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Aki Basho 2010 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:K Sokkenaiyama (12-3; 111 points)
Juryo Yusho:J9 Kiriazuma (11-4; 105 points)
Makushita Yusho:m31 Andrasoyamawaka (14-1; 103 points)
Gino-sho:S Randomitsuki (10-5; 113 points)
Kanto-sho:M11 Kogaratsu (12-3; 107 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2010/10/1

Aki Basho 2010 - Day 15
The Aki Basho is in the books with Hakuho surviving the Ozeki gauntlet with his winning streak still alive while also becoming the first person since the six tournament a year format was established to have four zenshou yusho in a row. Hakuho now only needs 7 more victories to tie the great Futabayama which would happen on day 7 of the Kyushu basho. In many ways might be tougher than one thinks considering the lack of fan support in recent years for the November tournament especially during the first week. Those fickle fans on the southern island are more likely to shrug an apathetic shoulder than fork out the cash to buy a ticket to the event. It would be heartbreaking for Hakuho to be on the verge of all time greatness and no one shows up to watch. But we shall see...
The Makunochi action, Komusubi Sokkenaiyama survived a play-off against WM11 Kogaratsu after picking up his third kuroboshi of the tournament. Kogaratsu was unable to gain enough points on the final day thus handing the Komusubi his first title. Sokkenaiyama is now in excellent position for a run at Ozeki in November. Kogaratsu was awarded the Kantosho for a stellar performance that came up just a bit short. Sekiwake Randomitsuki could use a change in his Shikona after picking up his second straight Ginosho and fourth in the last eight tournaments once again proving their is nothing random in his system for picks.
In Juryo, EJ9 Kiriazuma improved to 11-4 to win the yusho while in Makushita, Wm31 Andrasoyamawaka was victorious in his match up against Wm7 Tainosen to take the prize.
Congratulations to all the winners!
by Nushuzan, 2010/10/1

Aki Basho 2010 - Day 14
Going into the final day of the Aki Basho 2010 all three division titles are up for grabs with the scenarios for yusho in Makunouchi and Makushita being relatively straight forward and Juryo being potentially a free for all. In Makunouchi, Komusubi Sokkenaiyama is in the drivers seat for the crown. A victory on senshuraku would up his record to 13-2 leaving the present runner-up WM11 Kogaratsu, win or lose, eliminated mathematically. A loss by Sokkenaiyama and win by Kogaratsu would force a play-off, however, Kogaratsu would have to find a way to make up a four point differential on the final day. Considering the tight scoring that has been the mainstay this basho it would be a difficult task at best.
As it stands in Juryo presently, EJ9 Kiriazuma and WJ13 Bunijiman are co-leaders at 10-4 with a group of five others at 9-5. Should either co-leader win on senshuraku and the other lose, then the victorious one would take home the hardware. If both should win it would come down to a play-off and Bunijiman with his dominant point total over Kiriazuma, 102-96, would in all likelihood take the yusho. On the other hand, if both should lose that would open up a Pandora's box allowing any of the 9-5 wrestlers that picked up a tenth win to join the battle. It would automatically force a four way play-off since Bunijiman's senshuraku opponent is WJ1 Kamakiriyama who is at 9-5 and Kiriazuma will be paired with WJ8 Natsunoyama also at 9-5. WJ7 Gaijingai, EJ14 Marimo and WJ14 Sebunshu could also make a run for the title with a win should both co-leaders falter.
In Makushita, the easiest of the three divisions scenarios for yusho, a head to head match-up between co-leaders Wm7 Tainosen and Wm31 Andrasoyamawaka on senshuraku will determine the title in a winner take all bout.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/26

Aki Basho 2010 - Days 12 and 13
Going into the final weekend of the Aki Basho 2010 Komusubi Sokkenaiyama continued to march toward his first Makunochi division title while maintaining a two match lead over his nearest competitors WM3 Norizo and WM11 Kogaratsu. On day 14 Norizo will face Kagaratsu in a head to head bout with the loser being statistically eliminated from the yusho hunt. On the other, the winner could claw back into contention should Sokkenaiyama falter against former Ozeki Ekigozan, his pairing for the day. In Juryo, WJ13 Bunijiman at 10-3 is now the sole leader of the division after co-leader WJ9 Kiriazuma dropped his second match in three days. Kiriazuma joins WJ1 Kamakiriyama and WJ8 Natsunoyama at 9-4. Kiriazuma who will be pitted against the leader on day 14 could regain a share of the lead with a victory. In Makushita Wm7 Tainosen and Wm31 Andrasoyamawaka continue to duke it out for the yusho and now holds a two match lead over the field, however, since the two leaders will meet on senshuraku both Wm45 Berunohana and Wm47 Sherlockiama have no mathematical chance to join the fray.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/25

