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Kyushu Basho 2023 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M14 Oskahanada (12-3, 99)
Juryo Yusho:J6 Chindonya (12-3, 97)
Makushita Yusho:m36 Saiwaifuji (12-3, 103)
Gino-sho:M16 Andoreasu (10-5, 101)
Kanto-sho:M14 Oskahanada (12-3, 99)
Shukun-sho:M2 Trender (8-7, 92)
M14 Oskahanada (12-3, 99)
by Takanotaki, 2023/11/27

Kyushu Basho 2023 - Day 15
Oskahanada defeated Yumezukuri to take his first ever Makuuchi yusho! Congratulations!
Juryo's Chindonya lost today but he already had the prize in the bag.
In Makushita Stivifuji was unable to take his opportunity and fell to a loss. This allowed Sawaifuji to win on a tie-break by virtue of his superior score. This is only Sawaifuji's fourth basho and he already has two jun yusho and one yusho. Looks a likely future sanyaku contender.
Congratulations to all the winners! See you back here in the new year! Have a great Christmas and New Year.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/11/26

Kyushu Basho 2023 - Day 14
Oskahanada lost and this allowed Ozeki Yumezukuri, Flohru and Golynohana back into the mix. Oskahanada and Yumezukuri are matched up tomorrow so the yusho line will be 12-3. All four contenders are within one point of each other so scoring well will also be crucial.
In Juryo Chindonya won again to secure the yusho with one day remaining. A likely promotion to the top division will be the prize.
And in Makushita Stivifuji leads with 12 wins. Two chasers (Saiwaifuji and Hunterbeagle) have superior scores so the leader may well need to win his bout in order to avoid a tie-break loss.
Good luck to all the contenders!
by Pandaazuma, 2023/11/25

Kyushu Basho 2023 - Day 13
Andoreasu lost, allowing Oskahanada to take the sole lead with 11 wins with just two days remaining.
Chindonya is two wins clear in Juryo and is the clear favourite now. Four hopefuls lead Makushita. Tochiyesshin has a slight points advantage in a tie.
And Ozeki Yumezukuri today achieved his tenth win and will return to the yokozuna rank in January. This is the first time in the history of the game that a yokozuna has returned to the rank. Omedetou gozaimasu!
by Pandaazuma, 2023/11/25

Kyushu Basho 2023 - Day 11
Flohru, Oskahanada and Andoreasu all won again to retain the lead with nine wins. Ozeki Yumezukuri and Golynohana are one win behind.
Chindonya lost in Juryo so he now shares the lead with Kibooyama. Kaito lies in wait one win behind. Makushita is led by six players...a playoff looks likely there.
Finally, after over five and half years at the Yokozuna rank, Pandaazuma fell to a losing record and will be demoted to Ozeki. He will have a chance to bounce straight back if he gets ten wins.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/11/22

Kyushu Basho 2023 - Day 10
Former sole leader Sekiwake Survivor lost two straight days and is now out of the shared lead. Flohru, Oskahanada and Andoreasu are in front with 8-2 records.
Chindonya leads Juryo all alone with 9 wins. Tochiyesshin and Wakudouzan lead Makushita, also with 9 wins.
Sadly Ozeki Norizo has been one of the victims of this lottery tournament and today fell to a losing record. He will be kadoban in January and so will need 8 wins to keep his rank.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/11/21

Kyushu Basho 2023 - Day 8
Sekiwake Survivor won again to take the sole lead as we head into the second week.
Kibooyama and Chindonya lead Juryo with six wins. And in Makushita we find the last remaining unbeaten player, Hakushin.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/11/20

Kyushu Basho 2023 - Day 6
Ozeki Yumezukuri, Sekiwake Survivor and Fetmen are the three leaders as of day 6, all with five wins. A huge group is in close pursuit.
Five players lead Juryo, including the top-ranked player in the division, Kotoroiwa. In Makushita we find the only two remaining unbeaten players - Terarno and Hakushin.
by Pandaazuma, 2023/11/18

Kyushu Basho 2023 - Day 2
Welcome all to the Kyushu tournament, the final one of 2023. We have 208 participating players, another new record. Thanks for playing this truly great game!
We have two talking points at the top of the banzuke: Yokozuna Pandaazuma is kadoban and needs 8 wins to keep his rank. Ozeki Yumezukuri has a chance to return to Yokozuna if he achieves 10 wins this time.
Early unbeaten leaders in Makuuchi include Yokozuna Pandaazuma, Ozeki Norizo and Sekiwake Survivor. The other divisions are also just beginning to take shape.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2023/11/14


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