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Echigo-yuzawa to Kanazawa 2014/3/17 18:18
From Echigo-yuzawa go to Kanazawa i can take LTD. EXP HAKUTAKA .

but i not sure if i have JR PASS cover for this train???
by ltkoat  

Re: Echigo-yuzawa to Kanazawa 2014/3/17 19:56
by WL (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Echigo-yuzawa to Kanazawa 2014/3/17 20:37
Express Hakutaka so through the line of the company is not a JR, it is necessary to pay the extra charge you. One of the ways to go to Kanazawa from Echigo-Yuzawa without extra charge, would be to the transit point Nagaoka Station.
by passerby168 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Echigo-yuzawa to Kanazawa 2014/3/17 21:15
The additional fare isn't much. The train is direct, and it goes through spectacular scenery.

Unless you've got unlimited time (which you won't have), why not just pay the small extra fare and go direct?

My view is that every hour in Japan costs money (in annual leave, in accommodation, in airfare, etc), and that it's consequently a false economy to try to save 1,000 yen at the cost of an extra few hours journey time.

Of course, your views may vary.

(Echigo Yuzawa is great. Don't miss the sake tastings, and the art.)
by Winter Visitor rate this post as useful

Re: Echigo-yuzawa to Kanazawa 2014/3/18 11:10
thank you every one.

by ltkoat rate this post as useful

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