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Kyushu Basho 2022 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M7 Norizo (11-4, 97)
Juryo Yusho:J3 Golynohana (10-5, 103)
Makushita Yusho:m13 Pepenohana (13-2, 101)
Gino-sho:M13 Chiyobobdog (9-6, 102)
Kanto-sho:M12 Kotosho (10-5, 91)
Shukun-sho:S Andrasoyama (10-5, 98)
M5 Unkonoyama (8-7, 97)
by Takanotaki, 2022/11/28

Kyushu Basho 2022 - Day 15
Of all the leaders coming into the final day, only Norizo managed to win and so he takes a seventh Makuuchi yusho, drawing level with Sumio on the all-time charts.
We had a four-way tie in Juryo thanks to Hagenosenshi's loss. This allowed Golynohana to win the division on points scored.
In Makushita Barunoriko lost the direct match-up with Pepenohana and so we had a three-way tie. This was won by Pepenohana on points.
Congratulations to all the winners. Hope to see you all back here in the new year.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/11/28

Kyushu Basho 2022 - Day 14
Coming into the final day we have five leaders with ten wins. Bolo has the scoring advantage. A win for him means a second yusho for this dangerous Hungarian player.
In Juryo Hagenosenshi managed to blow a third straight day and is now in real battle to win the yusho. He needs to win tomorrow. A loss would bring in Balon and Golynohana, who have superior scoring.
Barunoriko won again but she will have to beat Pepenohana tomorrow to take the yusho as Pepe has a superior score!
A quick special mention to Sekiwake Andrasoyama, who has in the last two days managed to beat both yokozuna and is in contention for yusho. A win tomorrow would give him 30 wins in three tournaments, just one short of that necessary for ozeki promotion. But a yusho might well convince the banzuke maker to promote him. His recent results have certainly been impressive.
Good luck to all the contenders!
by Pandaazuma, 2022/11/26

Kyushu Basho 2022 - Day 13
A remarkable day in Sumo Game Makuuchi saw all three leaders lose and all chasing players win. We now have a free-for-all at the top - no fewer than eight leaders have nine wins with two days remaining. Very open indeed. Both Yokozuna and Sekiwake Andrasoyama are in the mix.
In Juryo Hagenosenshi lost again but so did Yuko so he is two wins ahead with two days left. Barunoriko won again in Makushita to retain the sole lead there.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/11/25

Kyushu Basho 2022 - Day 12
Carnage on the dohyo translated to low scoring today.
Makuuchi leader Yamashiro lost and fell back into the small chasing group of Yokozuna Pandaazuma and Gonzaburow. All have 9-3 records. Six players are one win behind, including Yokozuna Yumezukuri and Sekiwake Andrasoyama.
Juryo leader Hagenosenshi fell to a rare loss but remains two wins ahead of the chasing Yuko, who also lost. Barunoriko leads Makushita alone with eleven wins.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/11/24

Kyushu Basho 2022 - Day 10
Two former Ozeki, Norizo and Yamashiro, lead Makuuchi with 8-2 records.
Hagenosenshi continues to impress and looks like a future sanyaku-level player. He leads Juryo with 9 wins. Four players lead Makushita with 9-1 records: Daiyama, Blackpinkmawashi, Barunoriko and Tauyoshi!
by Pandaazuma, 2022/11/22

Kyushu Basho 2022 - Day 8
Long-time leader Gonzaburow fell to defeat and there are now six leaders, including Yokozuna Pandaazuma, Sekiwake Andrasoyama, and Sekiwake Konosato. Two former Ozeki are also in the hunt: Norizo and Yamashiro.
Hagenosenshi leads Juryo all alone. Former Ozeki Andonishiki is chasing alongside veteran player Yuko. And Makushita newcomer Nakitakaze still has a 100% record since joining the game. The only remaining unbeaten player.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/11/20

Kyushu Basho 2022 - Day 6
Day 6 is in the books and Makuuchi is led by just one unbeaten player: Gonzaburow. He is trailed closely by Yokozuna Pandaazuma and Sekiwake Konosato.
It's an identical scenario in Juryo as former Ozeki Andonishiki leads alone and unbeaten, trailed by former Sekiwake Golynohana and a relative newcomer (who hails from my home town in the UK), Hagenosenshi.
Makushita has four unbeaten leaders in the form of Flavioho, Senjinzoku, Barunoriko and newcomer Nakitakaze.
by Pandaazuma, 2022/11/18

Kyushu Basho 2022 - Day 2
Welcome all to the final tournament of 2022 - the Kyushu Basho!
Looking at the banzuke there are no obvious promotion or demotion prospects so this will be one for building up a good record for next time.
Still early days. Eight players sit atop the Makuuchi leaderboard, including four from the elite Sanyaku division.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2022/11/14


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