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Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/15 20:14
I'm in Tokyo from June 21st-25th, just wondering which day of the week is usually least crowded?

Also, about how early before the 5:00 AM opening would one normally need to turn up to guarantee a spot in the auction viewing?
by TheTripod  

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/16 11:41
I've heard of ppl getting there before 4am, so it might be good to stay somewhere nearby and cab there so the fare would not be too expensive. From Shinagawa Prince, it's less than 4000 yen to cab to Tsukiji.
by CLLR (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/16 12:20
Was there before 3:50 am
Didn't make it
Spend the next few hours waiting for Sushi stores to open.... Please come before 3:30
by Joshua Hugh rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/16 21:21
Ouch, that bad huh.

My hotel is about 3Km's away so it's not a problem, just worried about how much sleep I'll be getting...
by TheTripod rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/16 22:04
Haha return to your hotel to take a nap till late morning, after the auction and breakfast?

I reached just before 6am for breakfast, left before 7am and got back to my hotel and slept from 7.30am till 10.30am before checking out at 11am.
by CLLR (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/16 22:46
I stood in line for the most famous sushi store. Sushi Dai?
At 630 they told me they are open and it would be another 2.5 hours. I walked off to Sushi Ryu. Went to the nearby garden that for some reason opening 1.5 hours earlier than stated on the board and talked to some americans from Cali. (They were the ones who told me about the early opening. Some staff told them about it)
by Joshua Hugh rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/16 23:18
I came to secure my sport at 3.15AM, and there was a handful in front of me - Don't come too late - I recommend no later than 3.30AM. The last thing you want to do is to come early in the morning with not enough sleep just to realise you didnt come early enough.
by JapAHV rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/16 23:40
I agree with the last post.

You should come at 3:30 in the morning of before if you want to see the maguro trading event (which is what you see in documentaries about Japan).
That means that you have to take a taxi or make a reservation at a hotel close to the market.

Otherwise, you can go later (around 5 am) with the first train. You will not be allowed to enter the trading area but you will be able to enter the fish market.
by makusansu rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/17 08:43
Hah, 3 AM it is, damn. Thanks for the advice all.
by TheTripod rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/26 20:56
How did it go?? Which day of the week did you go?
Thanks! Hoping to take my parents next week~~
by nikoru7 rate this post as useful

Re: Best day to visit the Tsukiji Fish Market? 2014/6/26 23:12
Went on Tuesday the 24th, got there at 2:50 AM and was first in line by 5 minutes. But by 3:30 the line was already about half full and they started letting people in to the waiting room. The second group came in around 4 AM so by then it was full. So yeah, seems before 3:30 AM is a must, but 3 AM for a guaranteed spot I'd say.

The line for the sushi restauraunts once the auction is over was insanity however, over two hours of waiting.
by TheTripod rate this post as useful

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