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Can my gay husband apply for a spouse visa? 2014/7/26 16:43
I just got notice that I was accepted for a job in Japan... I will be getting my working visa within a month.

I am gay and happyily married man. I am originally from Mexico and it is possible to be legally married with a homosexual partner here since a couple of years now.

I have been reading in some websites that is possible to bring your gay husband/wife if the country where you come from has legallized gay marriage.

But then, I have read that this is not true in some other cases...

here it says is possible:


BUT here it says is not possible:

I have been trying to go through the immigration Japanese website ( http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/english/index.html ) and can't seem to find any official paper or article where it stablish this exception or they mention this...

Any help would be greatly appreciated

thank you very much!
by Jorge Hernandez (guest)  

Re: Can my gay husband apply for a spouse visa? 2014/7/26 19:29
On careful reading, the second and third links are talking about an entirely different situation from yours - what happens when one partner is a Japanese national (or permanent resident).

You, on the other hand, want to arrange for a dependent visa, not a spouse visa, and the content of the first link makes it sound like that's now possible.

(It's likely that the Japanese embassy/immigration website simply hasn't been updated.)

Good luck!
by Umami Dearest rate this post as useful

Re: Can my gay husband apply for a spouse visa? 2014/7/27 00:37
You really should ask this question at the Japanese Embassy or Consulate.
by daai maou (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can my gay husband apply for a spouse visa? 2014/8/29 10:42
Hello! I was wondering what you ever found out about dependent visas, if anything.

I'm currently in Japan with my same-sex partner. We both came under student visas, but I am wanting to transition into a full-time job, and hopefully receive a working visa instead of my student visa. He no longer wants to take classes, and we were wondering if it was possible to get a dependent visa.

If I got a full-time English teaching job, does anyone know if it's possible for my partner to stay with me? We are both legally married in America.

by eltonjpt rate this post as useful

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