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Hatsu Basho 2013 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M4 Flohru (12-3; 114 points)
Juryo Yusho:J4 Kibooyama (15-0; 104 points)
Makushita Yusho:m31 Tomatsu (13-2; 114 points)
Gino-sho:M1 Ekigozan (8-7, 114 points)
M4 Flohru (12-3; 114 points)
M7 Norizo (10-5, 114 points)
Kanto-sho:WM8 Ganozohnesushi (11-4; 111 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2013/1/31

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 15
It was about this time last tournament when I pulled out my trusty calculation machine to figure out the odds (at the time) of getting a zensho yusho. I based the number on the total number of participating players over the years and divided that by our single perfect tournament and came up with the number of 10000 to 1. The problem with this unscientific approach is that one assumes it is going to take equally as long for another player down the road to achieve the same feat. That didn't happen. For a second tournament in a row Sumo Game is proud to announce yet another zensho yushu. In Juyro, EJ4 Kibooyama was able to walk away with the title with a perfect 15-0 record and will get a nice healthy boost up the rankings in the spring. Congratulations!
In Makunouchi division, EM4 Flohru picked up his second career yusho along with the Ginosho which was also spilt with EM7 Norizo and WM1 Ekigozan. All three finished the basho with 114 points. WM8 Ganozohnesushi was runner up and also the winner of the Kantosho special prize.
In Makushita, Em31 Tomatsu was able to force a senshuraku playoff with Wm33 Mainoumi by winning his final bout and with Mainoumi coming up a bit short in his match. As a result, Tomatsu easily outscored Mainoumi, 114-109, for the title.
Congratulations to all the winners!
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/31

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 14
At day fourteen of the Hatsu Basho two of the yushu winners have already been decided. In Makunouchi, EM4 Flohru, at 12-2, now has an insurmountable lead over the rest of the field and will be awarded his second career top division title.
The yusho in the juryo division has also already been determined as EJ4 Kibooyama now has a two win gap over EJ12 Yokotanoharry. The two will face off on senshuraku in a bout that could give Kibooyama Sumo Game's second perfect tournament. Yokotanoharry could play the spoiler and prevent the deed from taking place, but either way, both members had a fine New's Years tournament and will get a nice boost up the ranks. Good luck Kibooyama!
In Makushita, the only division without an early winner, it is now down to a two man race. At 13-1, Wm33 Mainoumi is the sole leader and could wrap things up with a senshuraku win. However, if Mainoumi should lose and Em31 Tomatsu improves to 13-2 then a play-off will take place. Tomatsu has a slim lead in point total 106-104 so Mainoumi needs to bring his 'A' game on the final day or find himself coming up a bit short.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/27

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 13
Going into the final weekend of the Hatsu Basho 2013 EM4 Flohru at 11-2 hopes to extend his winning streak to seven and mathematically eliminate his nearest foe WM8 Ganzohnesushi the remaining participant with a shot at a come from behind yusho. Ganzohnesushi must hope to win his final two matches and have Flohru drop his final two, as well as overcome a four point tournament total to have any chance for the title.
In Juryo, EJ4 Kibooyama at 13-0 has a two match lead over EJ12 Yokotanoharry the only other member of the division with a shot at the yusho. For Kibooyama a perfect weekend will give him Sumo Game's second straight zensho yusho. Good luck!
In Makushita, Wm33 Mainoumi at 12-1 is still maintaining a slim one match lead over his nearest rival Em31 Tomatsu who is 11-2. At 10-3 we have Wm2 Takanosushi, Em6 Anjoboshi, Em23 Aome and Wm41 Holleshoryu who still have an outside shot at a yusho.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/26

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 12
At day twelve of the New Year's tournament, EM4 Flohru has opened up a two match lead over his nearest competitor in the Makunouchi division. Flohru at 10-2 could guarantee himself a play-off spot for the yusho with a win on day 13 and makes things harder for those trying to catch him down the stretch run. In Juryo, EJ4 Kibooyama also was able to maintain his two match lead over the field on day twelve and has statistically eliminated everyone, except EJ12 Yokotanoharry at 10-2 and EJ3 Zenjimoto at 9-3, from contention. In Makushita, a late tournament fade by Wm2 Takanosushi has allowed Wm33 Mainoumi at 11-1 to take over the top position. Takanosushi joins Em31 Tomatsu in the runner-up category at 10-2.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/25

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 11
For the third day in row scoring for the Hatsu basho was above the 8 point mark. At 8.24 it just finished outside of the highest scoring day's list. In Makunouchi EM4 Flohru, survivor of a 10-10 match-up on day eleven, maintained a one match lead over Komusubi Andoreasu. Andoreasu was the only member of the five way runner up split to go 8-3 to pick up a kachikoshi.
In Juryo, EJ4 Kibooyama, who is still perfect, stretched out his lead and now holds a two win margin over EJ12 Yokotanoharry. In Makushita, long time leader Wm2 Takanosushi saw a ten match winning streak come to an end to fall to 10-1 and thus allowing Wm33 Mainoumi to catch him on the leader board.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/24

