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Kyushu Basho 2010 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:S Randomitsuki (11-4; 112 points)
Juryo Yusho:J2 Gibuten (11-4; 108 points)
Makushita Yusho:m27 Andonishiki (13-2; 109 points)
Gino-sho:S Randomitsuki (10-5; 112 points)
M12 Susanoo (10-5; 112 points)
Kanto-sho:M12 Susanoo (10-5; 112 points)
M13 Hironoumi (10-5; 110 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2010/12/2

Kyushu Basho 2010 - Server Problems
Major problems affected the Sumo Game shortly after the end of the tournament, resulting in downtime of the website and temporary data loss. Most of the data could be recovered. Among the lost data are the most recent daily reports. Sorry for the inconvenience and congratulations to the winners of the Kyushu Basho!
by Takanotaki, 2010/12/2

Kyushu Basho 2010 - Days 6 and 7
With Hakuho having his winning streak snapped early in the week, the final tournament of the year has taken on a unique characteristic as a total of seven rikishi are leading the tournament at 6-1. Although Hakuho is holding tough after the first week, one has to wonder if the pressure of having given more than 100% for most of the year will take it's toll on his psyche in the second week now that the streak is over. The big surprise of the tournament thus far is Kaio who is most likely on his home turf for the last time and is making every match count to become co-leader. It has been several years since the Ozeki has had such a great first week. Ozeki Baruto has put together a nice record as well after seven days and would love to have the Emperor's Cup in his possession before returning to Estonia for the holidays. Another surprise of the first week is Toyonoshima, not really because the level of competition he has faced in the first week, but because the suspension and demotion for his part in the gambling scandal, has, in a way, had a positive effect on his sumo career. After having dominated the juryo division in September with a 14-1 mark to earn a yusho, the first week of the Kyushu basho has seen Toyonoshima continue with the same excellent sumo that will propel him back into the joijin in 2011.
In Makunouchi division, Sekiwake Randomitsuki continues to dominate while improving to a perfect 7-0 and keeping his chances for Ozeki promotion alive. One match off the pace are EM13 Hironoumi and WM14 Kamakiriyama. In Juryo, WJ13 Tainosen leads the division at 6-1 with WJ1 Gaijingai, EJ2 Maiku, WJ12 Kibooyama and WJ14 Derakuho still in the hunt at 5-2. In Makushita, Wm16 Screechingowl is having a hoot of a tournament at 7-0 with eight others one match down at 6-1.
by Nushuzan, 2010/11/21

Kyushu Basho 2010 - Day 5
After five days of the Kyushu Basho 2010 Sekiwake Randomitsuki is starting to look like a serious candidate for Ozeki promotion. Having gotten off to a fast start at 5-0, Randomituski hopes to carry over the momentum of two straight ginosho prizes into enough wins to put him over the minimum number needed for Sumo Game's second highest rank. Also at 5-0 is WM14 Kamakiriyama who is making his debut in Makunouchi after having a fairly strong push through the banzuke since joining in the middle of 2008. In Juryo, the leader board is still up in the air with six participants locking horns at 4-1 while in Makushita, Em10 Saruwatari, Em12 Derosa, Wm16 Screechingowl, Em26 Kuroimori and Em44 Shibatayama remain perfect for a share of the lead.
by Nushuzan, 2010/11/19

Kyushu Basho 2010 - Days 1-3
Welcome to the final tournament of 2010, where sadly, the bad news is already behind us as Hakuho saw his winning streak come to an end on day two. Hakuho, who let his guard down at the tachiai, allowed Kisenosato to get past his defenses and chase him out of the ring and into the first few rows of surprised spectators. It was a good run at 63 wins but just a few days short of the all time record by Futabayama at 69. On day three of the basho, Hakuho got back to his winning ways and now must play catch-up at 2-1 to put himself back in contention for the Emperor's Cup.
In Sumo Game, the sanyaku ranks are still missing a Yokozuna with Ozeki Doitsuyama needing to pick up the pace in the following days to have a shot at promotion. At the sekiwake rank Randomitsuki who has gotten off to a fast start at 3-0 needs a yusho winning performance to have a shot at an Ozeki upgrade. The number of participating players this basho stands at 152 with only a single newcomer, Em58 Batoni, joining our virtual sumo world. Scoring for the tournament after three days is average at 6.38.
Good luck to all and have fun!
by Nushuzan, 2010/11/17


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