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Aki Basho 2013 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:S Tosahayate (12-3; 104 points)
Juryo Yusho:J6 Kamakiriyama (12-3; 103 points)
Makushita Yusho:m22 Niobee (13-2; 104 points)
Gino-sho:K Sumio (11-4; 106 points)
Kanto-sho:M9 Kinkaizan (10-5; 100 points)
M11 Chocshoporyu (10-5; 101 points)
M15 Otokomae (10-5; 94 points)
Shukun-sho:M1 Pandaazuma (9-6; 104 points)
M6 Hironoumi (8-7; 93 points)
by Takanotaki, 2013/9/30

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 15
Congratulations to Sekiwake Tosahayate who has won the Sumo Game Makuuchi yusho with a 12-3 record and can also expect to be considered for promotion to ozeki in Kyushu after gaining the required 31 wins over three basho and being ranked at sekiwake, good timing as we have just sadly lost Ozeki Hokuro to retirement. Komusubi Sumio will have to be content with jun-yusho but can be proud of a great tournament in which he was the highest scorer of all divisions.
E Juryo 6 Kamakiriyama took the Juryo title despite losing on the final day, while E Makushita 22 Niobee won in style to take the Makushita division title. Unusually, no play-offs were required to decide any of the winners.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks for playing Sumo Game this Aki Basho. See you all in November.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/29

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 14
Coming into the final day the Makuuchi yusho contender list has been narrowed down to two wrestlers: Sekiwake Tosahayate and Komusubi Sumio. Both have to fight two of the finest German players tomorrow and will need to be on form. Sumio has a distinct advantage in that he is three points ahead AND won their head-to-head bout, meaning that realistically a Sumio win tomorrow should be enough for the yusho. But who knows?
The Juryo story is much simpler as E Juryo 6 Kamakiriyama won while his closest challenger lost and so wrapped up the yusho, the likely reward being a return to the top division after a recent revival in form.
In Maksuhita E Makushita 22 Niobee looks almost certain to win the Makushita trophy as his nearest rival is not only one win behind but also five points away. Only a miracle will prevent the relative newcomer from Hungary from picking up his first yusho.
Good luck tomorrow, everyone.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/28

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 12
Before the usual report, two things: first, apologies for the technical hitch with the scores on day 12. The scores are OK now and the stats page will be fixed soon. And secondly, Sumo Game is sad to report that our sole Ozeki Hokuro has expressed his intention to retire after failing to satisfy the requirements necessary to escape kadoban. Hokuro flew up the ranks in meteoric fashion and went straight to ozeki at the first attempt, picking up three Makuuchi yusho and one Juryo one along the way. We hope very much that he re-registers and works his way up again as the great former Ozeki Takahike (Huumi) once did. Sumo Game will lose a fearsome opponent.
Back to business: the leaders have taken a real battering over the last couple of days and the dynamics have changed significantly in Makuuchi. Sekiwake Tosahayate is now leading with Komusubi Sumio, who is having a great tournament in terms of points scored as well. A group of five is just one win behind. Tosahayate needs to win the remaining three days to be considered for ozeki promotion.
In Juryo E Juryo 6 Kamakiriyama is all alone with ten wins with only two close pursuers. And in Makushita, W Makushita 18 Survivor, E Makushita 22 Niobee and W Makushita 50 Hayaikaze all lead with 10-2 records.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/27

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 10
When I wished Hokuro good luck yesterday, I didn't expect it to be unbelievable luck! The battling ozeki held onto his rank for another day courtesy of a stunning loss for Hakuho at the hands of Goeido. In the Makuuchi yusho race, three of the leaders won and celebrated winning records today. Sekiwake Tosahayate had an excellent 8 points on a day of upsets and is now level with fellow Sekiwake Randomitsuki on points and W Maegashira 15 Otokomae on wins.
E Juryo 2 Metzinowaka and E Juryo 6 Kamakiriyama both won today to lead 8-2, and E Makushita 22 Niobee regained sole ownership of the Makushita division lead with only one loss so far.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/25

