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Natsu Basho 2011 Cancelled
The Sumo Association decided to hold the Natsu Basho as a "Technical Examination Tournament" rather than a regular tournament. The Sumo Game will pause during the Natsu Basho, but will resume with the next full fletched tournament, which is hopefully the Nagoya Basho in July.
by Takanotaki, 2011/4/23

Haru Basho 2011 Cancelled
Due to the match fixing scandal, the Sumo Association decided to cancel this year's Haru Basho. Consequently, the Sumo Game Haru Basho will also be cancelled.
by Takanotaki, 2011/2/12

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M1 Kitakachiyama (11-4; 111 points)
Juryo Yusho:J11 Bunijiman (12-3; 111 points)
Makushita Yusho:m58 Shiroyuko (13-2; 104 points)
Gino-sho:M1 Kitakachiyama (11-4; 111 points)
Kanto-sho:M15 Kotononami (10-5; 104 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2011/1/29

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 15
At the end of the Hatsu Basho 2011 none of the divisions needed to have a playoff to determine the yusho winners. In Makunouchi, WM1 Kitakachiyama won the head-to-head match-up against WM15 Kotononami and became the only player in the division to obtain an 11-4 record. As a result, Kitakachiyama picks up his first title as well as the Ginosho special prize while Kotononmi was awarded the Kantosho.
In Juryo, WJ10 Bunijiman walked away with the yusho after winning a lopsided match against his opponent to improve to 12-3. Despite losing on senshuraku, Wm58 Shiroyuko had already won the Makushita title on day 14 and will get a nice boost up the ranks next time around.
Congratulations to all the winners! Be good, be safe and come back this way for the Haru basho in March!
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/29

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 14
Going into the final day of action we have one division in which the yusho has already been decided and two which are still wide open. First off, congratulations are in order for the winner of the Makushita division, Wm58 Shiroyuko who dominated for most of the tournament. With his 13-1 record and a two match lead over Wm7 Chisaiyama and Em11 Screechingowl, win or lose on senshuraku, he will have a mathematical lock on the crown.
In Makunouchi, Sekiwake Huumi faltered on day 14, to throw open the doors for three other competitors who now have a shot at the yusho. Interestingly, the yusho decision is mostly out of Huumi's control as WM1 Kitatkachiyama and WM15 Kotononami, who are both in co-leadership position at 10-4, will face each other in a head-to-head match up with the winner going on to at least force a play-off or perhaps steal away the yusho. Huumi and WM4 Rupatengu can join into a play-off should either manage to pick up win number eleven. In terms of total points, the next layer of extra numbers in tie break decisions, Kitakachiyama has a slight advantage with 101. Huumi is holding strong at 100 while Rupatengu at 98 and Kotononami at 95 have the most ground to make up.
In Juryo, WJ10 Zichi, who could have won the yusho on day 14 had he defeated his nearest foe WJ11 Bunijiman and mathematically eliminating him from contention, will now have to fight his way through to day 15. As it stands now, Both Zichi and Bunijiman are identical in terms of tournament record at 11-3 and total points at 102. A win by one and a loss by the other will give the winner the title. A win by both will force a playoff forcing Zichi to score more points than Bunijiman on senshuraku, otherwise, Buijiman holds all the best cards with the head-to-head win. If both should lose, then WJ3 Kajiyama and WJ8 Pastanoyama could join the fray with a final day victory. Both competitors are sitting on 100 points so they would have to have near perfect days to toss their name in the hat.
Good luck to all the contenders!
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/23

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 13
After thirteen days of the Hatsu Basho Sekiwake Huumi continued to keep all comers at bay as he upped his tournament record to 10-3. If Huumi manages to win another match in the next two days then Ozeki promotion will be within his grasp, on the other hand, two more victories will guarantee him a Makunouchi yusho. One loss away are WM1 Kitakachiyama, WM4 Rupatengu and WM15 Kotononami who are hoping for a slip by the leader to get a chance at the championship.
In Juryo, WJ10 Zichi improved his record to 11-2 to remain sole leader with WJ11 Bunijiman keeping things competitive at 10-3. In Makunouchi, Wm58 Shiroyuko is still the man to beat as he went to 12-1 keeping the pressure on Em11 Screechingowl who needs to find a way to close the gap to get into the yusho hunt.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/22

