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Haru Basho 2019 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M1 Norizo (12-3; 120 points)
Juryo Yusho:J3 Mananoyama (12-3; 116 points)
Makushita Yusho:m28 Cucumohana (13-2; 108 points)
Gino-sho:M1 Norizo (12-3; 120 points)
Kanto-sho:M12 Kazutoyama (12-3; 114 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2019/3/25

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 15
After a valiant and impressive performance, Komusubi Andonishiki came up short on the final day against the formidable Norizo, who won to force and win a yusho tie-break on points scored. 120 points was one of the highest scores on record and miles ahead of the pack, so this was a fully deserved sixth Makuuchi yusho. That number is also a record. Norizo will probably be sekiwake in May and can go for ozeki promotion with 11 wins. Andonishiki can take some consolation in a first appearance at sekiwake next time and he'll need only 8 wins for ozeki promotion.
Juryo was won easily by Mananoyama and a promotion to Makuuchi is certain with that 12-3 record. And in Makushita, Cucumohana can thank his bold Takakeisho prediction for his first yusho.
Kadoban Ozeki Yamashiro easily cleared the 8 wins required to keep his rank and is safely in his position for Natsu. Sekiwake Kogaratsu and Sekiwake Natsunoyama both came up short in their ozeki promotion quests but can stay at their rank and have another stab two months from now.
Congratulations to all the victors. See you in May!
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/24

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 14
On the penultimate day Komusubi Andonishiki has emerged as the sole leader, but he faces a straight death match for the yusho tomorrow with Norizo. The winner will take all.
Mananoyama leads Juryo 11-3 and is way ahead of the field on points and so is almost certainly the winner regardless of tomorrow's results.
Cucumohana leads Makushita alone but a loss to Mikowosato tomorrow will let in several hopefuls.
Good luck to all the contenders.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/23

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 12
Major upheaval in the Makuuchi divisional race as both leaders lost. This allowed ScreechingOwl and Kazutoyama back into contention and all four now stand at 10-2.
Mananoyama and Kiriazuma now lead Juryo with 9 wins. And two Makushita leaders slipped up today, allowing Cucumohana into the sole lead with three days remaining.
Good news for Ozeki Yamashiro today as he won, moving to 7-5. He now needs just one more win to keep his rank. Sekiwake Kogaratsu also won to secure a winning record. He needs two more for ozeki promotion. Sekiwake Natsunoyama lost in a 10-10 heartbreaker and he now needs to win all three remaining bouts for promotion.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/21

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 11
Norizo and Komusubi Andonishiki kept up the fine work, both scoring ten today. They now lead the top division race with 10-1 records.
There was yet another twist in the Juryo race as Jakusotsu lost. He is now in a group of three at 8-3. And in Makushita Chelseayama lost at last and is now joined at 11-1 by long-time pursuers Airisshu and Cucumohana.
Kadoban Ozeki Yamashiro lost and is 6-5. He has four days to get two more wins. Sekiwake Kogaratsu also lost and, at 7-4, faces an uphill battle to win three more against top-class opposition. And very quietly...out of nowhere...Sekiwake Natsunoyama finds himself with a chance of ozeki promotion if he wins three more.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/20

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 10
The two leaders both won today to improve to 9-1 and are going strong. Three players are on their tail, including Sekiwake Natsunoyama and Kazutoyama, who both managed perfect scores today.
Jakusotsu is now the sole leader of Juryo. Chelseayama won again to remain atop Makushita and he is now 10-0.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/19

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 9
Both leaders Komusubi Andonishiki and Norizo won again to secure day-nine winning records. Both are building promising ozeki runs for the May tournament. A chasing group of four includes Sekiwake Natsunoyama.
In Juryo Jakusotsu and Mainoumi lost to let Kazemoto into the yusho lead. And Chelseayama improves to 9-0 in Makushita.
Sekiwake Kogaratsu's fine winning streak was broken today and he now stands at 6-3. He needs to win four more in the final six days. Ozeki Yamashiro ran into a wall today and is 5-4 and needs three more.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/18

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 7
As we enter the first weekend and close the book on day seven we have two leaders in the shape of defending champion Komusubi Andonishiki along with veteran former Ozeki Norizo. They lead the pack with 6-1 records.
In Juryo yesterday's sole leader Jakusotsu lost today and now leads with Kazemoto and Mainoumi. Makushita is still led by the same perfect trio.
Sekiwake Kogaratsu keeps up the fine work and won his fifth straight. At 5-2 he now needs five wins out of eight bouts to receive ozeki promotion. Ozeki Yamashiro lost today and is now 4-3. He needs to win half of his remaining bouts.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/16

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 5
The sole leader on day 4, Emiroo, lost today and so we have no remaining unbeaten players. A large group leads with 4-1 records that includes Sekiwake Natsunoyama and Komusubi Andonishiki.
Jakusotsu and Kazemoto are still unbeaten in Juryo. And three hopefuls lead Makushita with perfect records: Mikowosato, Cucumohana and Chelseayama.
Sekiwake Kogaratsu has turned his bad start around and is now 3-2. He needs 7 more wins for ozeki promotion. Kadoban Ozeki Yamashiro has cooled off a little and lost two but he is still in positive territory and needs to win half of his remaining bouts to stay at his rank.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/14

Haru Basho 2019 - Day 2
Welcome all to the Osaka Haru Basho.
First, banzuke news. Ozeki Yamashiro is kadoban, which means he needs 8 wins this tournament to keep his rank. As of day two he is off to the best possible start. Sekiwake Kogaratsu is on an ozeki run and needs 10 wins. In contrast to Yamashiro, he has sadly got off to a losing 0-2 start and will really need to turn the ship around quickly. We also have a newcomer to sanyaku in the form of Komusubi Andonishki. This talented four-time Makuuchi yusho winner was rewarded for his championship last time with a slot among the elite. True to form, he is unbeaten so far.
The Makuuchi leader board has already been pared down quite a bit with only seven players remaining unbeaten, among them Ozeki Yamashiro, Sekiwake Trender and Komusubi Andonishiki.
Juryo is also led by a group of seven. Former Sekiwake Gurowake is among them. Makushita still has multiple unbeaten players at this stage.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2019/3/11


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