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Asking parent in law for marriage 2014/3/24 22:55
Hi everyone,

Need some advise.

Will be great to gather all the different experiences that everyone have for getting approval from your parents in law for the hands of their daughter. Especially if you are from other country asking for the marriage, as I am facing some issues here that my future father in law does not like her daughter to get married overseas.

We are truly in love with each other and we had plans, from getting a house to living together to starting a family in 2 years time. I want to get a blessing in a right way where I do not wish to offend my father in law and same time ask for his blessing for our marriage. I can understand every parents or particularly every father's worries when their daughter is going to get married overseas.

I will be traveling to Japan in Apr to officially meet the dad to ask for the marriage. This is going to be my first meet-up with my future father in law, so there are many uncertainties on the things that will happen. All suggestions are very appreciated.

My only intention is to ask for his blessing and never the intention to snatch her daugther away from him.

Btw, I have met my gf mom once. My gf and I dated for only 7 months. Though it's short but we had lots of plans In regards to our marriage already.

Thank you all for the advise in advance!
by AT1984  

Re: Asking parent in law for marriage 2014/3/25 14:40
You are doimng good to go there and ask face to face.

Be respectful but not weak or meek. If you have good career prospects, it might be good to outline those (without bragging) in a a way that reassures him that you will be able to provide for his daughter and any future children.

Plan what you will say if he says "no". Also, make sure you know how your girlfriend feels about what she will do if her father says no. Will she still be willing to get married?

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