Aki Basho 2010 - Day 11
With four days remaining in the Aki Basho 2010 it is all but assured at this point that Hakuho will easily cruise to his fourth straight Emperor's Cup due to a somewhat predictable loss on day 11 by his nearest competitor Kotooshu. Obviously, however, the real news going into the homestretch isn't the yusho, but 'the streak'. At this point Hakuho will be pitted up against the four Ozeki's in the remaining days with all looking to take him down and get put on highlight reel immortality. On day 12 Hakuho will get matched up with an aging Kaio who at this point in his career lacks the strength and mobility to go toe to toe with the champ. However, Kaio is dangerous and any miscue by Hakuho could give Kaio the opportunity to find an opening for an upset. After that, Hakuho will face Baruto and (most likely) Kotooshu who have the strength to give the Yokozuna a scare, but not enough skill and/or self confidence to match up effectively against Hakuho. By far, the one Ozeki who has the best chance to end the streak is Harumafuji. He can be unpredictable and speedy at the tachiai and has enough tricks up his sleeve to pull off the victory of a lifetime. The bottom line for Hakuho is if he can survive the Ozeki gauntlet, and not let his nerves get to him during the break into the Kyushu basho he stands an excellent chance of breaking Futabayama's record of 69.
In Makunouchi division after 11 days, leader Komusubi Sokkenaiyama improved to 10-1 at the expense of Ozeki Doitsuyama. Doitsuyama with his back against the wall must run the table for a Yokozuna promotion. One match off the back the pace remain WM11 Kogaratsu and EM18 Leonishiki. In Juryo both EJ9 Kiriazuma and WJ13 Bunijiman found themselves coming up short on the day allowing WJ8 Natsunoyama to gain a share of the lead at 8-3. In Makushita, Wm31 Andrasoyamawaka was handed his first loss of the tournament to fall to 10-1 and thus giving Wm7 Tainosen a chance for co-leadership. One match off the pace is Wm47 Sherlockiama who remains in the fray going into the final four days of the tournament.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/23

Aki Basho 2010 - Day 10
Day ten of the Aki Basho saw very little change in the leader boards of all three divisions. In Makunouchi, Komusubi Sokkenaiyama maintained his lead over the field while improving to 9-1. The group of three following Sokkenaiyama was reduced to two as WM4 Fujisan dropped to 7-3 leaving WM11 Kogaratsu and WM18 Leonishiki in the runner up position. In Juryo, both co-leaders EJ9 Kiriazuma and WJ13 Bunijiman picked up a kachikoshi and remain in heated battle for the yusho. In Makushita, Wm31 Andrasoyamawaka is still perfect on the tournament but continues to be followed closely by Wm7 Tainosen. Two losses away from the leader are Em14 Kotosho, Em28 Yobennie and Em47 Sherlockiama.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/22

Aki Basho 2010 - Day 9
After nine days of the Aki Basho 2010 scores plummeted across the board as tough picks and a few big upsets played havoc on most people's cards. In Makunouchi Komusubi Sokkenaiyama continues to set the pace for the division at 8-1 with WM4 Fujisan, WM11 Kogaratsu and EM18 Leonishiki keeping things close should the leader falter down the stretch. Doitsuyama who is looking for a promotion to Yokozuna for the second time in his career fell to 6-3 and only has one more loss to give up before his run comes to an abrupt halt. Sekiwake Sumio who is looking for a return to Ozeki rank fell to 4-5 and now must complete the tournament with a without another kuroboshi.
In Juryo, leader EJ9 Kiriazuma slipped to 7-2 to allow WJ9 Bunijiman to equal his mark and become co-leader. In Makushita, Wm9 Andrasoyamawaka improved to 9-0 to remain perfect for the tournament. Wm7 Tainosen, on the other hand, lost for the first time to fall to 8-1 and drop out of the lead.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/21

Aki Basho 2010 - Day 8
At Nakabi of the Aki Basho 2008 Komusubi Sokkenaiyama re-emerged at the sole leader of the Makunouchi division, at 7-1, as EM18 Leonishiki saw a six match winning streak come to an end. Leonishiki joins Ozeki Doitsuyama, WM4 Fujisan, WM11 Kogaratsu and WM18 Tosahayate in a pack for the second best record. In Juryo, EJ9 Kiriazuma remains sole leader at 7-1 with WJ8 Natsunoyama and WJ13 Bunijiman keeping a close watch on the leader at 6-2. In Makushita, both Wm7 Tainosen and Wm31 Andrasoyamawaka picked up a kachikoshi at the midway point to continue to lead the division. Wm28 Yobennie is one loss the pace at 7-1.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/20

