
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Seriously confused? 2014/8/7 13:13
I'm a european woman living in nyc( i'm in my 20's ). I've been dating this japanese dude for a few weeks he's a few years older than I am . On our first date we met for drinks and hit it off pretty well even though i was super nervous, we ended up hanging out for 5 hours he walked me home and gave me a long and tight hug , I told him i had a good time and to please text me again . A week later he would text me but not ask me out so I asked him and he said "yes of course " and that he was thinking about asking me ... The second date went well too we and dinner and drinks and then ended up sleeping together(he's also super cuddly which I thought was a little strange, but i don't mind) . Third date again I had to ask him to hang out with me , he texts me during the week but never invites me out although when we're together he says we should go together to this place or that place . We had sex and he slept over my place this time , i told him he was cool and that I liked him and he said" I like you too " In the morning he left my place to go to work and told me "see you soon". Now he keeps asking me if i work and which days i work and what time i get off, but he still doesn't text me unless i initiate it and it's been a week and he hasn't asked me out yet. Does he actually like me or he's just being nice? Is he playing me? Did I give it up too soon?
by boomboomegg  

Seriously??? 2014/8/7 16:41
Dear "european woman living in nyc",

"Déjà vu all over again". Are you going to post the same question every week after another "date" with this guy?
Last time you received a couple of answers before I fell asleep, and your post was removed before I woke up. I (hardly) wonder why.

Before it disappears again, here are your answers one more time:
- Did I give it up too soon? Not at all! As everyone knows, people normally sleep with each other the moment they meet. So, if not too late, you didn't do it too soon.
- Does he actually like me or he's just being nice? Is he playing me? I think he loves you and wants to marry you. Any other guy would do too.
- " he's also super cuddly which I thought was a little strange " ? It is possible that he is half Japanese half Tedibea.

Being forever confused about this situation when you are a woman in your mid 20s is very normal and not strange at all.
Please share more details about your private life next week. We look forward to read your lovely post again.

Sarcastically yours,
Another girl in her 20s
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/7 17:15
Wheres all the previous posts?
by MonkeyBusiness rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/7 22:01
having sex as friend would probably got you confusing. Maybe he just being friend with benefit with you and like you as a friend which it why he doesn't invite or text you as you wanted.
by adventureguy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/7 22:16
sorry Minerva , but I can't see my previous post or answers for some reason
by boomboomegg rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/8 02:48
Or maybe he just playing with you . After having sex maybe that is all what he wanted . (Maybe)

Or maybe not this just my point ^^

Maybe he looks at you as faithful friend

maybe this is his nature . I think you should wait more and see what would happen

Good luck for you ^^ .
by Shyion rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/8 05:43
I don't know about this guy, but I know some bad boys who told me once they catch their bait, they no longer have to hunt. Anyway, hope he's not that type. If it makes you feel better, my fiance didn't text me much too when we dated. After not hearing from me for a while, he called and i was like "oh I thought you were busy so I didn't bother you" . Now he text me everyday from work and take me out to places :D try to make yourself not too available for him, and wait for him to text you back this time. If you keep being the first one to initiate, he will probably expect you to make the first move all the time ;) good luck.
by Sisi (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/8 10:00
seriously, the man thinketh: why get the cow when you can get the milk FOC?
Using sex to entrap is unwise.
The man walks away with his dignity/manhood intact but leaves the lady confused/distraught.

by Yet Another (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/8 10:36
Sigh.... Alright then......... This may sting, so read it with a piece of chocolate in your mouth.

**** Lets look at him purely as a man ( it doesn't matter where in this vast universe he is from - outer space included ) :
You are the one who keeps contacting him and asking him out ( every time, from the start, for the past 3 weeks ). You slept shockingly too early in the game. Out of 3 dates, you slept with him twice. Non of these are good.
At this point, to him, your schedule probably equals his potential sex schedule. He may not even think of you as a "friend" with benefit, let alone anything better. Saying " I like you too " after sex never means anything, and " See you soon " means nothing at all.

****Advice for now:
- This relationship is kind of already ruined. It is best to not let your heart get too attached.
- Stop contacting him. If he wants, he will be the one to contact you from now on.
- Don't sleep with him again. If he likes you and is able to respect you, he will put up with it.

****Advice for future:
- Never get drunk with someone you just started dating. It doesn't look good.
- No matter what, do not sleep with your date that soon.You will lose your value.
- After contacting a guy several times, if he never initiate contact with you, drop it.
- If you want to be someone's FWB, you need to become their close ( if not best ) friend first. That is the correct way.
- As a girl, skip saying stuff like " It was nice, we should do it again " and " You are cool, I like you " the morning after sex.
- If you ask a guy out once, wait for him to ask you out next time. If he never does, so be it.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/8 22:33
You made a great points Minerva
by adventureguy (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/9 02:58
Not sure where you guys are from, but in the U.S., especially northern liberal cities, people usually have sex by the 2nd or 3rd date. Also, men and women are considered equals. If the woman is supposed acting a slut or too easy and a drunk, then by defition so is the man. So I really don't think there are any issues here.

I suspect he just might not like the OP that much.
by ChicagoMike rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/9 11:55
@ChicagoMike Are you serious? What a sl## country USA in haha
by MonkeyBusiness (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused ? 2014/8/9 13:33
What happens when a sexually-liberated lady from the West meets a conservative man from the East?
After a u-know-what helping of 2 or 3, his appetite is satisfied, he vamooshes leaving the lady high and dry.
A wartime saying : Loose lips sink ships.
by Yet Another (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused? 2014/8/9 15:52
oh well guys thanks , but I stopped contacting him
by boomboomegg rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused? 2014/8/9 15:52
and i'm Swiss
by boomboomegg rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused? 2014/8/9 17:15
That's not true o.O. Some people don't even sleep with a person that fast. Well at least I haven't slept with every guy I dated, just one whom is now my fiance lol Well, whatever works for them :)

Anyway, agree Minerva have a point.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Seriously confused? 2014/8/12 05:32
Minerva has a point, but I don't think it's that applicable. If I were single, I'd be more than happy to date a girl for a long time if the sex was great and she was fun and interesting to be with. If I was disappointed with one of those things, I'd break it off. I suspect most guys would do the same.
by ChicagoMike rate this post as useful

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