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 10
Day ten of the Hatsu Basho saw scoring hit a high water mark for the tournament at 8.46 making it good enough to be entered onto the highest scoring day list at number 15. A total of 29 players achieved perfect marks of 10, and, as is usually the case on days like these, many match-ups across the board ended in a 10-10 tie break. In Makunouchi division, EM8 Flohru emerged the sole leader while improving 8-2. One match off the pace are group of five others including Ozeki Hokuro and Komusubi Andoreasu. In Juryo, EJ4 Kibooyama upped his winning streak to 10 and is now starting to run away from the field. One match down at 9-1 is EJ2 Yokotanoharry while WJ1 Mukuho and WJ10 Sebunshu are still in the hunt at 8-2.
In Makushita,Wm2 Takanosushi remains perfect at 10-0 for sole leadership with Wm9 Mainoumi in striking distance at 9-1.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/23

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 9
At day nine of the Hatsu Basho leader WM8 Ganzohnesushi fell to 7-2 to the of former Yokozuna Doitsuyama (who is quietly putting together a nice tournament). The loss alllowed EM4 Flohru and WM17 Mariohana to catch Ganzohnesushi with the indentical 7-2 record. In Juryo EJ4 Kiboooyama continued his dominance of the division while improving to a perfect 9-0. One loss down is EJ12 Yokotanoharry at 8-1 with WJ1 Mukuho and WJ10 Sebunshu two losses away at 7-2. In Makushita, Wm2 Takanosushi remained the sole leader with Wm33 Mainoumi keeping things close at 8-1.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/22

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 8
At Nakabi of the Hatsu Basho 2013 WM7 Ganzohnesushi remained the sole leader of the Makunouchi division as he improved to 7-1. One match off the pace are EM4 Flohru, EM7 Norizo and WM17 Mariohana. In Juryo, EJ4 Kibooyama picked up his kachikoshi to remain undefeated and continued to hold off WJ1 Mukuho and EJ12 Yokotanoharry who both at 7-1. In Makushita, Wm2 Takanosushi also picked up a kachikoshi at Nakabi and is all alone at the top of the leaderboard. Wm20 Kurimori, Wm33 Mainoumi and Em43 Shigereui are within striking distance at 7-1.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/21

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 7
We have some sad news to report in the world of Sumo, as the greatest Yokozuna of all time, Taiho, passed away yesterday afternoon in Tokyo hospital from heart failure. He was 72 years old. Taiho, who was born to a Ukrainian father and a Japanese mother entered sumo in September 1956 and was promoted to the 48th Yokozuna five years later at the tender age of 21, becoming the youngest Grand Champion at time. In his era, he went on to win 32 Makunouchi yusho, including eight tournaments with a perfect record, putting him in first place on the all time wins list. Although Taiho never swept all of the tournaments in a single year, he did win six tournaments in a row twice in his career: from July 1962-May 1963 and later on from March 1966-January 1967. He sat out much of 1968 with injures but went on to win three tournaments in a row after returning. He retired in 1971 with a career mark of 872-181-136. Rest in peace.
In Sumo Game action, sole leader WM8 Ganzohnesushi picked up his first kuroboshi to fall to 6-1 but remains the sole leader after EM4 Flohru fell to 5-2. In Juryo, Kibooyama is the man to beat at 7-0 while in Makushita, Wm2 Takanosushi and Wm33 Mainoumi are sharing the glory at 7-0.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/20

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 6
After six days of the Hatsu Basho the leader boards of all three divisions have started to take on definable features. In Makunouchi, WM6 Ganzohnesushi continues to lead all comers with a 6-0 record with EM4 Flohru one step away at 5-1. In Juryo, EJ4 Kibooyama is the sole leader at 6-0 with a group of four others at 5-1. In Makushita, Wm2 Takanosushi, Wm33 Mainoumi and Em43 Shigereui remain perfect at 6-0 for a share of the top spot.
Scoring for the tournament has somewhat difficult as all of the Ozeki's have underperformed making solid predictions problematic. As is stands now the tournament average is a 'devil may care' 6.66.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/19

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Day 4
After four days of the Hatsu Basho WM8 Ganzohnesushi has jumped off to an early lead in the Makunouchi division with a 4-0 record. In Juryo, WJ1 Mukuho, EJ3 Zenjimoto and EJ4 Kibooyama are the co-leaders and still undefeated. In Makushita,a five way split for the top position include Wm2 Takanosushi, Em6 Anjoboshi, Wm20 Kuroimori, Wm33 Mainoumi and Em43 Shigereui.
Scoring for the basho has been slightly above average at 6.70.
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/17

Hatsu Basho 2013 - Days 1 and 2.
Welcome to the first tournament of 2013. We hope everyone is well rested and ready for a productive new year. Also, for those actually living in-country, we hope that you have dug yourselves out of the heavy snows that clobbered most the area over the weekend and have gotten around safely and without major complications.
Sumo Game is back and ready for some exciting action. In Makunouchi division the upper sanyaku has thinned considerably with only Hokuro defending the rank of Ozeki and is hoping to bounce back from a slow 0-2 to finish with a strong tournament record. At the Sekiwake rank only Sumio has an outside chance for an Ozeki promotion run and needs a 13-2 mark to accomplish the task at hand.
For the Hatsu basho we have a total of 136 participating players with two new comers to the game. Good luck to all and have fun!
by Nushuzan, 2013/1/15


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