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Tsukiji Fish Market until what time? 2013/12/31 06:00
I have kids 5 and 7 who won't get out of bed early. What is the latest we can get to the markets and still see interesting things? I know we won't catch the tuna auction when we are awake. Thanks
by flash1999  

Re: Tsukiji Fish Market until what time? 2013/12/31 09:38
I would say until about 9:00 am. That is usually when the market starts to wind down.

Also be warned that the sushi restaurants across from the market are always busy in the morning.
by Main777 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Tsukiji Fish Market until what time? 2013/12/31 11:58
I agree with around 9am: we have been there at that time 3 times, and been fine with seeing amazing looking seafood in the market, but the market is certainly beginning to wind down after that.
With children, be REALLY careful of them: the guys on their motorised carts work in the market, are very busy, and have right of way at all times: kids suddenly in their way would not be good for anyone.
by fmj rate this post as useful

Re: Tsukiji Fish Market until what time? 2013/12/31 14:05
Thanks for the info. We will aim for 8 or 830. I think we can manage that.

Luckily our kids live in a busy area with cars and will hold hands as instructed so we will keep them close, good advice. Thanks.
by flash1999 rate this post as useful

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