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 9
Sekiwake Randomitsuki lost due to Kisenosato's shock defeat and falls back into a group of four that includes ozeki hopeful Sekiwake Tosahayate. Both will face an all-sanyaku slate as the basho draws to a close. Kadoban Ozeki Hokuro has now run out of options and now needs to win all his remaining matches to avoid falling to Sekiwake. Good luck to him.
Juryo continues to mimic Makuuchi as the sole leader E Juryo 6 Kamakiriyama also lost there and ALSO fell back into a group of four. And...again in spookily similar fashion...Makushita's sole leader lost and is now part of a group of three leaders all on one loss.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/24

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 8
Sekiwake Randomitsuki takes sole lead of the Makuuchi division (in terms of points scored as well) with another commanding victory and is well placed for his second week slate of mostly sanyaku foes. A field of seven is on his tail. Ozeki Hokuro recorded another brilliant win but is still up against it at 2-6. He can now only absorb one more loss in the next seven days or he will lose his ozeki status. Sekiwake Tosahayate meanwhile continues his unlikely quest for promotion as he improves to 6-2. If he wins 6/7 over the second week, he will be considered for the step up.
Juryo also has a sole leader, now in E Juryo 6 Kamakiriyama, who has recovered very impressively from a day-one loss. And E Makushita 22 Niobee continues to march imperiously toward the zensho.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/23

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 7
Sole leader E Maegashira 14 Mariohana succumbed to a Sumo Game henka and fell back into a group of four that includes former Ozeki (now Sekiwake) Randomitsuki with one loss.
Exactly the same fate befell E Juryo 2 Metzinowaka, who now shares the lead with two other wrestlers. And Sumo Game's last remaining unbeaten wrestler is E Makushita 22 Niobee, who now leads Makushita ahead of a hefty pack of seven.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/21

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 6
W Maegashira 3 Kogaratsu finally slipped up and allowed E Maegashira 14 Mariohana to take the sole lead on day 6. Five wrestlers are right on his tail. Ozeki Hokuro fell to an unlucky loss and is now 1-5. To keep his rank he can only afford two more losses in nine days with all the sanyaku to come. Of the ozeki hopefuls, only Sekiwake Tosahayate stands a chance as he improves to 4-2, bouncing back from a damaging loss yesterday.
In our second division, E Juryo 2 Metzinowaka won again to stay perfect. And E Makushita 22 Niobee and W Makushita 50 Hayaikaze now share the lead in the unsalaried ranks.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/20

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 5
W Maegashira 3 Kogaratsu and E Maegashira 14 Mariohana kept up the good work to remain the only unbeaten wrestlers in Makunouchi. And Ozeki Hokuro stopped some of the rot with a brilliant win.
Juryo now has one sole unbeaten wrestler in E Juryo 2 Metzinowaka, while Makushita still has some filtering to do with four vying for the early lead.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/20

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 4
Aki 2013 continues to confound as many rikishi expected to do well perform badly, leading to low daily averages. Ozeki Hokuro's nightmare continues as he goes 0-4 in a kadoban basho. However, our two ozeki hopefuls keep their slight hopes alive for another day.
In Makuuchi there are now only two unbeaten wrestlers: W Maegashira 3 Kogaratsu and E Maegashira 14 Mariohana. Juryo also has two unbeaten leaders in E Juryo 2 Metzinowaka and W Juryo 7 Ahogeyama. And Makushita is still finding its shape with seven unbeaten wrestlers remaining.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/19

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 3
After three days we have only three unbeaten players in Makuuchi: W Maegashira 3 Kogaratsu, E Maegashira 14 Mariohana and W Maegashira 14 Maiku. Juryo also has only three unbeaten leaders and Makushita is the usual mess at this stage.
Ozeki Hokuro is in serious trouble and now needs to win 8 out of 12 this basho to avoid demotion to sekiwake...something he is definitely capable of. The two ozeki hopefuls both won...but they both know they need to win every day from now on to have a chance.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/18

Aki Basho 2013 - Day 2
Welcome to the Aki Basho.
The leaderboards are still taking shape so a few words on this basho's talking points are in order. Ozeki Hokuro is kadoban and is off to the worst possible start. He needs to turn the tide very rapidly. Unlucky Sekiwake Kotononami still has a remote chance of promotion to ozeki...and by remote, we mean he now needs to win every day after a 0-2 start. The only other possible contender for promotion is Sekiwake Tosahayate, who needs 12 wins but has already lost once.
It has been a low-scoring start, with upsets playing havoc with the line-ups. Good luck everyone.
by Pandaazuma, 2013/9/17


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