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Huumi promoted to Ozeki as Takahike II
After recording 31 wins over the last three tournaments, Sekiwake Huumi will join Doitsuyama and Randomitsuki as Ozeki in the next banzuke. On the occasion, Huumi will change his shikona to Takahike II in reference to his old shikona Takahike under which he played from 2001 to 2005 and previously held the Ozeki title for over one year before retiring in 2005. He then rejoined the game at the bottom of the banzuke as Huumi. Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment!
by Takanotaki, 2011/8/5

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M12 Kamakiriyama (11-4; 111 points)
Juryo Yusho:J5 Kiriazuma (11-4; 109 points)
Makushita Yusho:m59 Mariyasu (13-2; 104 points)
Gino-sho:S Huumi (10-5; 115 points)
Kanto-sho:M12 Kamakiriyama (11-4; 111 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2011/8/5

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Day 15
The results for the first official post match-fixing tournament are as follows; Both EM12 Kamakiriyama and WM6 Susanoo were able to pick up win number eleven on senshuraku, however, Kamakiriyama was given the yusho based on superior point totals for the tournament. Kamakiryama was also awarded the Kantosho. Sekiwake Huumi awarded the Ginosho for his 115 point effort. In Juryo, WJ5 Kiriazuma, the reincarnation of Sumo Game's first Yokozuna, Kirinoumi, was handed the hardware for his 11-4 record and for also defeating runner up EJ3 Kyokuhagyo on day 14. Both members had identical point totals so the second tier of tie break was used to determine the winner. In Makushita, Em59 Mariyasu walked away with the yusho with a 13-2 record with no play-off necessary.
Thanks everyone for being patient during this time of uncertainty. Enjoy your summer!
by Nushuzan, 2011/8/1

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Day 14
Going into the final day of the Nagoya Basho all three of the divisions are still up for grabs. In Makunouchi, there is at least three yusho hopefuls with many more waiting in the wings for any sort of a miscue. Presently, Sekiwake Huumi, WM6 Susanoo and EM12 Kamakiriyama are at the top of the heap with 10 wins. Since none of them will be in a head-to-head match-up all three could find themselves in a playoff by the end of the day with another victory. Naturally, a victory by one and a loss by the other two would give the yusho to the one who managed to improve to 11-4. However, should all three lose, Sekiwake Sokkenaiyama (9-5) who is Huumi's opponent on day 15 would automatically join the playoff as well as any of the other 9-5 wrestlers who manage to pick up double digits in wins.
In Juryo, four members are in control of their destiny for the tournament title but EJ3 Kyokuhago and EJ14 Screechingowl who will face each other in a head-to-head match-up are the pivot point for the this scenario. The winner will improve to 11-4 and either win the yusho outright or at least have a chance to enter a playoff should either or both WJ5 Kiriazuma and WJ8 Natsunoyama win on senshuraku. Natsunoyama with his 104 points is in the best shape to win any playoff.
In Makushita, Em59 Mariyasu could take the yusho outright with a victory on the final day. A loss by Mariyasu and a win by either Em37 Korrifuu, Wm37 Shiroyuko or Em43 Harumataikai would force a playoff. Shiroyuko could steal the yusho if he manages to enter a playoff with his 102 points.
Good luck to all the contenders!
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/24

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Day 12
On day 12 of the Nagoya Basho, the three way tie for the lead of the Makunouchi division was reduced to two after WM7 Tosahayate fell to 9-3. As a result, Sekiwake Huumi and WM6 Susanoo who were both victorious on the day remain co-leaders at 10-2. In Juryo, WJ5 Kiriazuma lost for the second day in a row to see big advantage in the yusho chase disappear. Kiriazuma is now deadlocked with EJ3 Kyokuhagyo and EJ14 Screechingowl at 9-3. There was no change in the leader board of the Makushita division as Em37 Koorifuu maintains his one match lead Em59 Mariyasu.
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/22