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 12
On day twelve of the Hatsu Basho there was little change in the leader boards in all divisions. In Makunouchi, Sekiwake Huumi improved to 9-3 and is now two wins away from the magic number needed for promotion to Ozeki. The number of those hoping to catch the leader going into the final three days, however, was reduced to five. In Juryo, WJ10 Zichi went to 10-2 and has a one match lead over his nearest rival WJ11 Bunijiman. In Makushita, Wm58 Shiroyuki continues to dominate the division while improving to 11-1 with a single competitor, Em11 Screechingowl, in reach at 10-2.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/21

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 11
Day eleven of the Hatsu basho saw Ozeki candidate Huumi become the first member of the Makunouchi division to pick up a kachikoshi after defeating Komusubi Nushuzan in a battle for the top of the leader board. With day eleven losses by all the other co-leaders Huumi now stands alone, however, no less than twelve members are one match behind at 7-4. Things definitely will get interesting down the home stretch with the yusho winner being the member that manages to put together four straight wins in the remaining days. Should it be Huumi, then he will win the yusho without a challenge, however, a miscue will send the division into a free for all with the winner surviving a messy playoff in which total points are going to play a significant role in the outcome.
In Juryo, a victory by WJ10 Zichi along with a loss by WJ8 Pastanoyama and WJ11 Bunijiman has given Zichi sole leadership of the division at 9-2. WJ4 Yokotanoharry joins Pastanoyama and Bunijiman in the runner up position at 8-3. In Makushita, Wm58 Shiroyuko remains all alone at the top of the heap at 10-1 with Em7 Chisaiyama, Em11 Screechingowl and Wm30 Hokuromitsu in striking distance of the leader at 9-2.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/20

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 10
On day ten of the Hatsu Basho 2011 there was yet another shift in the leader board of the Makunouchi division after all three co-leaders, Sekiwake Huumi, WM4 Rupatengu and EM15 Pandaazuma were defeated. Komusubi Sokkenaiyama, who was directly responsible for Huumi's third loss of the tournament, clawed his way into the yusho hunt and improved to 7-3. A fifth co-leader Komusubi Nushuzan, also at 7-3, will square off with Huumi on day 11 in a match that will give at least one member of the top division a kachikoshi and put them in good shape for a yusho run.
In Juryo, WJ8 Pastanoyama, WJ10 Zichi and WJ11 Bunijiman all picked up their kachikoshi to remain co-leaders at 8-2. In Makushita, Wm58 Shiroyuko remained the sole leader and improved to 9-1. A group of five others are knocking at the door of the leader at 8-2.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/19

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 9
On day nine of the Hatsu Basho 2011, the Makunouchi division turned into a three man race for the top of the leader board with Sekiwake Huumi, WM4 Rupatengu and EM15 Pandaazuma all improving to 7-2. Pandaazuma, who started the tournament with a slow 0-2 got into gear on day three to reel off seven straight wins for his place as co-leader. In Juryo, WJ8 Pastanoyama, WJ10 Zichi and WJ11 Bunijiman are sharing the lead at 7-2. In Makushita, Wm58 Shiroyuko remains the sole leader of the division, at 8-1, despite having his eight match winning streak snapped on day nine.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/18

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 7
Day seven of the Hatsu Basho 2011 saw scores break the 8 point mark for the second time of the tournament to register as the 14th highest scoring day of all time and thus balancing out the weak scores of the first two days. In Makunouchi, WM4 Rupatengu became the sole leader while improving to 6-1. Ozeki Randomitsuki improved to 5-2. At this point, a clarification of the rules for Yokozuna promotion are in order. According to FAQ section regarding the banzuke, a participant would have to be an Ozeki for two tournaments in a row as well as other conditions such as number of wins and number of yusho's won in a career. Since Randomitsuki is a shin-ozeki this tournament, he most likely will have to wait until March to make his promotional run for Yokozuna. However, it would be a discretion call by the Sumo Game Association (i.e. Takanotaki) if certain conditions could be waved. I personally apologize to Randomitsuki for not double checking this fact before commenting on the possibilities of promotion. However, with that being said, we can now focus on Sekiwake Huumi who also improved to 5-2 and is definitely still in the running for promotion to Ozeki.
In Juryo, WJ11 Bunijiman saw his six match winning streak come to an end to fall to 6-1. As a result, Bunijiman now finds himself co-leader along with WJ8 Pastanoyama with the same 6-1 mark. In Makushita, newcomer Wm58 Shiroyuko remains undefeated at 7-0 to sit at the top of pack.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/16

