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Haru Basho 2014 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M11 Vikanohara (12-3; 104 points)
Juryo Yusho:J5 Survivor (11-4; 105 points)
Makushita Yusho:m7 Kirijax (12-3; 107 points)
Gino-sho:M13 Derosa (9-6; 111 points)
Kanto-sho:M11 Vikanohara (12-3; 104 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2014/3/25

Haru Basho 2014 - Day 15
E Maegashira 11 Vikanohara overcame gallant challenger W Maegashira 13 Bill in their senshuraku death match to take his first career yusho with a fine 12-3 record. Both can expect a nice boost up the banzuke in May.
The high drama was reserved for Juryo however. In possibly the most incredible turnaround ever, Hokuromitsu went from 11-1 to 11-4 over the last three days as Survivor went from 8-4 to 11-4. As if that were not depressing enough for Hokuromitsu, Survivor overcame a three-point deficit on the final day to force the yusho to be decided on the second tie-break rule - the winner of the match between the two wrestlers during the basho. As Survivor won that match, he takes the title. Hokuromitsu will be greatly ruing his 4-point score on the final day after a fine performance for most of the basho.
In Makushita three of the leaders won, and one of them was Kirijax, who was far ahead on points scored.
Congratulations to all the victors.
Thanks to everyone for playing. Have a nice break and see you all in May, when for the first time ever there will be no Ozeki on the Sumo Game banzuke.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/3/24

Haru Basho 2014 - Day 14
Another day of high drama on both the real and virtual dohyo saw Makuuchi yusho-race leader Vikanohara lose while two of his pursuers won to take it to the last day. Vikanohara faces rival Bill tomorrow and will almost certainly have to win the bout as Bill has a significant points advantage. Norizo is basically out of the race barring an unbelievable set of scores, as he would need to win AND overcome Bill's six-point advantage.
There's plenty of excitement to be found in Juryo as well, as Hokuromitsu lost again to let three rivals back into the race. A win for him tomorrow will bring him the yusho, but a loss will give Andonishiki a chance to win a tie, as he is only one point behind the leader. Survivor and Misatsukasa are probably a little too far behind to win the tournament on a tie-break, but one never knows! Incidentally, Survivor's tenth win today means he has scored double digits in seven out of seven tournaments since joining the game, along with three jun-yusho (possibly four tomorrow). An amazing feat and he looks a likely future sanyaku regular.
Makushita sees four players fighting it out, and all are in with a chance as none are fighting each other. Out of Kirijax, Sayonara, Satonoyama and Smoczayama, Kirijax has the advantage with his superior score.
Good luck on the final day to all the contenders!
by Pandaazuma, 2014/3/23

Haru Basho 2014 - Day 13
Real drama on the dohyo today, and no less in Sumo Game, where many players will be blessing or cursing Hakuho for somehow losing to an injured opponent he almost always makes short work of, even when healthy. One beneficiary of this anomaly today was yusho leader Vikanohara, who now looks in a very strong position to pick up his first top-division title. Three players can still catch him though so he needs to get over the line.
Hokuromitsu lost today in Juryo but so did Andonishiki meaning the long-time leader is almost certain to win...but like Vikanohara, he's not quite there yet. And Sayonara won in Makushita while Smoczayama lost (thanks to the other Yokozuna messing it up) and so takes the sole lead going into the final weekend.
And sadly Ozeki Tosahayate's quest for 8 wins came to an end today. He will be at Sekiwake in May, where he will have a chance to return to the Ozeki rank if he wins at least ten.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/3/21

Haru Basho 2014 - Day 12
Day 12 sees the yusho races crystallize. In Makuuchi, Vikanohara overcame Yassier to march on to an impressive 10-2 record, and will fight a sekiwake tomorrow. Bill also won to improve to 9-3 and will face sekiwake-level opposition tomorrow as well. Norizo stands at 9-3 and will fight it out with high-scoring Rupatengu.
In Juryo Hokuromitsu is almost home and dry and can wrap things up tomorrow with a win over the dangerous Survivor if closest pursuer Andonishiki loses. And in Makushita Sayonara and Smoczayama are battling it out for supremacy with a chasing group of six wrestlers waiting for any lapse.
In other news, Ozeki Tosahayate is now on the brink of demotion to sekiwake and needs to defeat three sanyaku opponents to keep his rank. Good luck to him.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/3/20

Haru Basho 2014 - Day 9
In the Makuuchi yusho race E Maegashira 11 Vikanohara marched on with another strong win and is now out in front on 8-1 with only two immediate pursuers.
Our only undefeated player E Juryo 5 Hokuromitsu finally lost today but remains the sole leader in Juryo. And the two third division leaders E Makushita 5 Kotoedo and E Makushita 25 Yamashiro both won to keep their noses in front.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/3/17

Haru Basho 2014 - Day 7
It's been a tough basho so far for the sanyaku, with only one wrestler having more wins than losses. Ozeki Tosahayate is still struggling in his quest for eight wins and lost again today to fall to a 3-4 record.
Of the three Makuuchi division leaders, only Rupatengu lost. W Maegashira 7 Norizo and E Maegashira 11 Vikanohara are now leading with 6-1 records. The following pack numbers six wrestlers.
E Juryo 5 Hokuromitsu is still leading the second division with a perfect record and is now the only undefeated player in Sumo Game. And a scrum of six players now lead Makushita.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/3/15

Haru Basho 2014 - Day 5
Makuuchi leaders Flohru and Vikanohara both lost today to throw the yusho race into disarray. There are now nine co-leaders with one loss, and only one representative from the top sanyaku division.
E Juryo 5 Hokuromitsu took the initiative in Juryo as the sole undefeated leader as Mariohana lost. And very unusually on day 5 we already have a sole leader in Makushita: Ems7 Mmikasazuma is now the one to watch.
In other news, Kadoban Ozeki Tosahayate grabbed a vital win today and improves to 2-3 but still needs to win 6 out of the remaining ten bouts to keep his rank. He fights co-leader Kitakachiyama tomorrow.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/3/13

Haru Basho 2014 - Day 3
Welcome to Haru Basho 2014. First let's look at promotion and demotion possibilities this basho. Ozeki Tosahayate is currently kadoban and is off to a mediocre start, now standing at 1-2. If he fails to reach 8 wins, Sumo Game will next tournament have no ozeki or yokozuna on the banzuke for the first time EVER...unless somehow Sekiwake Pandaazuma gets 14 wins or Sekiwake Kotononami picks up 13 to win promotion. Both very unlikely prospects.
After three days the yusho hopefuls are still jockeying for position in all divisions. Makuuchi is led by four 3-0 Maegashira rikishi. In Juryo, three rikishi remain undefeated, while only seven are perfect in Makushita, quite a low number for this stage of things.
Best of luck to all players.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/3/11


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