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Day 11
On day 11 of the Nagoya basho legendary rikishi Kaio finally decided to hang up his muwashi and rest his battered and aging body. Earlier in the tournament he secured enough wins to finally surpass former Yokozuna Chiyonfuji for first on the all time wins list, however, having struggling after that, his tournament record was dangling close machikoshi making him kadoban yet again. Ozeki pride being a factor, Kaio decided not to lose face and called it a career. Kaio joined sumo in March of 1988 along with former greats, Takanohana, Wakanohana and Akebono. Perhaps it was the fate of joining sumo at same time of all these former Yokozuna's that Kaio never could really attain Sumo's highest rank. However, Kaio, by not actually reaching the rank of Yokozuna, was able to prolong his career long after the other three retired since there was never the Yokozuna scrutiny of peak performance. Kaio's final numbers are 1047-700-158 with a Makunouchi record of 879-581-141 and five Emperor's Cups.
In Sumo Game action, Sekiwake Huumi was able to defeat WM7 Tosahayate to climb back into yusho contention. WM6 Susanoo also improved to 9-2 to make it a three way battle for the lead. In Juryo, WJ5 Kiriazuma saw his two match lead reduced to one as he fell to 9-2. In Makushita, Em37 Koorifuu improved to 10-1 and holds a slim lead over Em59 Mariyasu who is 9-2.
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/21

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Day 10
At the two thirds mark for the Nagoya Basho 2011 the leader boards for all three divisions are starting separate the contenders from the pretenders. In Makunouchi division WM7 Tosahayate finds himself sole leader with a 9-1 record after Sekiwake Huumi picked up his second kuroboshi of the tournament. Huumi will meet Tosahayate on day 11 and can climb back into the yusho hunt with a victory. WM6 Susanoo who is also one match off the pace could join the fray by the end of the day.
In Juryo, WJ5 Kiriazuma retained a two match lead over the field while improve to 9-1. In Makushita, Em37 Koorifuu picked up his first loss of the basho but remained the sole leader after Em7 Hakubayama was also on the short end of things. Wm41 Markuraku and Em59 Mariyasu, who both picked up their kachikoshi, join the title hunt.
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/20

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Day 9
Scores for the Nagoya Basho 2011 cooled considerably on day nine as most participants struggled to get beyond the five point mark on the day. In Makunouchi, Sekiwake Huumi and WM7 Tosahayate continue to set the pace while improving to 8-1 for the tournament. In Juryo, WJ5 Kiriazuma picked up his kachikoshi on the day and distanced himself by two wins over the rest of the field. In Makushita, Em37 Koorifuu remains perfect for the basho at 9-0 and holds a one match lead over Em7 Hakubayama.
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/19

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Day 8
Scoring for the Nagoya Basho continued to sizzle as Nakabi also landed on the Highest Scoring Days at 8.75, sixth all time. A total of 31 players managed a perfect 10 on the day with several matches sadly ending in a 10-10 tie break.
In Makunouchi, Sekiwake Huumi, WM7 Tosahayate and EM12 Kamikiriyama continue to set the pace at 7-1. In Juryo, WJ5 Kiriazuma remains sole leader at 7-1 with EJ14 Screechingowl one loss down at 6-2. In Makushita, a loss by Wm36 Fuheika handed top position to Em37 Koorifuu who became the first member in any of the divisions to pick up his kachikoshi. Fuheika falls into a tie with Em7 Hakubayama, Wm37 Shiroyuko and Wm41 Markuraku for the runner up position.
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/18

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Day 7
Day seven of the Nagoya Basho saw overall scoring barely cracking the top 25 list with an 8.13 mark. A total of 21 participating players were able to achieve perfection on the day as well. In Makunouchi division, it remains a tight race for the top of the leader board with Sekiwake Huumi, WM6 Susanoo, WM7 Tosahayate, WM8 Toonoryu and EM12 Kamakiriyama all at 6-1 at the end of the first week action. In Juryo, WJ5 Kiriazuma finds himself all alone at the top of the heap at 6-1. One match off the pace are a group of four including@WJ1 Metzinowaka, EJ3 Kyokuhagyo, WJ13 Anjoboshi and EJ14 Screechingowl. In Makushita, both Wm36 Fuheika and Em37 Koorifuu were victorious on the day to improve to 7-0 for a share of the lead.
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/17

