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Hatsu Basho 2018 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M17 Andonishiki (12-3; 94 points)
Juryo Yusho:J5 Oshirokita (12-3; 96 points)
Makushita Yusho:m33 Takashidodo (13-2; 95 points)
Gino-sho:M7 Kaiomitsuki (11-4; 97 points)
Kanto-sho:M17 Andonishiki (12-3; 94 points)
Shukun-sho:not rewarded
by Takanotaki, 2018/1/30

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 15
Andonishiki ended his fine basho with a loss but he won't mind that at all with the big prize already wrapped up.
Juryo came down to a tie-break but Oshirokita prevailed with a superior score. That's his first Juryo yusho since 2005.
In Makushita long-time leader Takashidodo lost but the same fate befell his rivals and so he takes his first ever yusho.
And it's congratulations to Sekiwake Yamashiro, who reached the 31 wins in three tournaments necessary for ozeki promotion. He really deserves the jump as he has been a very strong and consistent player for a while now.
Oddly enough, there is an outside chance that he will be the only ozeki in March, as Pandaazuma has scored 22 wins in two basho (the promotion requirement for yokozuna). Sumo Game's first Yokozuna Kirinoumi was actually promoted with the same score after just one tournament at the ozeki rank, so there is a precedent, and the Panda's top-place finish in the Makuuchi scoring this tournament as well as a run of 21 wins in 23 consecutive bouts over the last two tournaments may also be factors.
Congratulations to all the winners, and see you again in March for the spring Osaka tournament.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/28

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 14
Andonishiki's favourite rikishi going forward is likely to be Arawashi, as his shock upset of Tamawashi handed him his second Sumo Game Makuuchi yusho. Sekiwake Yamashiro also benefited from Arawashi and is now in a position - with one more win - to reach the 31 wins needed for promotion to ozeki. He will have to get past fellow Sekiwake Yassier first, though.
In Juryo a win for Oshirokita tomorrow will mean a likely yusho by virtue of superior scoring. Mmikasazuma will be hoping for a loss coupled with a win for herself.
Takashidodo is in the driving seat in Makushita but he may have to win one more as game points leader Koorinokoishi is just one win behind and would win on a tie-break if he wins.
Good luck to all the players on the final day.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/27

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 13
Andonishiki threw a major spanner in the works today, not only in the yusho race, but also in Sekiwake Yamashiro's promotion hopes. Andonishiki now leads all by himself. It appears the rank Maegashira 17 west is charmed for this player, as that is the rank from which he won his only other Makuuchi yusho. He needs to keep his head in the last two days as there are four players snapping at his heels. He faces strong Sekiwake Yassier tomorrow.
Sekiwake Yamashiro is now in a bind and, in order to be promoted to ozeki, now needs at least to beat current Ozeki Pandaazuma on day 14. [I wish him the best of luck...I want some company up here!]
In Juryo Oshirokita lost again and is now in a three-way tie for the lead. And in Makushita we had a shock as the game points leader Koorinokoishi lost and allowed Niobee and Takashidodo to take their places in the driving seat.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/26

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 12
The last two days have been a real rollercoaster in the Sumo Game Makuuchi division but we now have two leaders with 10-2 records in Ozeki Pandaazuma and Andonishiki, who overcame Komusubi Kotononami today. Andonishiki has his work cut out tomorrow though as he will face the talented Sekiwake Yamashiro, who has had a brilliant second week and has powered to 9-3, and who now needs only two more wins for promotion. That is the clear highlight bout on day 13. Four other 9-3 hopefuls are waiting in the wings, grinding out wins and hoping for a break to appear.
Oshirokita lost in Juryo today but still leads with 10 wins. Makushita is led by three players with 11-1 records: Niobee, Takashidodo and game points leader Koorinokoishi.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/25

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 10
Susanoo slipped up today and it is now Ozeki Pandaazuma's turn to take the sole lead. Susanoo is joined by two high-scoring players, Kaiomitsuki and Andonishiki.
Oshirokita won again in Juryo and is being chased by only one player: Tragikomy. And the Makushita quartet all win again. This group includes Koorinokoishi, who is the only player in the entire game who has been above average on all ten days. Impressive.
Sekiwake Yamashiro won again and is now 7-3 in his promotion bid. Four more to go.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/23

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 9
On a very unpredictable day the leading duo of Ozeki Pandaazuma and Susanoo won again to bag early winning records. The pursuing group fared badly and only three survived the brutal day.
In Juryo, Oshirokita won to reach 8 wins and he keeps the lead. Makushita is now led by a hopeful quartet.
Every bout is crucial for Sekiwake Yamashiro now and he delivered with his sixth win. Five wins in the six remaining days will see him promoted.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/22

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 8
Yesterday's leader Susanoo was defeated by Ozeki Pandaazuma and the race is now led by these two players. A group of seven is one off the pace, and it includes Komusubi Metzinowaka.
In Juryo Oshirokita fell to game points leader Fujiyama but remains in sole possession of the lead. And it was carnage at the top in Makushita as all the leaders lost. The division is now led by a group of six, so we have more whittling down to do.
In other news, Sekiwake Yamashiro has a good 5-3 record but he will need to win six out of the final seven to achieve promotion to the second rank.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/21

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 7
Susanoo won his bout to take the sole unbeaten lead. Ozeki Pandaazuma lost and is now 6-1 with Komusubi Metzinowaka. The Panda meets Susanoo on day 8 in the musubi no ichiban.
Oshirokita broke away from Andrasoyamawaka in Juryo. And we are down to three unbeaten fighters in Makushita in the form of Anjoboshi, Kazemoto and Koorinokoishi.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/20

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 6
Ozeki Pandaazuma and Susanoo kept their unbeaten duel alive as the competition whittled down to four behind them. And once more, the story is mirrored in Juryo, as four lead in Makushita.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/20

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 5
Ozeki Pandaazuma and Susanoo won again to stay perfect. A group of seven is in pursuit, including Sekiwake Yassier and Komusubi Metzinowaka.
It's a similar story in Juryo as yesterday's duo both won. And in Makushita we are down to four.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/19

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 4
Ozeki Pandaazuma takes the early lead in Makuuchi along with Japanese gaming veteran Susanoo. A large group of hopefuls are waiting for a slip-up.
Juryo is also led by an unbeaten duo in the form of Oshirokita and Andrasoyamawaka. And in Makushita the leading group has been whittled down to five.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/18

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 2
Ten unbeaten players left in Makuuchi, including Ozeki Pandaazuma, Sekiwake Yamashiro and Komusubi Metzinowaka.
Kiriazuma is part of a group of six leading Juryo. Makushita is still in the process of taking shape.
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/15

Hatsu Basho 2018 - Day 1
Happy New Year and welcome to the first tournament of 2018! With all the recent scandal surrounding sumo, it is good to get back to the dohyo.
Returning Ozeki Pandaazuma had a winning return. Sekiwake Yamashiro is hoping to reach the second rank this time and needs 11 wins to get the nod. The other two sekiwake (Kogaratsu and Yassier) have outside chances of promotion but will need 13 wins.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2018/1/14


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