Travel Reports by Claire2015 view profile of Claire2015

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September 5, 2015 - The best view along the Sea of Japan this winter

With winter drawing nearer, those visiting Japan this snow season might consider a side trip to see one of the most stunning and eJapanesef vistas along the Sea of Japan in Toyama Prefecture. The tiny town of Amaharashi (‰J°) would be naught but a small seaside town if not for a little pine tree topped fragment of an island sitting just off the shoreline. Itfs nothing special in itself, but during the cooler months a stunning backdrop of the snow-capped Northern Alps viewed across Toyama Bay transforms this humble little island.

You will have to be very lucky to see this view first hand though. Rain is your constant companion along the Sea of Japan in this area during the winter months and you will need a very clear day to see the mountains because they are quite some distance away. But should the weather gods smile on you, the view is best from just after midday until sunset, and if youfre super lucky the mountains will reflect a gloriously pinkish alpine glow as the sun sets.

So if youfre planning to pass through Toyama City or even Kanazawa, Amaharashi and the view of the Northern Alps from sea-level is a worthwhile side trip. Amaharashi is accessable from both Toyama City and Kanazawa by changing to the JR Himi Line at JR Takaoka Station (‚‰ª). From there itfs another 21 minute train ride. The view of the island is just a few hundred meters from the station.

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List of Posts:
2015/09/05 - The best view along the Sea of Japan this winter
2015/03/14 - Debut of the new bullet train in Kanazawa
2015/03/06 - Weeping plum blossoms at Yuki Shrine - Mie Prefecture