-0 to share the top spot. Recently demoted Sekiwake Tosahayate improved to 3-1 and is off to a good start to return to the ranks of Ozeki while Yokozuna Doitsuyama fell to even at 2-2. Doitsuyama needs to pick up a kachikoshi this tournament if he is to remain Sumo Game's grand champion.
In Juyro, EJ1 Heruwejima has gotten off to a fast start to improve to 4-0 for sole leadership. Heruwejima who hopes to return to Makunouchi in November will get at least a one day bump up a divison as he faces WM17 Fuseigou on day five. In Makushita nine wrestlers are deadlocked for the lead at 4-0.
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/17

Aki Basho 2009 - Days 1 and 2
Welcome to the Aki Basho 2009. Although the temperatures have started to cool around Japan in recent days, action for the fall tournament is just starting to heat up. The official Banzuke was a bit on the bland side this time around with no new faces in the Makunouchi division, only returnees like Wakanosato and Hokutoriki, and no kadoban Ozeki to complain about. The usual health issues that have surrounded Asashoryu in recent years were put to rest on shonichi as Baruto, with his 184 kilo frame, was lifted out of the ring and unceremoniously dumped into the sixth row of the Kokugikan better known to many as 'the house of pain'.
In Sumo Game, for the fall classic, we have 172 participants with 7 new faces joining the best game on the web. In Sanyaku, we are minus an Ozeki due to Tosahayate's demotion with a pair of 7-8 tournaments. However, if Tosahayate can pick up 10 wins, he will return to the second highest rank in November, so eyes will be on him for the duration of the basho. Both Sekiwake Golynohana and Yumezukuri can gain a rank to Ozeki if they manage to put together a respectable record. Golynohana has the best chance and only needs an 11-4 mark while Yumezukuri can achieve greatness with a 12-3 record.
Scoring after two days has been slightly above average at 6.69 but maybe we have been spoiled with high scoring tournaments of late.
Good luck to everyone and have fun!
by Nushuzan, 2009/9/15


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