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Kyushu Basho 2019 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M3 Screechingowl (11-4; 86 points)
Juryo Yusho:J7 Gonzaborow (13-2; 94 points)
Makushita Yusho:m51 Kaito (12-3; 92 points)
Gino-sho:M2 Andoreasu (9-6; 93 points)
Kanto-sho:M15 Takanosushi (10-5; 87 points)
Shukun-sho:M5 Susanoo (9-6; 90 points)
by Takanotaki, 2019/11/25

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 15
It was ScreechingOwl who won while his rival Takanosushi lost and so it is a third Makuuchi yusho for him.
Gonzaburow made it simple with another win for a 13-2 victory. And there was some late drama in Makushita as Emiroo produced a brilliant 6 against Kaito's 2. If Endo had won today, it would have been one of the unlikeliest comeback yushos ever, but it wasn't to be, as Kaito hung on to win on a tie-break.
There was elation and heartbreak as Ozeki Andonishiki beat Sekiwake Trender to retain his rank and deny Trender the promotion that looked all but certain at the end of the first week. Ozeki Yamashiro won to finish with a winning record and avoid kadoban status next time.
Congratulations to all the winners. Have a great holiday season and see you all back here for a new decade of Sumo Game.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/24

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 14
ScreechingOwl and Takanosushi were the two players who successfully navigated the day-14 minefield and emerged as the favourites for the Makuuchi yusho. As they will not fight each other and neither have strong scores, there is a distinct possibility that a contender from the chasing group could win as well. Very open indeed tomorrow.
Gonzaburow (12-2) will fight Hironoumi (11-3) tomorrow but as Gonzaburow has a five-point advantage, only a disaster will prevent him from taking the Juryo yusho.
Long-time Makushita leader Kaito lost and will fight Emiroo tomorrow but, as with Juryo, his commanding points lead makes him a very likely yusho winner even if he loses.
Incredibly, Ozeki Andonishiki won today and Sekiwake Trender lost, meaning they will fight tomorrow in a straight-up, high stakes death match for an Ozeki spot. Ozeki Yamashiro is 7-7 and must win tomorrow to evade kadoban status in January.
Good luck to all the contenders.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/23

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 13
ScreechingOwl, Konosato, Tragikomy and Takanosushi are now the leaders in this topsy-turvy tournament. Konosato has a clear points advantage so he is the man to beat with two days left.
Gonzaburow is all alone in front of the Juryo division. And Kaito just keeps on winning in Makushita. He is now two wins clear and the red hot favourite for the big prize.
Ozeki Andonishiki staved off demotion for a day but he needs to win out. Sekiwake Trender took a giant step towards promotion and he needs to win only one more.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/23

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 12
Sekiwake Trender has posted four straight losses at the worst possible time. He is now no longer in the leading group and his promotion chances hang in the balance. He must defeat two of the three top-ranked players to achieve his goal. Makuuchi is now led by a group of six Maegashira with 8-4 records.
Gonzaburow is now the sole leader of Juryo, while Kaito leads Makushita all alone.
Kadoban Ozeki Andonishiki is now at the very edge of demotion. He must now defeat all his remaining opponents to erase his kadoban status and remain at his rank.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/21

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 10
Sekiwake Trender is suffering a two-day losing streak and needs to get back on track quickly to secure his promotion. He fell back into the chasing pack and is now a co-leader with seven wins along with four Maegashira. He needs two out of five from his fellow sanyaku players.
Veteran drunkard Gonzaburow leads Juryo with three others. And Kaito has emerged as the sole leader in Makushita with a 9-1 record.
Kadoban Ozeki Andonishiki is now in precarious straits, as he is 4-6 and now needs four wins out of five to retain his rank.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/19

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 9
Sekiwake Trender lost today, falling to 7-2, but he is still the sole leader of the Makuuchi division and hot favourite to gain promotion, needing only two more wins out of six.
Yeditoshi still leads Juryo all alone with an early winning record. And three hopefuls lead Makushita with the same.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/19

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 7
Sekiwake Trender has a very good handle on this lottery of a tournament and he proved it again today as he scored a remarkable 8 points to stay in the joint lead with Unkonoyama and Takanosushi. He needs only three more wins from 8 to win promotion to Ozeki.
Yeditoshi and Gonzaburow lead Juryo with six wins, and Makushita is headed by a group of six. There are now no unbeaten players in any division.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/16

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 5
Sekiwake Trender REALLY wants that ozeki promotion and is now the sole leader with a perfect record. He needs only four more wins for promotion. A group of six Maegashira are following, including Chocshoporyu, a talented veteran who has still never won the big prize.
Juryo is led by perfect Yeditoshi, while three hopefuls lead Makushita in the shape of Chelseayama, Oshirokita and Unagiyutaka.
Ozeki is 3-2 in his quest to keep a tsuna run alive. And Kadoban Ozeki Andonishiki has recovered very well from an awful start to go 3-2.
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/14

Kyushu Basho 2019 - Day 3
Welcome all to the final tournament of the year, the Kyushu basho.
After being unfortunately denied promotions to Yokozuna and Ozeki respectively, Ozeki Yamashiro and Sekiwake Trender have points to prove. The ozeki needs to keep up his recent fine form and score 11 wins at least while hopefully also securing a yusho. The sekiwake has another shot at ozeki promotion, this time needing nine wins. He is off to a stellar 3-0 start and therefore needs only to finish 50/50 to get the nod. Yamashiro has work to do after a 1-2 start. Ozeki Andonishiki, meanwhile, is kadoban. He needs 8 wins to keep his rank. After a disastrous start he won today to go 1-2.
Sekiwake Trender and Komusubi Haidouzo are early pace-setters in Makuuchi. Current game points leader Gonzaburow is one of three unbeaten leaders in Juryo. And no less than 13 hopefuls have perfect starts in Makushita.
Good luck to all players!
by Pandaazuma, 2019/11/12


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