Travel Reports by Masakaz view profile of Masakaz

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January 11, 2016 - Maihama Cycling Mini Trip


Cycling road.

In 11.1.2016

I went to Maihama by bike.
Maihama is exist TDL(Tokyo-Disney Land).
My start point was Musasi-Mizonokuchi in Kawasaki.
Mizonokuchi disitance of Maihama is about 40km.
Please be careful.Because Wangan-line,There is a lot of slope.and heavy traffic of car.

Pass point
Mizonokuch(溝の口)→Hutako-tamagawa(二子玉川)→Route246(国道246)→Shibuya(渋谷)→Roppon-gi(六本木)→Toranomon(虎ノ門)→Shinbasi(新橋)→Kabukiza(歌舞伎座)→Tukizi(築地)→Shinonome(東雲)→Wangan-line (湾岸道路)→Kasai(葛西)→Maihama(舞浜)

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List of Posts:
2016/01/11 - Maihama Cycling Mini Trip
2015/09/07 - Yokohama-night walking
2013/12/11 - Odaiba in Japan Night cycling report