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October 5, 2016 - The Birthday Kippu

If youfre ever in Shikoku during your birthday month and youfre looking for a cheap and convenient way to travel, look into the The Birthday Kippu. Itfs a special ticket that allows unlimited travel for 3 consecutive days for only 10280 yen. Unlike the Seishun 18 kippu, this ticket allows you to ride on limited express trains as well. Depending on your travel plans, itfs pretty worth it and saves the stress of buying tickets at every station you visit. You can buy up to 3 other tickets at the same price so that you can travel with your friends. Anyways, I had a great time using mine so give it a try if you can!

Herefs my trip!

From Matsuyama, we went to Kan-onji to visit Kotohiki Park. At this park, therefs a huge sand sculpture of a coin. Itfs kept up by volunteers and you have to walk up a hill in order to see its beauty. We didn't know exactly where it was but itfs said that people who view the coin will be financially worry free...so of course, we walked around the park until we found the entrance. Turns out there were signs but we were on the opposite side. The important thing is ya girls gonna be financially worry free!

After Kan-onji, we went to Yashima Station. We were greeted by a delightful old man that directed us to a bus that takes you to Shikoku-Mura before stopping at Yashima. We made the mistake of going to Yashima first but it was a delightful walk. There were some art pieces displayed for the Art Triennial near Yashima Temple. And from various observation decks, you could see the view of the city and the surrounding islands nearby.

After Kan-onji, we went to Yashima Station. We were greeted by a delightful old man that directed us to a bus that takes you to Shikoku-Mura before stopping at Yashima. We made the mistake of going to Yashima first but it was a delightful walk. There were some art pieces displayed for the Art Triennial near Yashima Temple. And from various observation decks, you could see the view of the city and the surrounding islands nearby.

After that we took the bus down and then back up again to Shikoku-Mura. There was a 1000 yen entrance fee but the place was pretty especially at the end of their small gallery. There was water cascading down steps that looked really beautiful. It was also just cool to see how things looked like and worked. We passed by a sugar cane grinding machine and some old theatre. Therefs also a cool vine bridge thatfs a tiny bit more scary than the famed vine bridges in Iya Valley but definitely equally beautiful. The place was bigger than we thought and it would have looked even more beautiful during the spring when the roses and other flowers were in bloom but we enjoyed our experience and went to Takamatsu Port.

At the port, we walked around to view some of the art pieces on display. But really, we had such a good time playing Pokmon-Go. Takamatsu is filled with cool Pokmon and they have lots of Voltorbs and Magnemites. There were seels, pikachus, and horseas. It was lit AF if you ask me. after that, we ate dinner at a little udon shop. It was so delicious and nearby the station. After that, Mick went home but my adventure continued to Hiketa Station where I stayed the night at an AirBnb.

Honestly, my host was one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She ran a bath for me, offered me figs, and planned out an itinerary for the next day. She kindly offered to take me to Naruto to see the whirlpools but before that, she took me to see the Soy Sauce Boat House where I made higashi using wasabon. It was not only pretty and fun, but they were delicious and melted in your mouth.

So then in Naruto, is when it got a bit challenging. After she dropped me off, I went on my way to walk along the bridge to see the whirlpools. The bridge is open aired so it was extremely windy and it started to rain. I decided I would stick it out and I'm glad I did because as I reached the end of the walk way, the whirlpools were starting to form and the longer I stayed, the more aggressive they became. There are glass windows on the floors so that you could step on them if you felt daring, I did of course but my knees were definitely feeling weak each time I walked on and off.

As peak time to see the whirlpools arrived, more and more people came, hence, it was time for me to go. I took a bus to Naruto Station and from there, the train I needed wasn't coming for another hour or so, so I decided to buy some snacks to eat since it would be a long ride with a couple of transfers. I then spotted a Takoyaki shop. It was smaller than I thought it would be with only 2 tables and a 3 seat counter. One table was already occupied with 3 men drinking during the afternoon but they turned out to be so friendly and sweet. They ended up singing me happy birthday and paid for my takoyaki and a premium ice cream cone. It was delicious. Their kindness and their jokes really made my day.

As I left, we took a quick photo before I said goodbye. When I got on the train, I could see that two of them came to the station and waved bye for the last time. It was really sweet though a bit unusual. I made it to my next station at Ikenotani, where I waited just under an hour for the express train to Takamatsu. Back at Takamatsu, I opened Pokemon Go and caught a Voltorb before ending the trip back in Matsuyama.

It was a busy trip and there was a lot of waiting but it was never a bad experience. I got to meet such great people and because it's a birthday ticket, the ticket officers usually said Happy Birthday or congratulations. On the last stretch back to Matsuyama, the train attendant also handed me a cute little birthday pin. I still had one day left of my ticket but I think I was a bit too tired to go anywhere after a full day of work and even then, the ticket is still worth it. Itfs a great deal if you plan to travel around Shikoku. Highly Recommended.

As always, feel free to ask me any questions! ^^
#loveshikoku #loveshikoku2016 #japan #travel

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List of Posts:
2016/10/05 - The Birthday Kippu
2016/08/04 - Matsuyama Beer Train