Aki Basho 2010 - Day 7
Day seven of the Aki Basho 2010 saw Hakuho's winning streak upped to 54 passing Chiyonofuji for the second longest in modern sumo history. Obviously, Hakuho must be feeling the butterflies in his stomach knowing every match from here on out will have his opponents giving extra effort to the man that ended the streak. It's going to be a tall order for the Yokozuna to catch Futabayama, but if he survives this basho with another perfect record, number 69 would occur in the middle of the Kyushu tournament. On paper, none of his opponents from now until day 15 are even close in terms of head to head match up wins. However, Hakuho will need to cool his emotions and not take anyone for granted if he wants to achieve all time great status.
In Makunouchi divison, the log jam at the top of the leader board was reduced to a pair as only Komusubi Sokkenaiyama and EM18 Leonishiki picked up a shiroboshi on the day. Ozeki Doitsuyama improved to 5-2 to remain one match off the pace while keeping his Yokozuna promotion chances alive. In Juryo, WJ8 Natsunoyama had his first misstep of the tournament to fall to 6-1 allowing WJ9 Kiriazuma to become co-leader with the identical mark. For those relatively new to Sumo Game, Kiriazuma is none other that our first Yokozuna Kirinoumi under a different shikona after retiring in 2003. In Makushita, Wm7 Tainosen and Wm31 Andrasoyamawaka remain perfect at 7-0 for a share of the lead.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/19

Aki Basho 2010 - Days 5 and 6
Day six of the Aki Basho 2010 saw Hakuho continue his winning steak which now stands at 53 tying the great Chiyonofuji for the second longest in modern sumo history. Naturally, a win on day seven would put him alone in the record books and give him a decent shot at the all-time bar for greatness at 69 held by none other than Futabayama. Sadly, however, the recent gambling scandal that has rocked the sumo world has kept away fans in droves and what should easily be a sold out Kokugikan is probably running about 60% of total capacity.
In Sumo Game, Komusubi Sokkenaiyama who was sole leader after day five was upended on day six for his first kuroboshi of the the tournament to fall to 5-1. As a result, WM3 Norizo, WM4 Fujisan, EM18 Leonishiki and WM18 Tosahayate are in the early yusho hunt with the same 5-1 record. Both Ozeki Doitsuyama and Sekiwake Sumio dropped to 4-2 getting in the way of both wrestlers promotion chances. In Juryo, WJ8 Natsunoyama remained perfect for the tournament for sole leadership with long time combatant WJ7 Gaijingai and phoenix-like WJ9 Kiriazuma one match off the pace at 5-1. In Makushita, Wm7 Tainosen and Wm31 Andrasoyamawaka have jumped off to an early lead at 6-0.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/18

Aki Basho 2010 - Days 3 and 4
After four days of the Aki Basho 2010 the leader board of the Makunochi division thinned out considerably with Komusubi Sokkenaiyama and WM4 Fujisan setting the pace at 4-0. One loss away are a large contingency of hopefuls including Ozeki Doitsuyama and Sekiwake Sumio both looking a bump up the banzuke next time around and return to ranks that they held once before. A win by Doitsuyama on day five would give him a career milestone of 500 victories. In Juryo, WJ7 Gaijingai and WJ8 Natsunoyama are off to an early start to improve to 4-0 for a share of the lead while Makushita is still up in the air with seven co-leaders.
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/16

Aki Basho 2010 - Days 1 and 2
Welcome to the Aki Basho 2010. This Basho will most likely prove to be difficult for choosing ten solid picks, especially in the first week, due to the continued process of punishing all the 'bad boys' who were caught snuggling to close to the underworld while being connected to gambling which is a big no-no here on the islands unless it is officially sanctioned like horse racing or the national lottery. The 'church of sumo' determined the best course of action was to bust all of the evil doers down a division and let them fight there way back to the top. However, the bad news for us at Sumo Game is we have to sift through all the riffraff in the upper division to come up with a decent picks. With aging veterans like Toyozakura, for example, who got a bump up to Makunonuchi despite only going 8-7 at East Juryo 11 or Kyokunankai who had a better record last basho at 10-5 but was merely ranked at West Juryo 12, it makes one wonder how to survive the day. Good luck to everyone since we are all in the same boat, I guess. Just don't expect a lot of high scoring. Anyway, we have 152 participating players this time around including five newcomers to the game. Sanyaku news early on is for Doitsuyama who can return to Yokozuna with an 11-4 record while recently demoted Ozeki Sumio gets a shot to recapture the rank with 10 wins.
Have fun and enjoy!
by Nushuzan, 2010/9/14


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