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Hatsu Basho 2016 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M6 Sumio (12-3; 104 points)
Juryo Yusho:J9 Fujiyama (12-3; 105 points)
Makushita Yusho:m37 Ichibannojo (12-3; 105 points)
Gino-sho:K Kogaratsu (8-7; 105 points)
M3 Rupatengu (10-5; 105 points)
M9 Gurowake (8-7; 105 points)
Kanto-sho:M15 Kamakiriyama (10-5; 103 points)
Shukun-sho:not rewarded
by Takanotaki, 2016/1/25

Hatsu Basho 2016 - Day 15
Much as in real sumo, the Makuuchi yusho came down to the very last fight in the Sumo Game bout between Kamakiriyama and Sumio. A win for Hakuho would be glory for the former, Harumafuji the latter. Kamakiriyama will be wondering why Hakuho bothered turning up today after a limp loss. Sumio wins again...it's his fifth Makuuchi yusho. And that's a new record. Congratulations!
In Juryo everything fell nicely into place for Fujiyama who took his first every Juryo yusho. And Ichibannojo overcame runaway points leader Kourinokoishi to take the bottom division title.
Congratulations to all the winners and we hope to see you all back in March for the Osaka spring tournament.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/1/24

Hatsu Basho 2016 - Day 14
Sumio broke free of the pack and is the sole leader of the Makuuchi division going into the final day. He faces rival Kamakiriyama tomorrow in a death match. As both have identical scores, if the bout is won on points alone, the loser will be eliminated. If it is a tie, the loser of the tie will be eliminated. Two other players have a chance: Hokuromitsu has the same score as Sumio and needs to pray for a Sumio loss while scoring more than Kamakiriyama (who beat him on day 3). Konosato is mathematically in it too but he will need a miracle to overhaul the points difference.
The Juryo race is also close with four players involved. Three players have 11 wins and one has 10. Takanosushi (11-3) fights Kibooyama (10-4) tomorrow and a win by one or more point for Kibooyama will eliminate Takanosushi. Two other players are waiting in the wings: Fujiyama is two points behind Takanosushi so needs to score well. Wakamasuto is far behind on points and can only win if the other two 11-3 players lose.
Down in Makushita Kourinokoishi lost a high-scoring bout today and has let in two other players. He fights one of them, Ichibannojo, and this is the bout that will decide the winner of the tournament as the other 11-3 player, Akaishoyama, is too far behind on points to challenge in a tie-break.
Good luck to all the players on senshuraku!
by Pandaazuma, 2016/1/24

Hatsu Basho 2016 - Day 13
It's been an exciting basho on both the real and virtual dohyo and the final few days are upon us. Former Ozeki Sumio and Kamakiriyama continue their mesmerising duel at the top of the rankings. Both face strong opponents tomorrow and, as they have not met each other yet, there is the possibility of a death match on the final day. Special mention should be given to Komusubi Oskanohana who has recovered from a 0-4 start with a remarkable nine-win streak and he is even in the yusho race. Tip of the hat!
Juryo leader Fujiyama lost today (he was actually jinxed by me - sorry, Mark!) and is joined at the head of the leaderboard by Takanosushi and Wakamasuto. And Makushita now has a sole leader in Kourinokoishi, who is an incredible six points clear of all players. This means one more win will wrap up the yusho as a tie-break would be impossible to lose.
Good luck to all players in the final weekend!
by Pandaazuma, 2016/1/22

Hatsu Basho 2016 - Day 10
Early drama as sole leader Chocshoporyu suffered a shock upset to the only remaining winless player, Maiku. The two pursuers both won so there is now a three-way leadership: Kamakiriyama and Sumio join Chocshoporyu with 8-2 records.
Mimawari's reign as sole leader was a short one as he lost, letting in four other hopefuls. And we're finally getting a glimpse of the final shape of Makushita as Futoitsuru and Kourinokoishi broke free of the pack to lead with 9-1 records.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/1/19

Hatsu Basho 2016 - Day 9
Chocshoporyu overcame former Ozeki Randomitsuki to take the sole lead, thanks in part to Gurowake taking down co-leader Kamakiriyama. Chocshoporyu, who has never won the top-division title, will be hoping to hold his nerve against the unfortunate Maiku tomorrow. Former Ozeki Sumio shares second place.
In Juryo only one of the co-leaders won: Mimawari. And Makushita is still a vicious battle with five wrestlers vying for glory.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/1/18

Hatsu Basho 2016 - Day 8
Nakabi is over and Makuuchi is now led by two Maegashira players: veteran Chocshoporyu and one-time winner Kamakiriyama. Sumio and Hokuromitsu are hot on their tail.
Juryo is competitive with no less than four players on only one loss after Hakubayama and Mimawari fell to limp defeats today. And Makushita's leaders form a large clump of 7-1 players including relative newcomer Kourinokoishi, who hails from Portugal and is the basho points leader (all divisions) - an impressive feat.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/1/18

Hatsu Basho 2016 - Day 5
With day 5 in the books two Maegashira players lead the top division: Kuroimori and Kamakiriyama, followed by a chasing pack of five hopefuls.
Hakubayama and Mimawari are undefeated at the head of Juryo. And Yuko, who was a komusubi all the way back in 2004, is one of five perfect Makushita players.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/1/15

Hatsu Basho 2016 - Day 2
Happy New Year! And welcome to the first Sumo Game tournament of 2016.
First of all: banzuke news. We are still without a player in the top two ranks and it's not looking good for promotions this time either, with no one in with a realistic chance. The best we can hope for is for a high-ranker to start putting a good run together.
In Makuuchi only one sanyaku rikishi remains perfect: returnee Komusubi Ganzohnesushi. Talented newcomer Gurowake has also started well and is looking good so far with a fine score.
Juryo and Makushita are the usual mass of hopefuls at this stage. It will be a few days before the yusho races start to form.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2016/1/11


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