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 6
It only took one day for the leader board of the Makunouchi division to revert back to a bell shaped curve as many the co-leaders picked up there second loss of the Hatsu Basho. As a result, EM4 Chocshoporyu, WM4 Rupatengu and EM8 Hironoumi are sharing the top spot at 5-1. Ozeki Randomitsuki, who is 4-2, still has a decent shot for promotion to Yokozuna while Sekiwake Huumi who slipped on day six is also in good shape for Ozeki promotion. However, neither sanyaku regular can afford a third loss this early in the tournament.
In Juryo, WJ11 Bunijiman remains perfect at 6-0 to lead the division. One match off the pace is WJ8 Pastanoyama at 5-1. In Makushita, Wm25 Kamakiri and Wm58 Shiroyuki are co-leaders and still undefeated at the the early stages of the basho.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/15

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Day 5
On day five of the Hatsu basho 2011, an implosion among the co-leaders EM4 Chocshoporyu, WM4 Rupatengu and WM10 Andoreasu, who all failed to pick up a fifth shiroboshi, has created a chaotic scene at the top of the leader board and blown the Makunouchi division wide open. Sekiwake Huumi who improved to 4-1 to join the fray is still making excellent progress towards Ozeki promotion and joins EM8 Hironoumi, WM9 Kaiowaka and WM14 Konosato for a share of the lead. Huumi will square off with Hironoumi, on day 6, in bout that will shave at least one person off of the stack for the lead.
In Juryo, WM11 Bunijiman became sole leader of the division and remains perfect at 6-0 while in Makushita the leaderboard has started to take formation with Wm25 Kamakiri, Em43 Achiyama and Wm58 Shiroyuko leading the charge.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/14

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Days 3 and 4
Day three of the Hatsu Basho saw scoring go through the roof as most players finished with eight or more points and a total of 33 players finished with a perfect score on the day. With that all said and done, day three finished at number eight on the highest scoring day list.
In Makunouchi division after four days EM4 Chocshoporyu, WM4 Rupatengu and WM10 Andoreasu remain perfect at 4-0 to become co-leaders at the early stages of the tournament. Both Sekiwakes are one match off the pace to keep alive the chance for a promotion to Ozeki. In Juryo, WJ5 Kyokuhagyo and WJ11 Bunijiman are sitting at the top of the leader board of the division. In Makushita, a group of seven are fighting for supremacy with the eminent trimming down process of the division still a day or two away.
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/13

Hatsu Basho 2011 - Days 1 and 2
Welcome to the Hatsu Basho for 2011, the first tournament of the year. Apologies straight off goes out for the lack of coverage for the Kyushu Basho and the server crash towards the end of the tournament. Luckily, no important data was lost in the process but it was a close one. Anyway, it is a new year with new opportunities so let's get on with the show!
First off, we have a new Ozeki for the Hatsu basho in Randomitsuki who achieved the rank thanks to an incredible run in the numbers dating back to the Hatsu Basho 2008 where he has gone 158-97-15 including two yushos and five ginoshos. Since Randomitsuki is now offically an Ozeki, he stands and excellent chance for Yokozuna promotion should he win in double digits this time around. In the Sekiwake ranks we have Ekigozan and Huumi who are both in the hunt for Ozeki promotion should either one manage to pick up 11 wins this tournament.
For the first basho of the new year we have 156 participating players including eight newcomers to the game. Scoring for day one and two has been low at 5.14 as several of the top performers have gotten off to a slow start making daily picks somewhat unpredictable but things should start to even out in the coming days.
Good luck to everyone and enjoy the basho!
by Nushuzan, 2011/1/10


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