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July Basho 2020 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M17 Kakushoyamaii (12-3; 114 points)
Juryo Yusho:J5 Chishafuwaka (11-4; 104 points)
Makushita Yusho:m38 Wolfgangho (12-3; 104 points)
Gino-sho:M17 Kakushoyamaii (12-3; 114 points)
Kanto-sho:M17 Kakushoyamaii (12-3; 114 points)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2020/8/4

July Basho 2020 - Day 15
Kakushoyamaii won convincingly on the final day to win the tournament without the need for a tie-break. A fine debut. He should be getting a nice bump up the banzuke as a reward.
Chishafuwaku prevailed in the Juryo death match. Makushita was a lot closer. Wolfgangho and Patikoyama finished with 13-2 records as well as identical scores so the tie-break went to the direct match between the two players on day 12. Wolfgangho won that one and so is named the winner of the Makushita tournament.
And finally we are sad to report that Sekiwake Yamashiro failed in his quest to quickly return to the ozeki rank. He will now have to be promoted in the usual way.
Thanks for playing. See you all in September.
by Pandaazuma, 2020/8/3

July Basho 2020 - Day 14
Kakushoyamaii looks an almost certain winner after he won today while rival Flohru lost. He can be caught on wins if he loses tomorrow but is five points ahead of the nearest contender and so would need a calamity to happen to lose the yusho. And you may notice that this M17E yusho may also be matched by a M17E yusho by Terunofuji on the real dohyo. Amazing.
Sekiwake Yamashiro is leaving things to the final day. After losing again he now needs to defeat Hironoumi to return to the ozeki rank.
In Juryo Chishafuwaku and Reeeen will meet in a straight death match to decide the yusho. In Makushita Wolfgangho and Patikoyama lead. Balon and Unagiyutaka have the necessary points to challenge for the yusho if the former duo both lose.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2020/8/1

July Basho 2020 - Day 13
More drama as Flohru lost again, allowing Kakushoyamaii into a share of the lead thanks to his easy victory over Sekiwake Yamashiro. The sekiwake still needs one more win to return to the second-highest rank and has a tough bout tomorrow against in-form Komusubi Chocshoporyu
In Juryo former Komusubi Chishafuwaku joins Reeeen in the lead. The two Makushita leaders of yesterday both lost and they are joined in the hunt by Kasaiduro and Patikoyama.
And sadly Ozeki Andonishiki suffered an eighth loss and will be kadoban in September.
by Pandaazuma, 2020/7/31

July Basho 2020 - Day 12
Some major turbulence in the yusho race as the two frontrunners both lost, allowing Sekiwake Yamashiro back into the frame. Flohru remains the sole leader at 10-2 but he'll be feeling the pressure a bit now. Yamashiro is now within one win of returning to the ozeki rank.
Reeeen now leads Juryo with a 9-3 record and a group of three are chasing. Wolfgangho and Kashunowaka now lead Makushita with 10-2 records.
by Pandaazuma, 2020/7/30

July Basho 2020 - Day 11
Flohru can't stop winning and he is now the sole leader ahead of newcomer Kakushoyamaii. But there are still four more days.
Toonoryu and Reeeen lead Juryo with 8 wins. Makushita is a four-way tie of 9-2 players.
by Pandaazuma, 2020/7/30

July Basho 2020 - Day 9
Flohru and Kakushoyamaii both won to retain the lead with 8-1 records. Sekiwake Yamashiro is one win behind and he now needs three more wins out of six to return to the ozeki rank.
In Juryo Kazemoto, Toonoryu and Reeeen share the lead. Makushita is headed by Kaito and returnee Kashunowaka.
by Pandaazuma, 2020/7/27

July Basho 2020 - Day 7
Sekiwake Andoreasu has suffered something of a setback and lost two straight. He now needs to win seven of the remaining eight bouts to gain promotion. Sekiwake Yamashiro is putting in a fantastic performance right at the top of the scoring and is now 5-2. He needs five more wins to return to the rank he belongs at.
Flohru and newcomer Kakushoyamaii are leading with 6-1 records. What an amazing first basho in the top division for the latter. Can he keep it going?
Toonoryu is the sole leader of Juryo at 6-1. And Kaito is the only unbeaten player left in the entire game. He leads Makushita.
by Pandaazuma, 2020/7/25

July Basho 2020 - Day 5
Sekiwake Andoreasu marches on in his quest for 12 wins and he is now the sole leader with a perfect record. Sekiwake Yamashiro is now 3-2 in a basho where he must get 10 wins to win promotion back to ozeki.
Mainoumi and Toonoryu lead Juryo. Achiyama, Kaito and Kashunowaka are the only unbeaten Makushita players left.
by Pandaazuma, 2020/7/23

July Basho 2020 - Day 2
Welcome to the July Basho of Sumo Game!
Sekiwake Yamashiro lost his ozeki rank but has a chance to regain it with ten wins. He is off to a 1-1 start. Sekiwake Andoreasu is on an ozeki run but he needs 12 wins for the promotion. He is off to a strong 2-0 start. Can he keep up the good work?
Good luck to all the players.
by Pandaazuma, 2020/7/20


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