Travel Reports by HikariSvet view profile of HikariSvet

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Note: The opinions and views expressed in this user report are those of the individual author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of japan-guide.com.

September 17, 2013 - `~y. O{y~prp. Ru~q 2013. (3 p)

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List of Posts:
2014/03/13 - `~y, S{y. Mp 2014. (2 p)
2014/03/12 - `~y, S{y. Mp 2014. (1 p)
2013/09/18 - `~y. O{y~prp. Ru~q 2013. (4 p)
2013/09/17 - `~y. O{y~prp. Ru~q 2013. (3 p)
2013/09/16 - `~y. O{y~prp. Ru~q 2013. (2 p)
2013/09/15 - `~y. O{y~prp. Ru~q 2013. (1 p)
2012/10/17 - Kyoto, Japan (Part 4)
2012/10/17 - Kyoto, Japan (Part 3)
2012/10/16 - Kyoto, Japan (Part 2)
2012/10/15 - Kyoto, Japan (Part 1)