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Natsu Basho 2013 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M13 Pandaazuma (12-3; 111 points)
Juryo Yusho:J1 Mukuho (10-5; 110 points)
Makushita Yusho:m24 Markuraku (14-1; 111 points)
Gino-sho:M9 Kitakachiyama (10-5, 115 points)
M15 Gaijingai (8-7, 115 points)
Kanto-sho:M13 Pandaazuma (12-3; 111 points)
Shukun-sho:not rewarded
by Takanotaki, 2013/5/27

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 15
Natsu Basho is in the books. As recorded yesterday, WM13 Pandaazuma took the top-division title with a 12-3 record. Jun-yusho is shared by six players at 10-5, one of them Komusubi Kotononami, who sadly lost today and will have to wait another basho for a chance of ozeki promotion. He will need 9 wins in July - a very achievable target.
The Juryo division was the most exciting by far, with WJ8 Metzinowaka's loss leading to a four-way play-off. WJ1 Mukuho came out on top with the highest points total and will be happy to reach Makuuchi with yusho in both lower divisions as well as the fastest-ever rise to the top division. Congratulations to her.
And Ems24 Markuraku won again to make it an easy 14-1 tournament victory. He can expect a very nice leap up the banzuke for Nagoya in July.
Thanks for playing, everyone. See you in two months.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/5/26

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 14
The Makuuchi division yusho was decided on day 14 as WM13 Pandaazuma won while his closest challenger lost. Komusubi Kotononami is now joint second and has a vital bout tomorrow against fellow Komusubi Sumio. A win will put him up for possible ozeki promotion. Good luck to him.
In contrast to Makuuchi, the Juryo yusho race is still wide open. WJ8 Metzinowaka is alone in the lead but if he loses, his point total will almost certainly take him out of contention. Five players are in line, hoping for a slip-up. And in Makushita Ems24 Markuraku finally wrapped things up, winning his 13th in style with a very strong score.
Congratulations to the Makuuchi and Makushita yusho winners, and good luck to the Juryo yusho hopefuls on senshuraku.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/5/26

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 13
The three leaders in the Makuuchi division all won so WM13 Pandaazuma (11-2) leads by one win over EM11 Toonoryu with two days to go. Komusubi Kotononami also remains mathematically in the race for both yusho and ozeki promotion.
However all the leaders in Juryo lost, throwing the race wide open to a following pack of four. EJ7 Sebunshu (9-4) enjoys a slight points advantage. And normal service was resumed in Makushita as Ems24 Markuraku got back to winning ways while his main rival Ems34 Survivor lost. Markuraku now leads by two wins and is now odds on to win.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/5/25

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 12
WM13 Pandaazuma got lucky today, winning as both close contenders EM11 Toonoryu and Komusubi Kotononami lost to opponents with perfect scores. The Panda is now the sole leader at 10-2. Ozeki Hokuro came back from his droning holiday in style and now only needs one more win to keep his rank. Kotononami needs to win all his remaining days for consideration for ozeki promotion.
In Juryo, former leader WJ12 Ahogeyama lost again to leave EJ7 Sebunshu, WJ8 Metzinowaka and EJ14 Andonishiki fighting it out for the yusho with 9 wins. In Makushita, the duel between Ems24 Markuraku and Ems34 Survivor continues apace as they both win. Survivor is one win behind but, with three days to go, who knows?
by Pandaazuma, 2013/5/24

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 11
In Makuuchi, the two leaders EM11 Toonoryu and WM13 Pandaazuma both won, improving to nine wins. There was carnage in the following group with only Komusubi Kotononami coming through intact for a day-11 kachi-koshi. Sekiwake Susanoo's Ozeki run came to an end with a loss to old rival Norizo, but Kotononami still has a good chance of being promoted to Ozeki straight from Komusubi. It is unusual but there is precedent: former Ozeki Yumezukuri was promoted to Ozeki from Komusubi in 2008 with 32 wins in three tournaments. Kadoban Ozeki Hokuro needs to be careful as he still needs 8 wins to keep his rank but droned to a fifth loss today.
The Juryo leader WJ12 Ahogeyama lost today while his three pursuers EJ7 Sebunshu, WJ8 Metzinowaka and EJ14 Andonishiki all won to join together with 8 wins. In Makushita, Ems24 Markuraku's zensho run finally came to an end at ten wins. Just one win behind Ems34 Survivor will be playing 'Eye of the Tiger' tonight to get him in the mood for the epic comeback.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/5/22

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 10
Makuuchi leader EM11 Toonoryu lost today, as did close follower Sekiwake Susanoo, in very close tie-breaks. WM13 Pandaazuma took advantage and now shares the lead with Toonoryu. A group of six is just one win behind and all will have a chance for kachi-koshi tomorrow. Susanoo now needs to win all his remaining bouts to achieve promotion. Other candidate Komusubi Kotononami remains on track for consideration, needing four more wins out of five.
A similar losing scenario unfolded at the head of the Juryo division and leader WJ12 Ahogeyama lost along with close pursuers WJ8 Metzinowaka and EJ14 Andonishiki. EJ7 Sebunshu seized the opportunity and is now also one off the pace. In Makushita Ems24 Markuraku picked up his tenth win and is gliding to the yusho. Only two players are anywhere near him, two wins behind.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/5/21

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 9
In Makuuchi, EM11 Toonoryu continued his fine run and clinched an 8th win as most of his closest pursuers lost. Only Sekiwake Susanoo and WM13 Pandaazuma could keep up with the Frenchman, both now with 7-2 records.
Susanoo is actually on an Ozeki run and could be considered for promotion with 12 wins. Komusubi Kotononami also has a slight chance of promotion should he win 11 after his yusho in the previous basho. Meanwhile Ozeki Hokuro (6-3) is kadoban but is well placed to reach the 8 wins required to keep his rank despite losing today.
In Juryo WJ12 Ahogeyama came out on top of a leaders' death match with an excellent score and can now enjoy sole leadership and a day-nine kachi-koshi. WJ8 Metzinowaka and EJ14 Andonishiki are one off the pace. In Makushita, Ems24 Makuraku marches on with nine wins out of nine and looks the clear yusho favorite.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/5/20

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 8
Nakabi saw the Makuuchi division have a sole leader for the first time this tournament as EM11 Toonoryu (7-1) took advantage of slip-ups from Ozeki Hokuro, WM10 Derosa and WM12 Pandaazuma. A field of six players with 6-2 records are on his tail.
In Juryo the leaders are breaking away as they all win, with WJ8 Metzinowaka and WJ12 Ahogeyama (7-1) just pipping EJ14 Andonishiki who has six wins. And in Makushita we find the only remaining zensho player, Ems24 Markuraku, who can relax slightly as his closest challengers only have six wins.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/5/19

Natsu Basho 2013 - Day 1
Due to technical and organizational problems, we experienced a delay in the publication of the torikumi for days one and two. Sorry for the inconvenience!
by Takanotaki, 2013/5/13


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