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Haru Basho 2016 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M4 Chishafuwaku (11-4; 109 points)
Juryo Yusho:J1 Fujiyama (12-3; 114 points)
Makushita Yusho:m33 Odamaru (13-2; 110 points)
Gino-sho:M8 Derosa (10-5; 117 points)
Kanto-sho:M13 Mimawari (11-4; 104 points)
Shukun-sho:not rewarded
by Takanotaki, 2016/3/28

Haru Basho 2016 - Day 15
In an exciting and chaotic final day, two players emerged from the crowd to reach an 11-4 play-off: Mimawari and Chishafuwaku. By virtue of his superior points total, Chishafuwaku takes his first top-division title. Congratulations!
Fujiyama held his nerve to secure a second straight Juryo yusho. In Makushita, both contenders Odamaru and Shikago lost and so it went to a play-off. Odamaru was the clear winner on points scored.
Congratulations to all the winners. See you all in May for the Natsu Basho.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/3/27

Haru Basho 2016 - Day 14
We have only one day left and four players lead the top division, including Sekiwake Kotononami. Five players are in close pursuit and as most of the 10-4 players are facing 9-5 ones, there are plenty who are in with a shout. Derosa is in the driving seat with a superior score and 10-4 record. He faces 9-5 hotshot Gurowake, a player who also has a high score - only two behind Derosa. For any hope of yusho, Gurowake must defeat his opponent by at least two points.
Sole Juryo leader Fujiyama also has a good score but must overcome a formidable obstacle in former Ozeki Sokkenaiyama. A loss could let Genya in the back door. Realistically, only Genya and possibly Bolo have a chance of overturning the hot favourite even if he loses.
Makushita is now a contest between Odamaru and Shikago. Odamaru's vastly superior score will ensure a yusho if he wins. Shikago's only chance is to win their bout and hope Odamaru loses theirs.
Good luck on senshuraku!
by Pandaazuma, 2016/3/26

Haru Basho 2016 - Day 11
It has taken eleven days of gaming for a Makuuchi wrestler to break the 8-win mark. Sekiwake Kotononami broke free of the pack along with Rupatengu. A large hopeful group of ten is chasing.
In Juryo Tomatsu and Genya take the lead with 9-2 records. And Makushita is also led by two wrestlers with impressive 10-1 records: Odamaru and Shikago.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/3/23

Haru Basho 2016 - Day 9
M4 Chishafuwaku overcame yusho race contender and promotion hope Sekiwake Flohru with a decent score and took sole possession of the lead. Flohru fell back along with Mimawari into a chasing group of ten wrestlers. Flohru's promotion hopes have taken a serious dent and he now needs to win out to have a chance.
The Juryo leaders had an off day and a group of five now leads with 7-2 records. And the three leaders in Makushita can celebrate kachi-koshi today.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/3/21

Haru Basho 2016 - Day 7
Sekiwake Flohru won again along with Mimawari to maintain supremacy. Flohru needs another six wins in the remaining 8 days to go to the exalted ozeki rank.
The Juryo lead has been whittled down to three as Fujiyama, Haidouzo and Genya extend their impressive runs. And in Makushita yesterday's sole leader Momonganoyama finally lost, leaving ten people in the lead with 6-1 records.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/3/19

Haru Basho 2016 - Day 6
Dramatic changes on the Makuuchi leaderboard even in the first week as the two unbeaten leaders on day four both lost two days straight to fall out of contention. Three players with only one loss now lead the way, including the sekiwake duo of Flohru and Kogaratsu.
It's a similar story in Juryo as a scrum of five players vie for supremacy. And the excellently named Momonganoyama is now the only remaining unbeaten player, sitting pretty atop the Makushita mountain.
by Pandaazuma, 2016/3/18

Haru Basho 2016 - Day 4
A belated welcome to the Sumo Game spring tournament.
Sekiwake Kotononami and M4 Chishafuwaku share the early lead in Makuuchi. Juryo has a sole undefeated leader: Anjoboshi. And seven unbeaten Makushita hopefuls are jockeying for position.
Only one of our sekiwake has a realistic chance of ozeki promotion: Flohru needs twelve wins to get the jump up. He is off to a fine 3-1 start, winning in style today in a 10-10 bout.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2016/3/16


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