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Kyushu Basho 2014 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M7 Sumio (11-4; 110 points)
Juryo Yusho:J9 Tragikomy (12-3; 105 points)
Makushita Yusho:m13 Reijinguoshan (13-2; 109 points)
Gino-sho:M9 Survivor (9-6; 111 points)
M11 Derosa (9-6; 111 points)
M17 Hokuromitsu (10-5; 111 points)
Kanto-sho:M10 Bill (10-5; 108 points)
Shukun-sho:M4 Randomitsuki (11-4; 107 points)
by Takanotaki, 2014/11/24

Kyushu Basho 2014 - Day 15
In one of the best bouts of the day, as was fitting, Randomitsuki overcame Sumio to even their records at 11-4 but Sumio had done enough with his nine points to ensure that his opponent could not have won a yusho tie-break even with a perfect ten. The other contender Bill fell to defeat today and will have to be content with ten wins. Congratulations to Sumio for his fourth career Makuuchi yusho (and fifth overall).
In Juryo Bolo will be cursing Tragikomy's opponent for not entering a line-up as it allowed Tragikomy to win with a below-average score while Bolo did enough to have won on a tie-break had Tragikomy lost. Nevertheless, it was a strong performance from the winner and he may even be in the running for Makuuchi promotion next basho.
And in Makushita Reijinguoshan prevailed to take the yusho as the sole player with a 13-2 record.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone for taking part in Sumo Game this year. We wish everyone a fantastic holiday season and hope to see everyone back ready for a new gaming season in 2015!
by Pandaazuma, 2014/11/23

Kyushu Basho 2014 - Day 14
Sumio dispatched Ekigozan with ease and is now in pole position for the yusho. He fights close rival Randomitsuki on senshuraku and needs only score two points less than his opponent to win whatever. But...hang on...there is a spanner in the works. Bill also has 10 wins and actually has a superior points total (by one point) over Sumio, so even if Sumio wins, he will need to have a better score than Bill by two or possibly one. The chances of a very exciting three-way play-off are reasonably high.
In Juryo Tragikomy will take the yusho with a win, but a loss could let Bolo in. These two have very similar scores so another play-off is very possible.
Makushita also promises much: Reijinguoshan is the sole leader but he must beat close rival Saruyama (who follows the 'way of the 'spoon'). Even with a loss, he is likely to win a play-off as his nearest rival (Danyotsu) is three points behind.
Good luck to all the players in the final bout of 2014!
by Pandaazuma, 2014/11/22

Kyushu Basho 2014 - Day 13
Sole leader Sumio (10-3) fell at the hands of Rupatengu, who continued his remarkable comeback from 1-6 to 7-6 in style. Sumio still leads but is now in a battle and will have to beat close rivals over the weekend. Tomorrow he faces 9-4 Ekigozan, who will obviously be very motivated.
The Juryo leaders all won today and Tragikomy remains in sole possession of the lead with 10 wins. And Makushita leader Samenoyama suffered a shock defeat to a drone and is now in a leading pack of four wrestlers with 11 wins. Samenoyama will face former Ozeki Sokkenaiyama tomorrow in a very tough draw for him.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/11/21

Kyushu Basho 2014 - Day 11
Sumio won again to retain sole leadership and is now trailed by only three fellow wrestlers, including former Yokozuna Doitsuyama and former Ozeki Randomitsuki.
In Juryo Tragikomy and Ahogeyama lead the way with 8 wins. And Samenoyama is all alone at the head of the Makushita leaderboard but can't afford to make any mistakes with a pack of six players just one win behind.
Finally, bad news for Ozeki Tosahayate as he fell to a losing record today and will be kadoban in the January tournament.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/11/19

Kyushu Basho 2014 - Day 10
The yusho races are really shaping up now!
In Makuuchi, Sumio's incredible streak was finally stopped by Flohru but he is still the sole leader with 8 wins. A group of five are just behind. The nearest sanyaku wrestler is shin Komusubi Oskanohana with a 6-4 record. This basho has seen a humdrum performance from the sanyaku so far. Further, Ozeki Tosahayate is now in serious danger of being kadoban in the new year - he needs to win all his remaining bouts among the sanyaku to avoid this.
The Juryo race is very open with five wrestlers on seven wins. And in Makushita Samenoyama is the sole leader with 9 wins. After an inauspicious debut in September, he/she is making a name for themselves now. Seven players are just one win behind.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/11/19

Kyushu Basho 2014 - Day 7
Apologies for the minor glitch that has led to Amuru's wins not being counted. That has now been cleared up.
In the Makuuchi yusho race, leader Bill finally lost in a high-level bout and is joined in the lead by Sumio, who has won six straight after losing on shonichi.
In Juryo Bolo takes the sole lead ahead of four other wrestlers. And in Makushita the remaining two 7-0 rikishi Sekihiryu and Reijinguoshan vie for supremacy.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/11/15

Kyushu Basho 2014 - Day 4
Day 4 is in the books and EM10 Bill finds himself the sole leader of the top division, no doubt having flashbacks to his fantastic performance in March this year when he nearly won it. A pack of ten wrestlers are hot on his tail.
Juryo and Makushita are still a mess. The next few days will see those leaderboards take shape.
by Pandaazuma, 2014/11/13

Kyushu Basho 2014 - Day 3
A warm welcome to the Kyushu Basho!
In banzuke news, our Ozeki Tosahayate is safely in the rank after dispelling his kadoban status last time. Regarding promotion prospects, none of the current sekiwake can realistically expect promotion unless they achieve high-scoring yusho.
In Makuuchi on day 3 we have already whittled down the field to just two Maegashira wrestlers: Bill and newly promoted Andonishiki. He will be hoping for a yusho in his top-division debut.
Juryo also has only two remaining undefeated players: Fuseigo and Chishafuwaku. And we can find ten wrestlers heading the Makushita field.
Good luck to all the participants!
by Pandaazuma, 2014/11/11


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