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Hatsu Basho 2023 - Winners
Makuuchi Yusho:M16 Boloyaki (11-4, 112)
Juryo Yusho:J4 Akoushousan (12-3, 113)
Makushita Yusho:m57 Klopp (13-2, 110)
Gino-sho:S Survivor (9-6, 115)
Kanto-sho:M16 Boloyaki (11-4, 112)
Shukun-sho:not awarded
by Takanotaki, 2024/1/29

Hatsu Basho 2024 - Day 15
As reported yesterday, Boloyaki and Akoushousan win the Makuuchi and Juryo divisions respectively.
In Makushita Klopp lost his bout but so did his main rival and so he was able to win the tie-break on points scored. Congratulations!
Thanks to everyone for playing this tournament. See you all back here in March.
by Pandaazuma, 2024/1/28

Hatsu Basho 2024 - Day 14
Boloyaki won his bout to take a very impressive Makuuchi yusho on day 14! Only his second tournament in Makuuchi. Congratulations. A nice promotion is due.
And it's the same story in Juryo. Akoushousan wraps things up with a twelfth win today. Well done! Makuuchi awaits in March!
Makushita, however, is a lot more interesting. Klopp gained a 13th win and will fight Gansekiiwa, who is a win behind, tomorrow. Gansekiiwa is four points off the pace so is very unlikely to be a yusho threat. However, Sainosato, also a win off the pace, is two points ahead. So Klopp will need another win to be sure of victory.
Good luck to all the contenders!
by Pandaazuma, 2024/1/27

Hatsu Basho 2024 - Day 12
Of yesterday's two leaders, only Boloyaki won to take the sole lead with nine wins.
Akoushousan won again in Juryo to stay in the lead, one win ahead of Haruibono. And Klopp won again in the Makushita division and stays in front all alone.
We are sad to report that Ozeki Norizo fell to a losing record today and will be demoted to sekiwake in March. He will have a chance to return to the ozeki rank if he scores ten wins then. Bad news also for Sekiwake Survivor, who lost today and therefore cannot achieve the 11 wins needed for ozeki promotion. He will hope to win out in order to prolong his ozeki run.
by Pandaazuma, 2024/1/25

Hatsu Basho 2024 - Day 11
Its a measure of the closeness of this tournament that it took until day 11 for the Makuuchi division to record its first winning records...and there were only two of them: Kakushoyamaii and Boloyaki, our two leaders.
Akoushousan broke free in Juryo and is now sole leader with nine wins. And in Makushita Klopp did the business again to stay just ahead of a group of ten players with 9-2 records.
by Pandaazuma, 2024/1/24

Hatsu Basho 2024 - Day 10
Quite the cull atop Makuuchi as the leaderboard shrinks to five players, former Ozeki Kakushoyamaii and also former Ozeki Andonishiki among them.
The same occurred in Juryo. Balon and Akoushousan got through to take the lead.
Makushita now has a sole leader: Klopp, with 9 wins. A Liverpool fan?
by Pandaazuma, 2024/1/23

Hatsu Basho 2024 - Day 9
All the leaders lost and we have a likely unprecedented 11-player melee in the lead of the Makuuchi division, all with 6-3 records. The only sanyaku representative is Komusubi Flohru.
Juryo is led by four players with 7 wins, Balon, Akoushousan, Kaito and Jakusotsu. And Makushita is led by five players all with 8 wins. No clear leaders at all in any division.
by Pandaazuma, 2024/1/23

Hatsu Basho 2024 - Day 6
As the first week approaches its close Oskanohana is the sole leader of the Makuuchi division and is as yet unbeaten. This extends an impressive run of form - he won the Makuuchi yusho last tournament and the Juryo yusho the tournament before that. Future Ozeki/Yokozuna vibes. Ozeki hopeful Survivor lost today to go 3-3. He needs 7 wins in 9 days to get the nod.
In Juryo Akoushousan is the only remaining unbeaten player. In Makushita Jojoho and Stivifuji are perfect too and they lead the division.
A special mention to gaming veteran Konosato, who has had absolutely atrocious luck even by the standards of this game, which is legendary for its luck element. He is the points leader of all divisions but only got his first win today. Ridiculous stuff!
by Pandaazuma, 2024/1/19

Hatsu Basho 2024 - Day 2
Welcome all to the first tournament of 2024! With 208 active players this time we equal the record set last tournament. Thanks for your participation!
It's a welcome return for Yokozuna Yumezukuri and he is currently alone at the top rank with Pandaazuma demoted to Ozeki. Pandaazuma needs 10 wins to return to the rank the 'easy' way. He's off to a 0-2 start and so has his work cut out already. Ozeki Norizo is kadoban and will need 8 wins to keep his rank. He is 1-1 going into day 3.
Sekiwake Survivor is on an ozeki run. He needs 11 and is off to the best possible start with two wins. He along with Komusubi Kazutoyama are the only unbeaten sanyaku representatives in the early standings.
Good luck to all the players!
by Pandaazuma, 2024/1/16


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