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Hatsu Basho 2023 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M2 Survivor (12-3, 93)
Juryo Yusho:J11 Jakusotsu (11-4, 94)
Makushita Yusho:m41 Sakuragai (13-2, 94)
Gino-sho:M9 Susanoo (9-6, 95)
Kanto-sho:M13 Kotoroiwa (12-3, 93)
Shukun-sho:M3 Sumio (8-7, 91)
by Takanotaki, 2023/1/23

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 15
Close margins!
Survivor and Kotoroiwa both won very impressively with 9 points. So the tie-breakers kick in. They have the same score so we go to the second tie-breaker. Did they fight each other this basho? No they did not! Regrettably! And so we go to the third tie-break: total number of 8+ days. Survivor has 3, Kotoroiwa has 1. And so we have a winner. Congratulations, Survivor! Incredibly, this is his first ever Makuuchi yusho...surprising for such a fantastic player. I am sure there will be more. He can now focus on an ozeki run. Kotoroiwa was an unlucky loser but I am certain we will be seeing that name again in the commentary in 2023.
Juryo saw a similar scenario! Jakusotsu, Kazemoto and Kaiowaka all finished with 11 wins. Jakusotsu and Kazemoto have the same number of points so we go to the second tiebreaker: Jakusotsu defeated Kazemoto on day 2. And so he is the yusho winner. A fantastic performance today sealed the deal - he won a 10-10 tie-breaker to take the yusho. That's a second career Juryo yusho for him. He will be near the top of Juryo next division...a good chance for him to reach Makuuchi in March.
Sakuragai lost badly today but she had already done enough to take the Makushita yusho! Omedetou!
Sadly we won't be seeing a new ozeki in March. Sekiwake Andrasoyama has been fantastic in recent tournaments and we saw another 10-5 here. He needs to take it to the next level and get 11 wins next time for promotion.
Thanks everyone for playing this tournament. We are looking forward to seeing you back for the Osaka Haru basho in March.
Congratulations to all the yusho winners!
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/22

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 14
Survivor and Kotoroiwa both managed to win and they are in pole position for Makuuchi yusho.
Sekiwake Andrasayoma still has a chance but needs to win on points tomorrow.
Juryo is between four hopefuls. But Jakusotsu and Kazemoto have the points to challenge.
Sakuragai won again. there is only one challenger but her points will almost certainly protect her even if she loses! Congratulations on a first yusho!!
Good luck to all those still in contention tomorrow.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/22

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 13
Sekiwake Andrasoyama stayed focused to down Yokozuna Yumezukuri today and keep the joint lead with Survivor and Kotoroiwa. He fights the other yokozuna tomorrow and has to be the favourite on current form. He has been really looking like an ozeki of late. Let's see if he can close the deal.
Kazemoto won the death match in Juryo and is now the sole leader. Sakuragai won again and is 12-1 with two days to go. Can she keep her head and win her first ever yusho?
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/20

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 12
Sekiwake Andrasoyama and Sekiwake Kakushoyamaii both won again and they co-lead with Survivor and Kotoroiwa. Andrasoyama's ozeki run is still alive and by the numbers he needs to win the final three days, but an 11-4 yusho may well be enough to convince the banzuke maker. Let's see.
In Juryo Kazemoto lost while Kaiowaka won and they now share the lead. They fight each other tomorrow. In Makushita Sakuragai just keeps on winning. She maintains sole lead over five hopefuls snapping at her heels.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/19

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 11
Seven of the ten leaders won, including the two sekiwake. It's very open going into the final four days.
In Juryo Kaiowaka slipped up while Kazemoto won and so Kazemoto is now the sole leader with nine wins. In Makushita two of our leaders lost, leaving Sakuragai as leader and the only player in all three divisions with double digits.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/18

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 10
All the leaders lost and it's now a free-for-all at the top of the Makuuchi standings. Ten players with seven wins go for an early winning record today. The two red-hot Sekiwake Andrasoyama and Kakushoyamaii number among them.
Juryo now has two leaders in Kaiowaka and Kazemoto, both with eight wins. And the three Makushita leaders from yesterday all won to reach nine wins.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/18

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 9
60% of the tournament is done. The lead is shared by Sekiwake Kakushoyamaii, Norizo and Kotoroiwa.
In Juryo Fujiyama has lost two straight days and is now back in a leading group of five, all with 7-2 records. Makushita is headed by Sakuragai, Aoyume and newcomer Holginoshima. Each has only one loss.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/16

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 6
Asashimaru remained perfect and is now two wins clear of the field, a very rare thing at this early stage.
Fujiyama won again and is also perfect leading Juryo. And Sagi is the sole leader in Makushita. Lots of symmetry.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/13

Hatsu Basho 2023 - Day 4
Welcome all to the first tournament of 2023!
Four days in and the early Makuuchi leaders are Asashimaru and Natsunoyama.
Yuko and Fujiyama are unbeaten in Juryo. Makushita still has eleven unbeaten hopefuls.
Looking at the banzuke, Sekiwake Andrasoyama is closest to ozeki promotion - he needs twelve wins this time.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2023/1/11


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