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Days 5 and 6
On day six of the Nagoya Basho, early leader of the Makunouchi division WM14 Otokomae was handed his first loss to fall to 5-1. As a result, there is now a seven way split for the lead. Ozeki Randomitsuki who had decent shot at Yokozuna promotion going into the tournament has gotten off to a slow start at 1-5 quashing any chances of picking up the required 22 wins in two consecutive bashos. In Juryo, WJ1 Metzinowaka, EJ3 Kyokuhagyo and WJ5 Kiriazuma all improved to 5-1 for a share of the top spot. In Makushita, Wm36 Fuheika and Em37 Koorifuu remain undefeated at 6-0 and are co-leaders of the division.
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/16

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Days 3 and 4
On day four of the Nagoya Basho 2011 ironman Kaio reached another milestone as he tied former Yokozona Chiyonofuji for all time career wins at 1045. In a show of sportsmanship Chiyonofuji was on hand after the match to congratulate Kaio who can now go on to surpass the Yokozuna with a day five win over Kyokutenho.
In Sumo Game action, EM4 Fujisan, WM6 Susanoo and WM14 Otokomae have all started the tournament with four straight wins to find themselves sitting a the top of the leader board. In Juryo, WJ1 Metzinowaka is sole leader at 4-0 while in Makushita, Wm36 Feheika, Em37 Koorifuu, WM52 Sakanatori and WM55 Kirenahana are the early co-leaders.
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/14

Nagoya Basho 2011 - Days 1 and 2
Welcome to the Nagoya Basho 2011. A lot has happened since our last official tournament in January. We hope everyone one is well after the major earthquake and tsunami in March and sincere heartfelt condolences go out to the many, many people that were caught up in such a violent act of nature.
In Sumo, I'm sure everyone by now knows about the match fixing scandal that has rocked the sport in recent months. I'm also sure by now that everyone has an opinion one way or other on how the whole fiasco was handled by the Sumo Association. Rather than offer my take on the recent events I thought I would share something and ask a question.
In the book 'Freakonomics' a pair of economists did some research on the subject of cheating in sumo that stemmed in part from allegations made by a pair of former rikishi in the 1990's. in which both whistle blowers died within hours of each other under mysterious circumstances. Crunching numbers from all the day 15 matches from the years 1989-2000, where a wrestler was 7-7 and faced either a wrestler that 8-6 or 9-5 they were able to prove that the 7-7 wrestlers won his bout more often than was statistically probable and in the following tournament, that same wrestler seemed to lose more often than not in the rematch. Thus proving their was some kind of 'back scratching' happening. The thing to consider at this point is that on any given day 15 there are around 6-10 wrestlers that are still in dire need of a kachikoshi. In tournament X maybe it is this set of people, but in tournament Y it might be a different group of rikishi altogether. Some wrestlers might frequently need a win on day 15 but other wrestlers might have this happen a few times in their career. In other words, nearly every wrestler will find himself in this position. Now here is something else to consider: if most of the numbers that were used in the book to prove their point come from as far back as 1989. And if most of the Oyakata's today were active wrestlers at the time of the first match rigging scandal and most of sumo association council members today were perhaps the more powerful Oyakata's at the time, do you think match rigging is being done by a few 'bad eggs' with a tendency to be among the foreign wrestlers or do you think that match rigging is institutionalized with everyone from the top down having participated in it at some point in their career?
Anyway, with that being said, enjoy the tournament and good luck. And for the 136 participating players for the Nagoya Basho, you are the true sumo fans!
by Nushuzan, 2011/7/12


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