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Aki Basho 2022 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M10 Sumio (12-3, 98)
Juryo Yusho:J11 Hironoumi (12-3, 92)
Makushita Yusho:m14 Asapedroryu (14-1, 98)
Gino-sho:M6 Chocshoporyu (11-4, 98)
M10 Sumio (12-3, 98)
Kanto-sho:not awarded
Shukun-sho:M5 Mananoyama (8-7, 93)
by Takanotaki, 2022/9/26

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 15
Sumio came through the final test to pick up his twelfth win and a record seventh Makuuchi yusho. Chocshoporyu will be wondering why he wasn't matched up directly with the yusho leader as he would have won his first ever Makuuchi yusho if he had been. He will have to be content with a jun yusho and a ginosho as well as a nice bump up the rankings for Kyushu.
In Juryo Hironoumi won while Kazemoto lost so it is Hironoumi's first yusho in any division since he joined in 2005! Congratulations!
And in Makushita there could only be one winner. Asapedroryu has dominated from the start and his 14th win today gave him a maiden yusho and possible promotion to Juryo in November!
Congratulations to all the winners! See you back here for the Kyusho basho.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/25

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 14
Sumio won again and is now the hot favourite to win as he also tops the scoring charts. A win for him tomorrow will give him a seventh Makuuchi yusho. A loss could allow some contenders in but only Chocshoporyu and Asashimaru (two and three points behind respectively) have a chance of catching the leader.
Juryo is between Kazemoto and Hironoumi. They are not fighting each other tomorrow and Kazemoto has a huge points advantage so a win for him would give him the yusho. Hironoumi has to win and hope his rival loses.
Asapedroryu still leads Makushita with 13 wins. A win tomorrow will bring the trophy home. Even if he loses, his closest rival is three points behind, so it would take a minor miracle for him to lose it from here.
Looking at the banzuke, none of our ozeki hopefuls will satisfy the promotion criteria this time.
Good luck to all the yusho contenders!
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/24

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 13
Of the four leaders only veteran player Sumio came through with a win and he now leads all alone with a 10-3 record. With his fine scoring, he has a golden chance to go top of the all-time Makuuchi yusho charts. One more win may well be enough.
Juryo leader Hironoumi lost today and this allowed Kazemoto back into a share of the 10-3 lead. And in Makushita Asapedroryu finally succumbed to defeat. He still remains in sole possession of the lead.
Two more days. Good luck to all the players on the final weekend!
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/23

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 12
The Makuuchi leaders mostly had a good day. Four players have nine wins and all have a good chance of taking home the big prize.
Hironoumi leads Juryo with ten wins. And Asapedroryu in Makushita is hoping to join a very exclusive club: the zensho yusho winner. It has happened before, but only in the third division.
Best of luck!
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/23

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 11
The two leaders Chocshoporyu and Asashimaru both slipped up today and allowed the three chasers back into a share of the lead, all now with 8-3 records. Sekiwake Survivor is one of them and he needs to win the remaining days for ozeki promotion (and a likely yusho).
Hironoumi and Kazemoto lead Juryo with 9 wins. And in Makushita Asapedroryu marches on and is now 11-0. Raion and Takaryu remain stubbornly on his tail one win behind the pace.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/21

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 9
Day 9 leader Chocshoporyu fell victim to Sekiwake Survivor and is now part of a four-way tie for the lead.
Kazemoto won again in Juryo to retain the lead. Asapedroryu is still perfect in Makushita.
As for the ozeki hopefuls, Sekiwake Survivor is still in with a chance at 7-2. He needs 12 wins to be certain of promotion. Sekiwake Kakushoyamaii and Komusubi Andrasoyama are in the last-chance saloon - they need to win all six remaining bouts to make it, and in the latter’s case, even that may not be enough. But all wins now will be useful in building an easier ozeki run in the future.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/19

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 8
Another win for Chocshoporyu keeps him in possession of the sole lead. Four players including Sekiwake Survivor are one win behind, and Survivor fights the leader tomorrow.
Kazemoto leads Juryo with 7 wins. And Asapedroryu leads Makushita as the only unbeaten player left.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/18

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 6
Sekiwake Survivor was unbeaten for five days but finally lost today. He is now leading Makuuchi with Chocshoporyu and Kotosho.
Kotoroiwa and Kazemoto lead Juryo with five wins. Asapedroryu, Raion and Takaryu remain perfect in the Makushita lead.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/16

Aki Basho 2022 - Day 2
Welcome all to the Aki Basho of 2022!
We have 188 participating players this tournament, quite close to all-time high of 200 back in Natsu 2005! This is a great game, as you all know, so tell your friends and get them to join so we can hit 200+ over the next year or so!
Looking at the elite end of the banzuke, while we currently have no ozeki, the closest to promotion is Sekiwake Kakushoyamaii, who was demoted last basho but can return straight away with ten wins. He is off to a 1-1 start. Sekiwake ScreechingOwl is coming off two straight 10-5 tournaments and so needs 11 wins for the nod. He will need to reverse course, though, as he has lost the first two days. Sekiwake Survivor is also in the running but he needs 12 wins. He is game for it, though, as he is unbeaten so far! Komusubi Andrasoyama, unlucky not to have been promoted to Sekiwake last time due to banzuke congestion, can also be considered as he needs ten wins to have 31 wins in three basho, the basic requirement for promotion to the second-highest rank.
In Makuuchi the two yokozuna are off to unbeaten starts along with Sekiwake Survivor and Komusubi Konosato (who fights Yokozuna Pandaazuma tomorrow). Five Maegashira players are also still unbeaten so far.
Juryo is led by a group of six that includes ancient veteran Fujisan. Makushita is its usual formless mass at this early stage.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2022/9/13


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